//= require ../vendor/polyfills/closest.js window.GOVUK = window.GOVUK || {} window.GOVUK.Modules = window.GOVUK.Modules || {}; (function (Modules) { 'use strict' function Ga4LinkTracker (module) { this.module = module this.trackingTrigger = 'data-ga4-link' // elements with this attribute get tracked this.trackLinksOnly = this.module.hasAttribute('data-ga4-track-links-only') this.limitToElementClass = this.module.getAttribute('data-ga4-limit-to-element-class') this.PIIRemover = new window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.PIIRemover() } Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.init = function () { var consentCookie = window.GOVUK.getConsentCookie() if (consentCookie && consentCookie.settings) { this.startModule() } else { this.startModule = this.startModule.bind(this) window.addEventListener('cookie-consent', this.startModule) } } // triggered by cookie-consent event, which happens when users consent to cookies Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.startModule = function () { if (window.dataLayer) { this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this) this.handleMousedown = this.handleMousedown.bind(this) this.module.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick) this.module.addEventListener('contextmenu', this.handleClick) this.module.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMousedown) if (this.module.hasAttribute('data-ga4-set-indexes')) { window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.setIndexes(this.module) } } } Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.handleClick = function (event) { var target = event.target if (!this.trackLinksOnly) { this.trackClick(event) } else if (this.trackLinksOnly && target.closest('a')) { if (!this.limitToElementClass) { this.trackClick(event) } else if (target.closest('.' + this.limitToElementClass)) { this.trackClick(event) } } } Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.handleMousedown = function (event) { // 1 = middle mouse button if (event.button === 1) { this.handleClick(event) } } Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.trackClick = function (event) { var element = event.target // don't track this link if it's already being tracked by the ecommerce tracker if (element.closest('[data-ga4-ecommerce-path]')) { return } var target = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.findTrackingAttributes(event.target, this.trackingTrigger) if (target) { try { var data = target.getAttribute(this.trackingTrigger) data = JSON.parse(data) } catch (e) { // if there's a problem with the config, don't start the tracker console.error('GA4 configuration error: ' + e.message, window.location) return } var text = data.text || event.target.textContent data.text = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.removeLinesAndExtraSpaces(text) data.text = this.PIIRemover.stripPIIWithOverride(data.text, true, true) if (!data.text && (element.querySelector('img') || element.querySelector('svg'))) { data.text = 'image' } var url = data.url || this.findLink(event.target).getAttribute('href') data.url = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.removeCrossDomainParams(this.PIIRemover.stripPIIWithOverride(url, true, true)) data.link_domain = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.populateLinkDomain(data.url) data.link_path_parts = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.populateLinkPathParts(data.url) data.method = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.getClickType(event) data.external = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.isExternalLink(data.url) ? 'true' : 'false' data.index = this.setIndex(data.index, event.target) if (data.type === 'smart answer' && data.action === 'change response') { data.section = this.PIIRemover.stripPIIWithOverride(data.section, true, true) } var schemas = new window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.Schemas() var schema = schemas.mergeProperties(data, 'event_data') window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.sendData(schema) } } Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.findLink = function (target) { if (target.tagName === 'A') { return target } else { return target.closest('a') } } Ga4LinkTracker.prototype.setIndex = function (index, target) { if (target.getAttribute('data-ga4-index')) { try { var indexLink = JSON.parse(target.getAttribute('data-ga4-index')) // Check whether the index object already exists on a parent element, as is the case with tracking accordion links. // If true, combine data-ga4-index with the index object. Otherwise, just return indexLink index = index ? window.GOVUK.extendObject(index, indexLink) : indexLink } catch (e) { console.error('Unable to parse index as JSON: ' + e.message, window.location) return } } return index } Modules.Ga4LinkTracker = Ga4LinkTracker })(window.GOVUK.Modules)