  title: 'Resolutions of the CGPM: 24th meeting'
  date: '2011-10-21'
  source: BIPM - Pavillon de Breteuil
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: "On the possible future revision of the International System of Units,\r\nthe
  identifier: 1
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/1/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=532
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the international consensus on the importance, value, and
      potential benefits of a redefinition of a number of units of the International
      System of Units (SI),
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the national metrology institutes (NMIs) as well as
      the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) have rightfully expended
      significant effort during the last several decades to advance the International
      System of Units (SI) by extending the frontiers of metrology so that SI base
      units can be defined in terms of the invariants of nature - the fundamental
      physical constants or properties of atoms,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that a prominent example of the success of such efforts is
      the current definition of the SI unit of length, the metre (17th meeting of
      the CGPM, 1983, cgpm-resolution:en/17/1[Resolution 1]), which links it to an
      exact value of the speed of light in vacuum stem:[c], namely, 299 792 458 metre
      per second,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that of the seven base units of the SI, only the kilogram
      is still defined in terms of a material artefact, namely, the international
      prototype of the kilogram (1st meeting of the CGPM, 1889, 3rd meeting of the
      CGPM, 1901), and that the definitions of the ampere, mole and candela depend
      on the kilogram,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that although the international prototype has served science
      and technology well since it was sanctioned by the CGPM at its 1st meeting in
      1889, it has a number of important limitations, one of the most significant
      being that its mass is not explicitly linked to an invariant of nature and in
      consequence its long-term stability is not assured,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the CGPM at its 21st meeting in 1999 adopted cgpm-resolution:en/21/7[Resolution
      7] in which it recommended that "national laboratories continue their efforts
      to refine experiments that link the unit of mass to fundamental or atomic constants
      with a view to a future redefinition of the kilogram",
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that many advances have been made in recent years in relating
      the mass of the international prototype to the Planck constant stem:[h], by
      methods which include watt balances and measurements of the mass of a silicon
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the uncertainties of all SI electrical units realized
      directly or indirectly by means of the Josephson and quantum Hall effects together
      with the SI values of the Josephson and von Klitzing constants stem:[K_("J")]
      and stem:[R_("K")] could be significantly reduced if the kilogram were redefined
      so as to be linked to an exact numerical value of stem:[h], and if the ampere
      were to be redefined so as to be linked to an exact numerical value of the elementary
      charge stem:[e],
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the kelvin is currently defined in terms of an intrinsic
      property of water that, while being an invariant of nature, in practice depends
      on the purity and isotopic composition of the water used,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that it is possible to redefine the kelvin so that it is
      linked to an exact numerical value of the Boltzmann constant stem:[k],
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that it is also possible to redefine the mole so that it
      is linked to an exact numerical value of the Avogadro constant stem:[N_("A")],
      and is thus no longer dependent on the definition of the kilogram even when
      the kilogram is defined so that it is linked to an exact numerical value of
      stem:[h], thereby emphasizing the distinction between amount of substance and
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the uncertainties of the values of many other important
      fundamental constants and energy conversion factors would be eliminated or greatly
      reduced if stem:[h], stem:[e], stem:[k] and stem:[N_("A")] had exact numerical
      values when expressed in SI units,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the General Conference, at its 23rd meeting in 2007,
      adopted cgpm-resolution:en/23/12[Resolution 12] in which it outlined the work
      that should be carried out by the NMIs, the BIPM and the International Committee
      for Weights and Measures (CIPM) together with its Consultative Committees (CCs)
      so that new definitions of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin, and mole in terms of
      fundamental constants could be adopted,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that, although this work has progressed well, not all the
      requirements set out in cgpm-resolution:en/23/12[Resolution 12] adopted by the
      General Conference at its 23rd meeting in 2007 have been satisfied and so the
      International Committee for Weights and Measures is not yet ready to make a
      final proposal,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that, nevertheless, a clear and detailed explanation of what
      is likely to be proposed can now be presented,
  - type: noting
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *takes note* of the intention of the International Committee for Weights and Measures to propose a revision of the SI as follows:

      * the International System of Units, the SI, will be the system of units in which:

      ** the ground state hyperfine splitting frequency of the caesium 133 atom stem:[ sf Delta  nu (""_(133) "Cs")_("hfs")] is exactly 9 192 631 770 hertz,
      ** the speed of light in vacuum stem:[c] is exactly 299 792 458 metre per second,
      ** the Planck constant stem:[h] is exactly 6.626 06X ×stem:[10^(-34)] joule second,
      ** the elementary charge stem:[e] is exactly 1.602 17X ×stem:[10^(-19)] coulomb,
      ** the Boltzmann constant stem:[k] is exactly 1.380 6X ×stem:[10^(-23)] joule per kelvin,
      ** the Avogadro constant stem:[N_("A")] is exactly 6.022 14X ×stem:[10^(23)] reciprocal mole,
      ** the luminous efficacy stem:[K_("cd")] of monochromatic radiation of frequency stem:[540 * 10^(12) "Hz"] is exactly 683 lumen per watt,


      (i) the hertz, joule, coulomb, lumen, and watt, with unit symbols stem:["Hz"], stem:["J"], stem:["C"], stem:["lm"], and stem:["W"], respectively, are related to the units second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela, with unit symbols stem:["s"], stem:["m"], stem:["kg"], stem:["A"], stem:["K"], stem:["mol"], and stem:["cd"], respectively, according to stem:["Hz" = "s"^(-1)], stem:["J" = "m"^(2) * "kg" * "s"^(-2)], stem:["C" = "s" * "A"], stem:["lm" = "cd" * "m"^(2) * "m"^(-2) = "cd" * "sr"], and stem:["W" = "m"^(2) * "kg" * "s"^(-3)], +
      (ii) the symbol X in this Draft Resolution represents one or more additional digits to be added to the numerical values of stem:[h], stem:[e], stem:[k], and stem:[N_("A")], using values based on the most recent CODATA adjustment,

      from which it follows that the SI will continue to have the present set of seven base units, in particular

      ** the kilogram will continue to be the unit of mass, but its magnitude will be set by fixing the numerical value of the Planck constant to be equal to exactly 6.626 06X ×stem:[10^(-34)] when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["m"^(2) * "kg" * "s"^(-1)], which is equal to stem:["J" * "s"],
      ** the ampere will continue to be the unit of electric current, but its magnitude will be set by fixing the numerical value of the elementary charge to be equal to exactly 1.602 17X ×stem:[10^(-19)] when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["s" * "A"], which is equal to stem:["C"],
      ** the kelvin will continue to be the unit of thermodynamic temperature, but its magnitude will be set by fixing the numerical value of the Boltzmann constant to be equal to exactly 1.380 6X ×stem:[10^(-23)] when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["m"^(2) * "kg" * "s"^(-2) * "K"^(-1)], which is equal to stem:["J" * "K"^(-1)],
      ** the mole will continue to be the unit of amount of substance of a specified elementary entity, which may be an atom, molecule, ion, electron, any other particle or a specified group of such particles, but its magnitude will be set by fixing the numerical value of the Avogadro constant to be equal to exactly 6.022 14X ×stem:[10^(23)] when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["mol"^(-1)].

      The General Conference on Weights and Measures
  - type: noting
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *further notes* that since
      * the new definitions of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole are intended to be of the explicit-constant type, that is, a definition in which the unit is defined indirectly by specifying explicitly an exact value for a well-recognized fundamental constant,
      * the existing definition of the metre is linked to an exact value of the speed of light in vacuum, which is also a well-recognized fundamental constant,
      * the existing definition of the second is linked to an exact value of a well-defined property of the caesium atom, which is also an invariant of nature,
      * although the existing definition of the candela is not linked to a fundamental constant, it may be viewed as being linked to an exact value of an invariant of nature,
      * it would enhance the understandability of the International System if all of its base units were of similar wording,

      the International Committee for Weights and Measures will also propose

      the reformulation of the existing definitions of the second, metre and candela in completely equivalent forms, which might be the following:

      * the second, symbol stem:["s"], is the unit of time; its magnitude is set by fixing the numerical value of the ground state hyperfine splitting frequency of the caesium 133 atom, at rest and at a temperature of stem:[0 "K"], to be equal to exactly 9 192 631 770 when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["s"^(-1)], which is equal to stem:["Hz"],
      * the metre, symbol stem:["m"], is the unit of length; its magnitude is set by fixing the numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum to be equal to exactly 299 792 458 when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["m" * "s"^(-1)],
      * the candela, symbol stem:["cd"], is the unit of luminous intensity in a given direction; its magnitude is set by fixing the numerical value of the luminous efficacy of monochromatic radiation of frequency stem:[540 * 10^(12) "Hz"] to be equal to exactly 683 when it is expressed in the SI unit stem:["m"^(-2) * "kg"^(-1) * "s"^(3) * "cd" * "sr"], or stem:["cd" * "sr" * "W"^(-1)], which is equal to stem:["lm" * "W"^(-1)].

