module.exports = (grunt) -> Sugar = require 'sugar' Path = require 'path' connect = require 'connect' Mincer = require 'mincer' paths = haml: Path.join('source', 'haml') javascript: Path.join('source', 'javascript') stylesheets: Path.join('source', 'stylesheets') public: 'public' grunt.joosy = helpers: normalizeFiles: (config, target) -> entries = grunt.config.get(config) || {} entries = if target grunt.config.requires "#{config}.#{target}" [ entries[entry] ] else Object.values entries entries expandFiles: (root, entry) -> root = Path.join(root, entry.cwd) if entry.cwd? files = grunt.file.expand({cwd: Path.join(process.cwd(), root)}, entry.src) return { cwd: root, list: (file) -> src: file extname: Path.extname file filename: Path.basename file, Path.extname(file) dirname: Path.dirname file } assets: instance: (environment='development') -> Mincer.logger.use console Mincer.CoffeeEngine.configure bare: false Mincer.StylusEngine.configure (stylus) -> stylus.options.paths.push Path.join(process.cwd(), paths.public) stylus.define '$environment', environment stylus.define '$config', grunt.config.get('joosy.config') || {} stylus.use require('nib')() assets = new Mincer.Environment(process.cwd()) assets.appendPath paths.javascript assets.appendPath paths.stylesheets assets.appendPath 'vendor' assets.appendPath 'bower_components' assets.appendPath 'node_modules/joosy/source' assets compile: (environment, map, callbacks) -> assets = grunt.joosy.assets.instance(environment) deepness = 0 for entry in map do (entry) -> asset = assets.findAsset entry.src callbacks.error? "Cannot find #{entry.src}" unless asset grunt.file.write entry.dest, asset.toString() callbacks.compiled? asset, entry.dest callbacks.success?() haml: compile: (file, partials=paths.haml, environment='development', locals={}) -> HAMLC = require 'haml-coffee' HAMLC.compile( file)( Object.merge locals, environment: environment config: grunt.config.get('joosy.config') || {} partial: (location, locals) -> grunt.joosy.haml.compile(Path.join(partials, location), partials, environment, locals) ) server: start: (port, setup) -> server = connect() setup?(server) server.listen port console.log "=> Started on 4000\n" serveProxied: (server, map) -> URL = require 'url' proxy = require 'proxy-middleware' return unless map? for entry in map [from, to] = if entry.src [entry.src, entry.dest] else key = Object.keys(entry).first() [key, entry[key]] server.use from, proxy(URL.parse to) console.log "=> Proxying #{from} to #{to}" serveAssets: (server, path='/assets') -> assets = grunt.joosy.assets.instance() server.use path, Mincer.createServer(assets) console.log "=> Serving assets from #{path}" serveHAML: (server, map) -> serve = (urls, template, partials) -> urls = [urls] unless Object.isArray(urls) for url in urls do (url) -> server.use url, (req, res, next) -> if req.originalUrl == url res.end grunt.joosy.haml.compile(template, partials) console.log "Served #{url} (#{template})" else next() console.log "=> Serving #{template} from #{urls.join(', ')}" for entry in map do (entry) -> unless entry.expand serve(entry.url, Path.join(paths.haml, entry.src), entry.partials) else files = grunt.joosy.helpers.expandFiles(paths.haml, entry) for file in files.list serve( entry.url(file), Path.join(files.cwd, file.src), entry.partials ) serveStatic: (server, compress=false) -> unless compress server.use connect.static(paths.public) else Gzippo = require 'gzippo' server.use Gzippo.staticGzip(paths.public) console.log "=> Serving static from /#{paths.public}" bower: install: (complete) -> if grunt.file.exists('bower.json') require('bower').commands.install() .on('data', (msg) -> grunt.log.ok msg) .on('error', (error) -> if error.code == 'ECONFLICT' grunt.joosy.bower.resolve complete, error else grunt.log.subhead "Bower has errored" grunt.log.warn error grunt.log.warn error.details if error.details? ) .on('end', complete) else complete() resolve: (complete, error) -> grunt.log.subhead "Bower conflict for '#{}'" error.picks.each (p) -> dependencies = ->',') grunt.log.warn "#{} (#{dependencies.yellow}: resolves to #{p.pkgMeta._release.yellow})" resolutions = -> x.pkgMeta._release).unique() unless process.env['NODE_ENV'] == 'production' grunt.log.subhead "Pick a resolution from the list:" require('commander').choose resolutions, (i) -> bowerConfig = JSON.parse'./bower.json') bowerConfig.resolutions ||= {} bowerConfig.resolutions[] = resolutions[i] grunt.file.write './bower.json', JSON.stringify(bowerConfig, null, 2) grunt.joosy.bower.install complete else grunt.log.subhead "Possible resolutions:" resolutions.unique().each (r) -> grunt.log.warn r grunt.fatal "Bower has errored" # Tasks grunt.registerTask 'joosy:bower', -> grunt.joosy.bower.install @async() grunt.registerTask 'joosy:server', -> @async() grunt.joosy.server.start 4000, (server) -> grunt.joosy.server.serveAssets server grunt.joosy.server.serveHAML server, grunt.joosy.helpers.normalizeFiles('joosy.haml') grunt.joosy.server.serveProxied server, grunt.config.get('joosy.server.proxy') grunt.joosy.server.serveStatic server grunt.registerTask 'joosy:server:production', -> @async() grunt.joosy.server.start process.env['PORT'] ? 4000, (server) -> grunt.joosy.server.serveStatic server, true grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile', ['joosy:assets', 'joosy:haml'] grunt.registerTask 'joosy:compile:production', -> 'compile' if process.env['NODE_ENV'] == 'production' grunt.registerTask 'joosy:assets', (target) -> complete = @async() assets = grunt.joosy.helpers.normalizeFiles('joosy.assets', target) grunt.joosy.assets.compile 'production', assets, error: (asset, msg) -> msg compiled: (asset, dest) -> grunt.log.ok "Compiled #{dest}" success: complete grunt.registerTask 'joosy:haml', (target) -> for _, entry of grunt.joosy.helpers.normalizeFiles('joosy.haml', target) unless entry.expand grunt.file.write entry.dest, grunt.joosy.haml.compile( Path.join(paths.haml, entry.src), entry.partials, 'production' ) grunt.log.ok "Compiled #{entry.dest}" else files = grunt.joosy.helpers.expandFiles(paths.haml, entry) for file in files.list destination = Path.join entry.dest, file.dirname, file.filename+(entry.ext || '.html') grunt.file.write destination, grunt.joosy.haml.compile( Path.join(files.cwd, file.src), entry.partials, 'production' ) grunt.log.ok "Compiled #{destination}" grunt.registerTask 'joosy:clean', -> trash = [] for entry in grunt.joosy.helpers.normalizeFiles('joosy.assets') trash.push entry.dest for entry in grunt.joosy.helpers.normalizeFiles('joosy.haml') unless entry.expand trash.push entry.dest else files = grunt.joosy.helpers.expandFiles(paths.haml, entry) for file in files.list trash.push Path.join(entry.dest, file.dirname, file.filename+(entry.ext || '.html')) for file in trash if grunt.file.exists(file) grunt.file.delete(file) grunt.log.warn "Removed #{file}"