;; Prelude definitions specific to the mid-end. ;; Any `extern` definitions here are generally implemented in `src/opts.rs`. ;;;;; eclass and enode access ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Extract any node(s) for the given eclass ID. (decl multi inst_data (Type InstructionData) Value) (extern extractor inst_data inst_data_etor) ;; Identical to `inst_data`, just with a different ISLE type. ;; This is basically a manual version of `curry`/`uncurry` in Haskell: ;; to compose extractors the outer one needs to be single-parameter, ;; so this combines the two parameters of `inst_data` into one. (type TypeAndInstructionData (primitive TypeAndInstructionData)) (decl multi inst_data_tupled (TypeAndInstructionData) Value) (extern extractor inst_data_tupled inst_data_tupled_etor) ;; Construct a pure node, returning a new (or deduplicated ;; already-existing) eclass ID. (decl make_inst (Type InstructionData) Value) (extern constructor make_inst make_inst_ctor) ;; Constructors for value arrays. (decl value_array_2_ctor (Value Value) ValueArray2) (extern constructor value_array_2_ctor value_array_2_ctor) (decl value_array_3_ctor (Value Value Value) ValueArray3) (extern constructor value_array_3_ctor value_array_3_ctor) (rule (eq ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.Equal) x y)) (rule (ne ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.NotEqual) x y)) (rule (ult ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.UnsignedLessThan) x y)) (rule (ule ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.UnsignedLessThanOrEqual) x y)) (rule (ugt ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.UnsignedGreaterThan) x y)) (rule (uge ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual) x y)) (rule (slt ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.SignedLessThan) x y)) (rule (sle ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.SignedLessThanOrEqual) x y)) (rule (sgt ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.SignedGreaterThan) x y)) (rule (sge ty x y) (icmp ty (IntCC.SignedGreaterThanOrEqual) x y)) ;; 3-way comparison, returning -1/0/+1 in I8 (decl spaceship_s (Type Value Value) Value) (rule (spaceship_s ty x y) (isub $I8 (sgt ty x y) (slt ty x y))) (extractor (spaceship_s ty x y) (isub $I8 (sgt ty x y) (slt ty x y))) (decl spaceship_u (Type Value Value) Value) (rule (spaceship_u ty x y) (isub $I8 (ugt ty x y) (ult ty x y))) (extractor (spaceship_u ty x y) (isub $I8 (ugt ty x y) (ult ty x y))) ;;;;; optimization toplevel ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The main matcher rule invoked by the toplevel driver. (decl multi simplify (Value) Value) ;; Mark a node as requiring remat when used in a different block. (decl remat (Value) Value) (extern constructor remat remat) ;; Mark a node as subsuming whatever else it's rewritten from -- this ;; is definitely preferable, not just a possible option. Useful for, ;; e.g., constant propagation where we arrive at a definite "final ;; answer". (decl subsume (Value) Value) (extern constructor subsume subsume) ;;;;; constructors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (decl iconst_sextend_etor (Type i64) TypeAndInstructionData) (extern extractor iconst_sextend_etor iconst_sextend_etor) ;; Construct an `iconst` from an `i64` or Extract an `i64` from an `iconst` ;; by treating the constant as signed. ;; When extracting, smaller types get their value sign-extended to 64-bits, ;; so that `iconst.i8 255` will give you a `-1_i64`. ;; When constructing, the rule will fail if the value cannot be represented in ;; the target type. If it fits, it'll be masked accordingly in the constant. (decl iconst_s (Type i64) Value) (extractor (iconst_s ty c) (inst_data_tupled (iconst_sextend_etor ty c))) (rule 0 (iconst_s ty c) (if-let c_masked (u64_and (i64_as_u64 c) (ty_umax ty))) (if-let c_reextended (i64_sextend_u64 ty c_masked)) (if-let $true (u64_eq (i64_as_u64 c) (i64_as_u64 c_reextended))) (iconst ty (imm64 c_masked))) (rule 1 (iconst_s $I128 c) (sextend $I128 (iconst_s $I64 c))) ;; Construct an `iconst` from a `u64` or Extract a `u64` from an `iconst` ;; by treating the constant as unsigned. ;; When extracting, smaller types get their value zero-extended to 64-bits, ;; so that `iconst.i8 255` will give you a `255_u64`. ;; When constructing, the rule will fail if the value cannot be represented in ;; the target type. (decl iconst_u (Type u64) Value) (extractor (iconst_u ty c) (iconst ty (u64_from_imm64 c))) (rule 0 (iconst_u ty c) (if-let $true (u64_le c (ty_umax ty))) (iconst ty (imm64 c))) (rule 1 (iconst_u $I128 c) (uextend $I128 (iconst_u $I64 c))) ;; These take `Value`, rather than going through `inst_data_tupled`, because ;; most of the time they want to return the original `Value`, and it would be ;; a waste to need to re-GVN the instruction data in those cases. (decl multi sextend_maybe_etor (Type Value) Value) (extern extractor infallible sextend_maybe_etor sextend_maybe_etor) (decl multi uextend_maybe_etor (Type Value) Value) (extern extractor infallible uextend_maybe_etor uextend_maybe_etor) ;; Match or Construct a possibly-`uextend`ed value. ;; Gives the extended-to type and inner value when matching something that was ;; extended, or the input value and its type when the value isn't an extension. ;; Useful to write a single pattern that can match things that may or may not ;; have undergone C's "usual arithmetic conversions". ;; When generating values, extending to the same type is invalid CLIF, ;; so this avoids doing that where there's no extension actually needed. (decl uextend_maybe (Type Value) Value) (extractor (uextend_maybe ty val) (uextend_maybe_etor ty val)) (rule 0 (uextend_maybe ty val) (uextend ty val)) (rule 1 (uextend_maybe ty val@(value_type ty)) val) ;; Same as `uextend_maybe` above, just for `sextend`. (decl sextend_maybe (Type Value) Value) (extractor (sextend_maybe ty val) (sextend_maybe_etor ty val)) (rule 0 (sextend_maybe ty val) (sextend ty val)) (rule 1 (sextend_maybe ty val@(value_type ty)) val)