      In this way, the definitions of all seven base units will be seen to follow naturally from the set of seven constants given above.

      In consequence, on the date chosen for the implementation of the revision of the SI:

      * the definition of the kilogram in force since 1889 based upon the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram (1st meeting of the CGPM, 1889, 3rd meeting of the CGPM, 1901) will be abrogated,
      * the definition of the ampere in force since 1948 (9th meeting of the CGPM, 1948) based upon the definition proposed by the International Committee (CIPM, 1946, cipm-resolution:en/1946/2[Resolution 2]) will be abrogated,
      * the conventional values of the Josephson constant stem:[K_(J-90)] and of the von Klitzing constant stem:[R_(K-90)] adopted by the International Committee (CIPM, 1988, Recommendations 1 and 2) at the request of the General Conference (18th meeting of the CGPM, 1987, cgpm-resolution:en/18/6[Resolution 6]) for the establishment of representations of the volt and the ohm using the Josephson and quantum Hall effects, respectively, will be abrogated,
      * the definition of the kelvin in force since 1967/68 (13th meeting of the CGPM, 1967/68, cgpm-resolution:en/13/4[Resolution 4]) based upon a less explicit, earlier definition (10th meeting of the CGPM, 1954, Resolution 3) will be abrogated,
      * the definition of the mole in force since 1971 (14th meeting of the CGPM, 1971, cgpm-resolution:en/14/3[Resolution 3]) based upon a definition whereby the molar mass of carbon 12 had the exact value stem:[0.012 "kg" * "mol"^(-1)] will be abrogated,
      * the existing definitions of the metre, second and candela in force since they were adopted by the CGPM at its 17th (1983, cgpm-resolution:en/17/1[Resolution 1]), 13th (1967/68, cgpm-resolution:en/13/1[Resolution 1]) and 16th (1979, cgpm-resolution:en/16/3[Resolution 3]) meetings, respectively, will be abrogated.

      The General Conference on Weights and Measures
  - type: noting
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *further notes* that on the same date

      * the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram stem:[m(K)] will be stem:[1 "kg"] but with a relative uncertainty equal to that of the recommended value of stem:[h] just before redefinition and that subsequently its value will be determined experimentally,
      * that the magnetic constant (permeability of vacuum) stem:[µ_(0)] will be stem:[4 pi  * 10^(-7) "H" * "m"^(-1)] but with a relative uncertainty equal to that of the recommended value of the fine-structure constant stem:[ alpha ] and that subsequently its value will be determined experimentally,
      * that the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water stem:[T_(TPW)] will be stem:[273.16 "K"] but with a relative uncertainty equal to that of the recommended value of stem:[k] just before redefinition and that subsequently its value will be determined experimentally,
      * that the molar mass of carbon stem:[12 M(""_(12) "C")] will be stem:[0.012 "kg" * "mol"^(-1)] but with a relative uncertainty equal to that of the recommended value of stem:[N_("A")h] just before redefinition and that subsequently its value will be determined experimentally.

      The General Conference on Weights and Measures
  - type: encourages
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: encourages researchers in national metrology institutes, the BIPM and
      academic institutions to continue their efforts and make known to the scientific
      community in general and to CODATA in particular, the outcome of their work
      relevant to the determination of the constants stem:[h], stem:[e], stem:[k],
      and stem:[N_("A")], and
  - type: encourages
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: encourages the BIPM to continue its work on relating the traceability
      of the prototypes it maintains to the international prototype of the kilogram,
      and in developing a pool of reference standards to facilitate the dissemination
      of the unit of mass when redefined,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites CODATA to continue to provide adjusted values of the fundamental
      physical constants based on all relevant information available and to make the
      results known to the International Committee through its Consultative Committee
      for Units since these CODATA values and uncertainties will be those used for
      the revised SI,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the CIPM to make a proposal for the revision of the SI as soon
      as the recommendations of Resolution 12 of the 23rd meeting of the General Conference
      are fulfilled, in particular the preparation of _mises en pratique_ for the
      new definitions of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the CIPM to continue its work towards improved formulations for
      the definitions of the SI base units in terms of fundamental constants, having
      as far as possible a more easily understandable description for users in general,
      consistent with scientific rigour and clarity,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the CIPM, the Consultative Committees, the BIPM, the OIML and
      National Metrology Institutes significantly to increase their efforts to initiate
      awareness campaigns aimed at alerting user communities and the general public
      to the intention to redefine various units of the SI and to encourage consideration
      of the practical, technical, and legislative implications of such redefinitions,
      so that comments and contributions can be solicited from the wider scientific
      and user communities.
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On the importance of international collaboration so as to place measurements
    to monitor climate change on an SI traceable basis
  identifier: 2
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/2/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=537
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: recalling / further recalling
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *recalling* cgpm-resolution:en/21/4[Resolution 4] adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures at its 21st meeting in 1999 concerning the need to use SI units in studies of Earth resources, the environment, human wellbeing and related issues,
        cgpm-resolution:en/23/11[Resolution 11] adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures at its 23rd meeting in 2007 on the importance of SI traceable measurements to monitor climate change,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*considering* the expansion in the number of international and national
      initiatives to address the challenges and implications of climate change for
      the world,\n the deliberations of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel
      on Climate Change and the outcomes on the Copenhagen climate change conference
      2009, \n the collaboration between the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
      (BIPM) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO),\n the signing by the
      WMO of the _Mutual Recognition Arrangement of National Measurement Standards
      and of Calibration and Measurement Certificates issued by National Metrology
      Institutes_ (CIPM MRA), \n the outcome of the joint BIPM/WMO workshop on \"Measurement
      challenges for global observation systems for climate change monitoring: Traceability,
      stability and reducing uncertainty\", held on 30 March to 1 April 2010,\n the
      deliberations of the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance – Metrology
      in Chemistry (CCQM), the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT), the Consultative
      Committee for Photometry and Radiometry (CCPR), their Recommendations to the
      International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) and the interactions
      between the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) that are members of these Committees
      and relevant structures of the WMO, and\n the increase in interest from Governments
      in a global carbon trading and capture framework as well as mitigation initiatives,"
  - type: welcomes
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *welcomes* the initiatives of the WMO to work more closely with the BIPM and the NMI community,
       the reaction of the BIPM, in its proposed programme of work for the years 2013 to 2016, to address measurement issues related to climate change and global warming, and
       the initiatives taken by a number of NMIs to become involved in research and other activities to underpin policies on the "carbon economy",
  - type: recommends
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*recommends* relevant bodies take steps to ensure that all measurements
      used to make observations which may be used for climate studies are made fully
      traceable to SI units,\n that any system agreed between Governments on carbon
      trading and capture includes a commitment to make relevant measurements traceable
      to the SI,\n that appropriate bodies support the development of techniques which
      can make possible a set of SI-traceable radiometric standards and instruments
      to allow such traceability to be established in terrestrial and space-based
      measurements,\n that NMIs continue to develop techniques and measurement systems
      that would enable biofuel processes and carbon sequestration to be modelled
      and monitored in an SI traceable and internationally equivalent way, \n that
      Governments and relevant intergovernmental organizations and international bodies
      commit themselves to adopt an internationally agreed and recognized system of
      measurement units and standards, and\n that the BIPM takes steps to contribute
      to the coordination of this activity with the full support of the States Parties
      to the Metre Convention.\n +"
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: Dotation of the BIPM for the years 2013 to 2015
  identifier: 3
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/3/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=539
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: recalling / further recalling
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*recalling* Article I of the Metre Convention in which States Parties
      to the Metre Convention undertake to maintain at their common expenses a scientific
      and permanent _International Bureau of Weights and Measures_,"
  - type: recognizing
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*recognizing* that this implies a sustainable long term financial support
      to ensure the continued fulfilment of its mission, the delivery of its core
      activities and the responsibilities given to the BIPM in the proposed programme
      of work for 2013-2015,"
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the increased importance of the work of the International
      Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) to international trade, industrial innovation,
      climate change, human health and medicine, food and forensic science in all
      States Parties to the Metre Convention,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the recognition of the BIPM as a technically expert intergovernmental
      organization which reacts to the needs of the States Parties to the Metre Convention,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: 'considering the way in which the BIPM continues to adopt best management
      practice and improve the efficiency of its staff, '
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the need to replenish the level of the BIPM Capital Investment
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that by sharing the cost of the proposed facilities and funding
      the BIPM, States Parties to the Metre Convention make substantial savings and
      increase the efficiency and effectiveness of both their national metrology structures
      and their international metrology activities,
  - type: thanks / expresses-appreciation
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*thanks* those National Metrology Institutes which have provided voluntary
      contributions of all kinds to the BIPM,"
  - type: urges
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: urges National Metrology Institutes to increase the number of staff seconded
      to the BIPM to work on projects of mutual interest integrated into the programme
      of work of the BIPM,
  - type: urges
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: urges States Parties, as well as international organizations, private
      organizations and foundations also to provide additional voluntary financial
      support of all kinds to support specific BIPM mission-related activities,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *decides* that the annual dotation of the BIPM, as defined in Article 6, 1921, of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention, will be increased in such a way that, for those States that are Parties to the Metre Convention at the time of the 24th meeting of the CGPM, it shall be:

