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Ecgi I18nrequireE!ExceptionHandlerArgumentErrorDisabledInvalidLocale#InvalidLocaleData%MissingTranslation-MissingTranslationData1InvalidPluralizationData9MissingInterpolationArgument1ReservedInterpolationKeyUnknownFileType#UnsupportedMethod!InvalidFilenamesE1 callE+E!initializeE+ localeattr_readerE3filenameE5 BaseWincludeE=#WEA entry countkeyEI values stringEAE/ typeE3 methodbackend_klassmsgE1S-NUMBER_OF_ERRORS_SHOWNE call#exception_locale _key_options is_a?message raiseEinitializeE I18n.E is currently disabled, likely because your application is still in its loading phase. This method is meant to display text in the user locale, so calling it before the user locale has been set is likely to display text from the wrong locale to some users. If you have a legitimate reason to access i18n data outside of the user flow, you can do so by passing the desired locale explicitly with the `locale` argument, e.g. `I18n.E)(..., locale: :en)`  to_s@localeE- is not a valid localeinspect%@exception_message@filenameE?can not load translations from E: #exception_messageEPERMITTED_KEYSoptions keys#normalized_optionto_exception freeze+core#set_method_alias @key @count @entryE#translation data EA can not be used with :count => E. key 'E' is missing.@string@valuesE?missing interpolation argument E in E (E given)Ereserved key E used in  @typeE!, the file type E is not known@method@backend_klass @msgE/ does not support the #E method. E Found E+ error(s). The first E error(s): E E: To use the LazyLoadable backend: 1. Filenames must start with the locale. 2. An underscore must separate the locale with any optional text that follows. 3. The file must only contain translation data for the single locale. Example: "/config/locales/fr.yml" which contains: ```yml fr: dog: chien ``` file_errorsmap first join@options slice eachE keys @keys  scope[]normalize_keystapEmessagedefaultE]Translation missing. Options considered were: E+Translation missing: E.other_options any?E#normalized_option Eto_exception'newE'block in initializekv[]=Eblock in keys E no key size<<<E!block in messageE- prependEMPTY_HASH Array Proc$(04LPlp4<Thx 04X`hp 08TXt| 08L\dx , 8 H T ` !!,!8!D!\!`!p!t!x!"""""""""#####$#,#@#H#T#`#d##########$$$ $$$,$<$@$L$T$X$`$t$|$$$$$