# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Admin::ReturnAuthorizationsController, type: :controller do stub_authorization! # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/1370 #3 let!(:order) { create(:shipped_order, line_items_count: 3) } let!(:return_reason) { create(:return_reason) } let(:inventory_unit_1) { order.inventory_units.order('id asc')[0] } let(:inventory_unit_2) { order.inventory_units.order('id asc')[1] } let(:inventory_unit_3) { order.inventory_units.order('id asc')[2] } describe '#fire' do let(:return_authorization) { create(:return_authorization, order: order) } context 'with the event parameter set' do let(:params) do { id: return_authorization.to_param, order_id: return_authorization.order.to_param, e: event, } end context 'when event method exists on return authorization' do let(:event) { 'cancel' } it 'sends method with ! to return authorization and redirect back' do get :fire, params: params expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_order_return_authorizations_path(order)) expect(flash[:success]).to eq 'Return merchandise authorization updated' end end context 'when event method does not exist on return authorization' do let(:event) { 'do_something_crazy' } it 'redirects back with an error message' do get :fire, params: params expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_order_return_authorizations_path(order)) expect(flash[:error]).to eq 'Cannot perform this action on return merchandise authorization' end end context 'when event method exists but it is not a state machine event' do let(:event) { 'destroy' } it 'redirects back with an error message' do expect(return_authorization).not_to receive :destroy! get :fire, params: params expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_order_return_authorizations_path(order)) expect(flash[:error]).to eq 'Cannot perform this action on return merchandise authorization' end end end end describe "#load_return_reasons" do let!(:inactive_rma_reason) { create(:return_reason, active: false) } context "a return item in the return authorization has an associated inactive reason" do let!(:other_inactive_rma_reason) { create(:return_reason, active: false) } let(:return_item) { create(:return_item, return_reason: inactive_rma_reason) } let(:return_authorization) { return_item.return_authorization } it "loads all the active rma reasons" do get :edit, params: { id: return_authorization.to_param, order_id: return_authorization.order.to_param } expect(assigns(:reasons)).to include(return_reason) expect(assigns(:reasons)).to include(inactive_rma_reason) expect(assigns(:reasons)).not_to include(other_inactive_rma_reason) end end context "return authorization has an associated active reason" do let(:return_authorization) { create(:return_authorization, reason: return_reason) } it "loads all the active rma reasons" do get :edit, params: { id: return_authorization.to_param, order_id: return_authorization.order.to_param } expect(assigns(:reasons)).to eq [return_reason] end end context "return authorization doesn't have an associated reason" do it "loads all the active rma reasons" do get :new, params: { order_id: order.to_param } expect(assigns(:reasons)).to eq [return_reason] end end end describe "#load_return_items" do shared_context 'without existing return items' do context 'without existing return items' do it 'has 3 new @form_return_items' do subject expect(assigns(:form_return_items).size).to eq 3 expect(assigns(:form_return_items).select(&:new_record?).size).to eq 3 end end end shared_context 'with existing return items' do context 'with existing return items' do let!(:return_item_1) { create(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit_1, return_authorization: return_authorization) } it 'has 1 existing return item and 2 new return items' do subject expect(assigns(:form_return_items).size).to eq 3 expect(assigns(:form_return_items).select(&:persisted?)).to eq [return_item_1] expect(assigns(:form_return_items).select(&:new_record?).size).to eq 2 end end end context '#new' do subject { get :new, params: { order_id: order.to_param } } include_context 'without existing return items' end context '#edit' do subject do get :edit, params: { id: return_authorization.to_param, order_id: order.to_param } end let(:return_authorization) { create(:return_authorization, order: order) } include_context 'without existing return items' include_context 'with existing return items' end context '#create failed' do subject do post :create, params: { return_authorization: { stock_location_id: nil }, # return authorization requires valid stock location, so this will fail order_id: order.to_param } end include_context 'without existing return items' end context '#update failed' do subject do put :update, params: { return_authorization: { stock_location_id: nil }, # return authorization requires valid stock location, so this will fail id: return_authorization.to_param, order_id: order.to_param } end let(:return_authorization) { create(:return_authorization, order: order) } include_context 'without existing return items' include_context 'with existing return items' end end describe "#load_reimbursement_types" do let(:order) { create(:order) } let!(:inactive_reimbursement_type) { create(:reimbursement_type, active: false) } let!(:first_active_reimbursement_type) { create(:reimbursement_type) } let!(:second_active_reimbursement_type) { create(:reimbursement_type) } before do get :new, params: { order_id: order.to_param } end it "loads all the active reimbursement types" do expect(assigns(:reimbursement_types)).to include(first_active_reimbursement_type) expect(assigns(:reimbursement_types)).to include(second_active_reimbursement_type) expect(assigns(:reimbursement_types)).not_to include(inactive_reimbursement_type) end end describe "#load_stock_locations" do let!(:active_stock_location) { create(:stock_location, active: true) } let!(:inactive_stock_location) { create(:stock_location, active: false) } before do get :new, params: { order_id: order.to_param } end it "loads all the active stock locations" do expect(assigns(:stock_locations)).to include(active_stock_location) expect(assigns(:stock_locations)).not_to include(inactive_stock_location) end end context '#create' do let(:stock_location) { create(:stock_location) } subject { post :create, params: params } let(:params) do { order_id: order.to_param, return_authorization: return_authorization_params } end let(:return_authorization_params) do { memo: "", stock_location_id: stock_location.id, return_reason_id: return_reason.id } end it "can create a return authorization" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to spree.admin_order_return_authorizations_path(order) end end context '#update' do let(:return_authorization) { create(:return_authorization, order: order) } let(:params) do { id: return_authorization.to_param, order_id: order.to_param, return_authorization: return_authorization_params } end let(:return_authorization_params) do { memo: "", return_items_attributes: return_items_params } end subject { put :update, params: params } context "adding an item" do let(:return_items_params) do { '0' => { inventory_unit_id: inventory_unit_1.to_param } } end context 'without existing items' do it 'creates a new item' do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::ReturnItem.count }.by(1) end end context 'with existing completed items' do let!(:completed_return_item) do create(:return_item, { return_authorization: return_authorization, inventory_unit: inventory_unit_1, reception_status: 'received' }) end it 'does not create new items' do expect { subject }.to_not change { Spree::ReturnItem.count } expect(assigns[:return_authorization].errors['return_items.inventory_unit']).to eq ["#{inventory_unit_1.id} has already been taken by return item #{completed_return_item.id}"] end end end context "removing an item" do let!(:return_item) do create(:return_item, return_authorization: return_authorization, inventory_unit: inventory_unit_1) end let(:return_items_params) do { '0' => { id: return_item.to_param, _destroy: '1' } } end context 'with existing items' do it 'removes the item' do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::ReturnItem.count }.by(-1) end end end end end