      11 577 000 euros in 2013 +
      11 693 000 euros in 2014 +
      11 810 000 euros in 2015
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On the status of Associate State of the General Conference
  identifier: 4
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/4/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=540
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: recalling / further recalling
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: recalling cgpm-resolution:en/21/3[Resolution 3 adopted by the CGPM at
      its 21st meeting] in 1999,
  - type: recalling / further recalling
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: recalling cgpm-resolution:en/23/5[Resolution 5 adopted by the CGPM at
      its 23rd meeting] in 2007,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the growing participation of Associate States of the CGPM
      in the work carried out under the Metre Convention,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the scientific and economic benefits gained by Associate
      States, in particular from their participation in the _Mutual Recognition Arrangement
      of National Measurement Standards and of Calibration and Measurement Certificates
      issued by National Metrology Institutes_ (CIPM MRA) and from some services of
      the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) that the International
      Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) made available to them,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering the increasing effective costs for the States Parties to
      the Metre Convention of these benefits for the Associate States,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the status of Associate State could constitute a first
      step to accede to the Metre Convention,
  - type: noting
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-

      * the decisions made by the CIPM at its 98th and 99th sessions, adopting the following criteria enabling it to review whether it would be appropriate for an Associate State to become a State Party to the Metre Convention:

      ** Signature of the CIPM MRA by the Associate State's National Metrology Institute,
      ** Publication of comparison results in the key comparison database (KCDB),
      ** Having one or more Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) listed in the KCDB,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that during an initial 5-year period following the accession
      to the status of Associate of the CGPM, Associate States shall pay an annual
      subscription determined from their contributions to the United Nations Organisation,
      as for States Parties to the Metre Convention, with a minimum equal to 0.1 %
      of the annual _dotation_ of the BIPM,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that this decision will be applicable to current Associate States
      for the calculation of their subscription starting for the year 2013,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that after the above-mentioned initial 5-year period, if the
      CIPM considers, on the basis of the criteria it adopted, that it would be appropriate
      for an Associate State to become a State Party to the Metre Convention, the
      amount of subscription for such an Associate will be progressively and irreversibly
      increased each year so that it reaches, in five years, an amount equivalent
      to 90 % of the annual contribution it would pay as a State Party to the Metre
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that this progressive and irreversible increase will be applicable
      starting on the 1st January of the second year following the CIPM decision to
      encourage an Associate State to become a State Party to the Metre Convention,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that the CIPM review of the situation of Associate States in
      2011 will be used in application of the present Resolution and that the first
      increase of the subscriptions will become effective in 2013,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that such increase will not apply to Associate States whose annual
      subscription is already equal to the contribution they would pay as a State
      Party to the Metre Convention,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: decides that as long as an Associate State does not fulfil the above-mentioned
      criteria to be encouraged to become a State Party to the Metre Convention, it
      will continue to benefit from the advantages of the Associate Status, as provided
      for in cgpm-resolution:en/21/3[Resolution 3 adopted by the CGPM at its 21st
      meeting (1999)], and from the BIPM services that the CIPM made available to
      them, and its subscription will continue to be determined as during the initial
      5-year period,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-

      all Associate States, whether fulfilling or not the criteria adopted by the CIPM to encourage Associate States to become States Parties to the Metre Convention, to accede to the Metre Convention as such accession can only be beneficial for the strengthening of the world's measurement system.
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On the acceptance of Economies as Associate of the General Conference
  identifier: 5
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/5/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=542
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *considering* cgpm-resolution:en/21/3[Resolution 3] adopted by the CGPM at its 21st meeting (1999), creating the status of Associate of the CGPM open to "_States and Economies_" as a means of promoting their participation in the world's measurement system,
        cgpm-resolution:en/23/6[Resolution 6] adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting (2007), which considered the desirability of setting criteria against which applications from Economies be assessed,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *decides* that the status of Associate Economy shall not be automatically acquired, but granted unanimously by the CGPM on a case by case basis,
       the decision of the CGPM to grant the status of Associate Economy shall be based on the following criteria:
      * an Associate Economy must be a Territorial Entity,
      * the Territorial Entity must possess its own Metrology Institute within its territory,
      * the participation of the Territorial Entity in the activities of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) must be considered beneficial for the strengthening of the world's measurement system,
       the annual subscription of such Associate Economies shall be determined by the CGPM,
       Intergovernmental Organizations are not considered as "Territorial Entities",
       CARICOM, the regional Intergovernmental Organization currently Associate Economy of the CGPM, having acceded to the status of Associate Economy of the CGPM prior to the adoption of the above-mentioned criteria, may continue to enjoy this status despite its not meeting the said criteria,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *invites* the Member States of CARICOM to accede to the Metre Convention or to become Associate States of the CGPM,
       the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) to consider further appropriate means by which intergovernmental organizations, in particular those from regions without well-developed metrology infrastructure, can be involved in the work of the BIPM and to bring forward proposals to the next meeting of the CGPM on how this can best be achieved.
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On financial arrears of States Parties to the Metre Convention
  identifier: 6
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/6/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=543
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *considering* Article 6 paragraphs 6 to 8 of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention reads:
      _"6. Si un État est demeuré trois années sans effectuer le versement de sa contribution, celle-ci est répartie entre les autres États, au prorata de leurs propres contributions. Les sommes supplémentaires, versées ainsi par les États pour parfaire le montant de la dotation du Bureau, sont considérées comme une avance faite à l'État retardataire, et leur sont remboursées si celui-ci vient à acquitter ses contributions arriérées._ +
      _7. Les avantages et prérogatives conférés par l'adhésion à la Convention du Mètre sont suspendus à l'égard des États déficitaires de trois années._ +
      _8. Après trois nouvelles années, l'État déficitaire est exclu de la Convention, et le calcul des contributions est rétabli conformément aux dispositions de l'article 20 du présent Règlement."_ [[_ftnref1]] cgpm-resolution:en/23/8[Resolution 8] adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting (2007) defining the decision-making process and a procedure governing the recovery of arrears and exclusion,
       the contributions of States Parties to the Metre Convention in arrears for more than 6 years and advances made by the other States Parties pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 6 of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention,
  - type: reaffirming
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*reaffirming* the absolute necessity that contributions of States Parties
      to the Metre Convention be paid timely and consistently to allow the BIPM to
      fulfil its mission and to avoid financial problems in its day-to-day operation,"
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *decides* for States Parties in arrears for more than 6 years to grant a period of 12 months from the date of adoption of the present Resolution to conclude with the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) a rescheduling agreement,
       that if a rescheduling agreement is not concluded within 12 months, those States will automatically be excluded, and the CIPM will inform in writing the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs for notification to this effect to those States and to all States Parties to the Metre Convention on behalf of the CGPM, and
       that the calculation of contributions is re-established in accordance with the applicable provisions in the most immediate calendar year after exclusion.
  - identifier: 1
    message: |-
      [[_ftn1]] English translation for easy reference of the authoritative French version: +
      6. If a State remains three years without paying its contribution, the said contribution is distributed among the other States pro-rata to their own contributions. The supplementary sums thus paid by these States to make up the dotation of the Bureau are considered as advances made to the State in arrears, and are reimbursed to them in the event that it repays its arrears of contributions. +
      7. The advantages and prerogatives conferred by accession to the Metre Convention are suspended for those States in arrears by three years. +
      8. After three more years, the State in arrears is excluded from the Convention and the calculation of contributions is re-established in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the present Regulations.
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On rescheduling agreements between the International Committee for Weights
    and Measures and defaulting States Parties to the Metre Convention for the payment
    of their financial arrears
  identifier: 7
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/7/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=544
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: recalling / further recalling
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *recalling that* Article 6 paragraphs 6 to 8 of the Rules annexed to the Metre Convention reads:
      _"6. Si un État est demeuré trois années sans effectuer le versement de sa contribution, celle-ci est répartie entre les autres États, au prorata de leurs propres contributions. Les sommes supplémentaires, versées ainsi par les États pour parfaire le montant de la dotation du Bureau, sont considérées comme une avance faite à l'État retardataire, et leur sont remboursées si celui-ci vient à acquitter ses contributions arriérées._ +
      _7. Les avantages et prérogatives conférés par l'adhésion à la Convention du Mètre sont suspendus à l'égard des États déficitaires de trois années._ +
