TestString = <<-STRING

Posts by John

Author Title Body Actions
John Doe The third post title Sed id tortor odio. Proin a adipiscing quam. Donec posuere condimentum dolor, mollis consectetur diam consectetur eu. Etiam ipsum augue, imperdiet ac porttitor tristique, hendrerit. Show Edit Destroy

Posts by Jane

Author Title Body Actions
Jane Doe The first post title Suspendisse id purus quis augue consequat varius ut eget diam. Donec ut lacus vestibulum, porttitor nulla porta, convallis ligula. Nunc sodales venenatis sapien sit amet consequat. Show Edit Destroy
Jane Doe The second post title Donec iaculis ultricies orci id consequat. Etiam varius dignissim tincidunt. Sed in lacinia augue. Proin ullamcorper quam at tincidunt consectetur. Show Edit Destroy
    John Doe
    Jane Doe
    Jane Doe

This is a paragraph with the unique string of John Doe.

The first paragraph for Jane Doe.

The second paragraph for Jane Doe.

This is an article for John Doe.
This is an article for Jane Doe.
This is another article for Jane Doe.
A section with John Doe.
A section with Jane Doe.
Another section with Jane Doe.
John Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
John Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe