model - Create a new model class in your SproutCore client. USAGE: ./script/generate model client_name/model_name [MODEL_CLASS] DISCUSSION: This generator will create a new SproutCore model file in your client or framework. You should pass as the first parameter your client or framework directory name/the model you want to create. For example: ./script/generate model todos/task defines a new class called Todos.Task in the file clients/todos/models/task.js. Likewise: ./script/generate model frameworks/shared/task defines a new class called Shared.Task in the file frameworks/shared/models/task.js This generator creates classes that inherit from SC.Record but you can override this by passing the name of the view class you want as the second argument. In addition to creating a model class, this will also create a stub for you to add Fixture data. This is a convenient way to preload your application with data while you develop the client but have not yet connected to your server.