      _8. Après trois nouvelles années, l'État déficitaire est exclu de la Convention, et le calcul des contributions est rétabli conformément aux dispositions de l'article 20 du présent Règlement."_ [[_ftnref1]] cgpm-resolution:en/23/8[Resolution 8] adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting (2007) which provides that when a State Party to the Metre Convention has not paid its contributions for six years, the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) may enter into a rescheduling agreement with the defaulting State for the payment of its arrears,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *considering* that the entering by the CIPM into rescheduling agreements with defaulting States Parties to the Metre Convention has institutional, financial and budgetary consequences for the BIPM and the other States Parties to the Metre Convention,
       the need to define the rights and obligations of the States Parties to the Metre Convention having financial arrears for six years and having entered into a rescheduling agreement with the CIPM,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *decides* that when a State Party to the Metre Convention has not paid its contribution for six years, but if the CIPM has entered into a rescheduling agreement with that defaulting State, the arrears shall be settled in accordance with the rescheduling agreement together with the payment of the annual contribution,
       the defaulting State shall again benefit from the advantages and prerogatives conferred by accession to the Metre Convention after the CIPM has entered into a rescheduling agreement with that defaulting State and on payment of the first settlement pursuant to the rescheduling agreement,
       the annual contribution of the defaulting State shall no longer be distributed among the other States Parties to the Metre Convention starting from the year following the entry into force of the rescheduling agreement,
       the advantages and prerogatives conferred by accession to the Metre Convention shall be suspended in the case that the defaulting State breaches the rescheduling agreement and its contribution be distributed among the other States Parties to the Metre Convention by applying the provisions of Article 6 paragraph 6 of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention,
       if the State breaches the rescheduling agreement for more than 12 months, it will be automatically excluded.
  - identifier: 1
    message: |-
      [[_ftn1]] English translation for easy reference of the authoritative French version: +
      6. If a State remains three years without paying its contribution, the said contribution is distributed among the other States pro-rata to their own contributions. The supplementary sums thus paid by these States to make up the dotation of the Bureau are considered as advances made to the State in arrears, and are reimbursed to them in the event that it repays its arrears of contributions. +
      7. The advantages and prerogatives conferred by accession to the Metre Convention are suspended for those States in arrears by three years. +
      8. After three more years, the State in arrears is excluded from the Convention and the calculation of contributions is re-established in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the present Regulations.
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On the revision of the mise en pratique of the metre and the development
    of new optical frequency standards
  identifier: 8
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/8/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=546
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weight and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *considering* that there have been rapid and important improvements in the performance of optical frequency standards,
       national metrology institutes are working on comparison techniques for optical frequency standards over short distances,
       remote comparison techniques need to be developed at an international level so that optical frequency standards can be compared,
  - type: welcomes
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *welcomes* the activities of the joint working group of the CCTF and the CCL to review the frequencies of optically-based representations of the second,
       the additions made by the CIPM in 2009 to the common list of "Recommended values of standard frequencies for applications including the practical realization of the metre and secondary representations of the second",
       the establishment of a CCTF working group on Coordination of the Development of Advanced Time and Frequency Transfer Techniques,
  - type: recommends
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *recommends* that NMIs commit resources to the development of optical frequency standards and their comparison,
       the BIPM supports the coordination of an international project with the participation of NMIs, oriented to the study of the techniques which could serve to compare optical frequency standards.
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On the adoption of a common terrestrial reference system
  identifier: 9
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/9/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=547
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-
      *considering* that a significant number of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) now exist and that in the future there may be more,
       the proliferation of time and geodesy reference systems in use in these navigation systems, which creates ambiguities for users with regard to the interpretation of navigation and timing solutions, and which renders interoperability between the systems more difficult,
       the existence of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS),
       that the adoption of a common reference system would lead to benefits for users regarding unification of navigation and timing solutions and systems interoperability,
  - type: recommends
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: "*recommends* that the ITRS, as defined by the International Union of
      Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and realized by the International Earth Rotation
      and Reference Systems Service (IERS), be adopted as the unique international
      reference system for terrestrial reference frames for all metrological applications."
- dates:
  - '2011-10-21'
  title: On the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the
  identifier: 10
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CGPM/db/24/10/
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/CGPM/CGPM24.pdf#page=548
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the Metre Convention, which established the Bureau International
      des Poids et Mesures, was signed in 1875 and last modified in 1921,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the Annexed Regulations of the Metre Convention were
      amended on a number of occasions since then,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the role and mission of the BIPM were reconfirmed in
      cgpm-resolution:en/23/2[Resolution 2 adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting],
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that the governance was last examined by an _ad hoc_ Working
      Group set up at the 16th meeting of the CGPM, that the conclusions of this ad
      hoc Working Group were that changes to the Metre Convention at that time were
      neither necessary nor desirable, and that these conclusions were approved by
      the CGPM at its 17th meeting in 1983,
  - type: considering
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: considering that expectations of financial management and accountability
      have continued to increase both in national administrations and international
  - type: noting
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: |-

