import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { STATUS } from 'foremanReact/constants'; import { Button } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import TableWrapper from '../../../components/Table/TableWrapper'; import tableDataGenerator from './tableDataGenerator'; import getContentViews from '../ContentViewsActions'; import CreateContentViewModal from '../Create/CreateContentViewModal'; import CopyContentViewModal from '../Copy/CopyContentViewModal'; const ContentViewTable = ({ response, status, error }) => { const [table, setTable] = useState({ rows: [], columns: [] }); const [rowMapping, setRowMapping] = useState({}); const [searchQuery, updateSearchQuery] = useState(''); const { results, ...metadata } = response; const loadingResponse = status === STATUS.PENDING; const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false); const [copy, setCopy] = useState(false); const [actionableCvId, setActionableCvId] = useState(''); const [actionableCvName, setActionableCvName] = useState(''); function openForm() { setIsModalOpen(true); } useEffect( () => { if (!loadingResponse && results) { const { updatedRowMap, ...tableData } = tableDataGenerator( results, rowMapping, ); setTable(tableData); setRowMapping(updatedRowMap); } }, [results, JSON.stringify(rowMapping)], // use JSON to check obj values eq not reference eq ); const onSelect = (_event, isSelected, rowId) => { let rows; if (rowId === -1) { rows = => ({ ...row, selected: isSelected })); } else { rows = [...table.rows]; rows[rowId].selected = isSelected; } setTable(prevTable => ({ ...prevTable, rows })); }; const onExpand = (_event, rowIndex, colIndex, isOpen) => { const { rows } = table; // adjust for the selection checkbox cell being counted in the index const adjustedColIndex = colIndex - 1; if (!isOpen) { setRowMapping((prev) => { const updatedMap = { ...prev[rowIndex], expandedColumn: adjustedColIndex }; return { ...prev, [rowIndex]: updatedMap }; }); } else { // Keep id in object to not throw off tableStatus id checks setRowMapping(prev => ({ ...prev, [rowIndex]: { id: prev[rowIndex].id } })); } setTable(prevTable => ({ ...prevTable, rows })); }; const actionResolver = (rowData, { _rowIndex }) => { // don't show actions for the expanded parts if (rowData.parent || rowData.compoundParent || rowData.noactions) return null; // printing to the console for now until these are hooked up /* eslint-disable no-console */ return [ { title: 'Publish and Promote', onClick: (_event, rowId, rowInfo) => { console.log(`clicked on row ${JSON.stringify(rowInfo)}`); }, }, { title: 'Promote', onClick: (_event, rowId, rowInfo) => console.log(`clicked on row ${rowInfo.cvName}`), }, { title: 'Copy', onClick: (_event, rowId, rowInfo) => { setCopy(true); setActionableCvId(rowInfo.cvId.toString()); setActionableCvName(rowInfo.cvName); }, }, { title: 'Delete', onClick: (_event, rowId, _rowInfo) => console.log(`clicked on row ${rowId}`), }, ]; /* eslint-enable no-console */ }; // Prevents flash of "No Content" before rows are loaded const tableStatus = () => { if (typeof results === 'undefined') return status; // will handle errored state const rowMappingIds = Object.values(rowMapping).map(row =>; const resultsIds = Array.from( =>; // All results are accounted for in row mapping, the page is ready to load if (resultsIds.length === rowMappingIds.length && resultsIds.every(id => rowMappingIds.includes(id))) { return status; } return STATUS.PENDING; // Fallback to pending }; const emptyContentTitle = __("You currently don't have any Content Views."); const emptyContentBody = __('A content view can be added by using the "New content view" button below.'); const emptySearchTitle = __('No matching content views found'); const emptySearchBody = __('Try changing your search settings.'); const { rows, columns } = table; return ( ); }; ContentViewTable.propTypes = { response: PropTypes.shape({ results: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})), }), status: PropTypes.string.isRequired, error: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.shape({}), PropTypes.string, ]), }; ContentViewTable.defaultProps = { error: null, response: { results: [] }, }; export default ContentViewTable;