<% provide :page_title, construct_page_title(@presenter.title) %> <% provide :page_header do %>

<%= t('.header') %>

<% end %>
<%= render 'collection_title', presenter: @presenter %>
<%= render 'hyrax/collections/media_display', presenter: @presenter %> <%= link_to t('.public_view_label'), collection_path(id: @presenter.id) %>
<% if @presenter.collection_type_is_nestable? && @presenter.total_parent_collections > 0 %>

<%= t('.parent_collection_header') %> (<%= @presenter.total_parent_collections %>)

<%= render 'hyrax/dashboard/collections/show_parent_collections', presenter: @presenter %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'hyrax/collections/collection_description', presenter: @presenter %>
<% unless has_collection_search_parameters? %> <%= render 'show_descriptions' %> <% end %>
<% if @members_count > 0 || @presenter.subcollection_count > 0 %>

<% if has_collection_search_parameters? %> <%= t('hyrax.dashboard.collections.show.search_results') %> <% end %>

<% end %>
<%# TODO: leaving this as it was causes rerouting to the public show page. needs work %> <%= render 'hyrax/collections/search_form', presenter: @presenter, url: hyrax.dashboard_collection_path(@presenter.id) %>
<% if @presenter.collection_type_is_nestable? %>

<%= t('.subcollection_count') %> (<%= @subcollection_count %>)

<%= render 'subcollection_list', id: @presenter.id, collection: @subcollection_docs %>
<% unless has_collection_search_parameters? %>
<%= render 'show_subcollection_actions', presenter: @presenter %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= t('.item_count') %> (<%= @members_count %>)

<% unless has_collection_search_parameters? %> <%= render 'show_add_items_actions', presenter: @presenter %> <% end %> <%= render 'sort_and_per_page', collection: @presenter %> <%= render_document_index @member_docs %> <%= render 'hyrax/collections/paginate' %>
<% if @presenter.collection_type_is_nestable? && !has_collection_search_parameters? %> <%= render 'hyrax/my/collections/modal_add_to_collection', source: 'show' %> <%= render 'hyrax/my/collections/modal_add_subcollection', id: @presenter.id, source: 'show' %> <%= render 'hyrax/dashboard/collections/modal_parent_collection_remove_deny', source: 'show' %> <% end %> <% unless has_collection_search_parameters? %> <%= render '/shared/select_work_type_modal', create_work_presenter: @presenter.create_work_presenter if @presenter.draw_select_work_modal? %> <% end %>