      * that contacts between the BIPM and governments of States Parties to the Metre Convention have been reinforced since the 23rd meeting of the CGPM through short reports from the Director of the BIPM and a special meeting of representatives of States Parties to the Metre Convention prior to the 24th meeting of the CGPM,
      * that the BIPM has implemented an accrual basis system of accounting to increase the effectiveness, accountability and transparency of the BIPM financial management,
      * the comments expressed by representatives of States Parties to the Metre Convention at a meeting in May 2011, including the following:
      ** All States strongly support and appreciate the Metre Convention and the work of the BIPM, noting that it is moving forward, for example with the development of the CIPM MRA,
      ** There was unanimous support for a new and stronger strategic direction for the BIPM with a clear idea of priorities, developed jointly between States Parties to the Metre Convention, NMIs and the CIPM,
      ** There are different opinions about the levels of coordination/cooperation activities and laboratory activities,
      ** A key aspect of the new strategy will be consideration of the appropriate roles of the BIPM, Regional Metrology Organizations and NMIs,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the CIPM to establish an _ad hoc_ Working Group under the Chairmanship
      of the President of the CIPM, with representation from the CIPM, States Parties
      to the Metre Convention (with maximum, intermediary and minimum contributions)
      and NMIs, properly balanced to represent all regions, and the Director of the
      BIPM, charged with conducting a Review of the role, mission, objectives, long-term
      financial stability, strategic direction and governance of the BIPM,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the _ad hoc_ Working Group to present the findings of this Review
      to the CIPM, States Parties to the Metre Convention and NMI Directors in October
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the CIPM to formulate proposed actions on the basis of the findings
      of the ad hoc Working Group and implement those within its authority, subject
      to support from the representatives of States Parties to the Metre Convention
      and NMI Directors, during the 2013-2014 timeframe,
  - type: invites / further invites
    date_effective: '2011-10-21'
    message: invites the CIPM to report to the CGPM at its 25th meeting on recommendations
      from the Review of the _ad hoc_ Working Group, actions consequently taken by
      the CIPM and proposals for additional actions that require the approval of the