require 'symath/operation' require 'symath/poly/dup' module SyMath::Operation::DistributiveLaw # The expand() method expands a product using the distributive law over # products of sums: # a*(b + c) -> a*b + a*c # a*(b - c) -> a*b - a*c # The transformation iterates until no changes occur. Thus, the expression # (a + b)*(c + d) transforms to a*c + a*d + b*c + b*d def expand() return iterate('expand_single_pass') end def expand_single_pass if is_a?(SyMath::Minus) return -argument.expand_single_pass end if is_a?(SyMath::Power) or is_a?(SyMath::Product) ret = 1.to_m factors.each do |f| if f.is_a?(SyMath::Power) if f.exponent.is_number? f.exponent.value.times { ret = expand_product(ret, f.base) } else ret = expand_product(ret, f) end else ret = expand_product(ret, f) end end return ret end if is_sum_exp? ret = 0.to_m terms.each do |t| ret += t.expand_single_pass end return ret end return self end def expand_product(exp1, exp2) sign = 1.to_m if exp1.is_a?(SyMath::Minus) exp1 = exp1.argument sign = -sign end if exp2.is_a?(SyMath::Minus) exp2 = exp2.argument sign = -sign end ret = 0.to_m exp1.terms.each do |t1| exp2.terms.each do |t2| ret += sign*t1*t2 end end return ret end def has_fractional_terms?() terms.each do |t| t.factors.each do |f| if f.is_divisor_factor? return true end end end return false end # Collect factors which occur in each term. def factorize_simple() return self if !self.is_sum_exp? sfactors = {} vfactors = {} coeffs = [] dcoeffs = [] vectors = [] terms.each_with_index do |t, i| c = 1 dc = 1 vf = 1.to_m t.factors.each do |f| # Sign if f == -1 c *= -1 next end # Constant if f.is_number? c *= f.value next end if f.is_divisor_factor? # Divisor constant if f.base.is_number? dc *= f.base.value**f.exponent.argument.value next end # Divisor factor ex = f.base if !sfactors.key?(ex) sfactors[ex] = [] end if sfactors[ex][i].nil? sfactors[ex][i] = - f.exponent.argument.value else sfactors[ex][i] -= f.exponent.argument.value end next end # Vector factor if f.type.is_subtype?(:tensor) vf *= f next end # Scalar factor if f.exponent.is_number? ex = f.base n = f.exponent.value else ex = f n = 1 end if !sfactors.key?(ex) sfactors[ex] = [] end sfactors[ex][i] = n.value end coeffs.push(c) dcoeffs.push(dc) vectors.push(vf) end # If there is only one term, there is nothing to factorize if coeffs.length == 1 return self end # Try to factorize the scalar part spart = 1.to_m dpart = 1.to_m sfactors.each do |ex, pow| # Replace nil with 0 and extend array to full length! { |i| i || 0 } (coeffs.length - pow.length).times { pow << 0 } if pow.max > 0 and pow.min > 0 f = pow.min! { |i| i - f } spart = spart*ex**f end if pow.max < 0 and pow.min < 0 f = pow.max! { |i| i - f } dpart = dpart*ex**(-f) end end # Return self if there were no common factors. if spart == 1 and dpart == 1 return self end # Extract gcd from coeffs and dcoeffs gcd_coeffs = coeffs.inject(:gcd) gcd_dcoeffs = dcoeffs.inject(:gcd)! { |i| i/gcd_coeffs }! { |i| i/gcd_dcoeffs } newsum = 0.to_m (0..coeffs.length-1).each do |i| t = coeffs[i].to_m sfactors.each do |ex, pow| next if pow[i].nil? if pow[i] > 0 t *= ex**pow[i] elsif pow[i] < 0 t /= ex**(-pow[i]) end end t /= dcoeffs[i] t *= vectors[i] newsum += t end return gcd_coeffs*spart*newsum/(gcd_dcoeffs*dpart) end # The factorize() method factorizes a univariate polynomial expression # with integer coefficients. def factorize() if (has_fractional_terms?) e = combine_fractions if e.is_a?(SyMath::Fraction) return e.dividend.factorize_integer_poly.div(e.divisor) end else return factorize_integer_poly end end def factorize_integer_poly() dup = factors = dup.factor ret = factors[1].map do |f| if f[1] != 1 f[0].to_m.power(f[1]) else f[0].to_m end end if factors[0] != 1 ret.unshift(factors[0].to_m) end return ret.inject(:mul) end # The combine_fractions() method combines fractions by first determining # their least common denominator, then applying the distributive law. # Examples: # a/c + b/c -> (a + b)/c # 2/3 + 3/4 -> 17/12 # a/2 + 2*a/3 -> 7*a/6 # 2*a/b + 2*c/(3*b) -> (6*a + 2*c)/(3*b) def combine_fractions() if is_sum_exp? return combfrac_sum end return recurse('combine_fractions', nil) end def combfrac_add_term(sum, t) c = 1 dc = 1 fact = 1.to_m divf = 1.to_m t.factors.each do |f| if f.is_number? c *= f.value next end if f == -1 fact *= -1 next end if f.is_divisor_factor? if f.base.is_number? dc *= (f.base.value**f.exponent.argument.value) else divf *= f.base end next end fact *= f end if !sum.key?(divf) sum[divf] = {} sum[divf][:fact] = fact sum[divf][:c] = c sum[divf][:dc] = dc return end s = sum[divf] lcm = dc.lcm(s[:dc]) if lcm > dc c *= lcm/dc dc = lcm end if lcm > s[:dc] s[:c] *= lcm/s[:dc] s[:dc] = lcm end if fact.nil? fact = c.to_m elsif c > 1 fact = fact.mul(c.to_m) end if s[:fact].nil? fact = fact.add(s[:c].to_m) if s[:c] > 1 else fact = fact.add(s[:c] > 1 ? s[:c].to_m*s[:fact] : s[:fact]) end s[:fact] = fact s[:c] = 1 end def combfrac_sum sum = {} terms.each do |t| combfrac_add_term(sum, t) end ret = 0.to_m sum.keys.each do |divf| s = sum[divf] if s[:c] > 1 r = s[:c].to_m.mul(s[:fact]) else r = s[:fact] end if divf.nil? r = r.div(s[:dc]) if s[:dc] > 1 elsif s[:dc] > 1 r = r.div(s[:dc].to_m*divf) else r = r.div(divf) end ret += r return ret end end end