var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { Logger: () => Logger }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); var import_is_node_process = require("is-node-process"); var import_outvariant = require("outvariant"); // src/colors.ts var colors_exports = {}; __export(colors_exports, { blue: () => blue, gray: () => gray, green: () => green, red: () => red, yellow: () => yellow }); function yellow(text) { return `\x1B[33m${text}\x1B[0m`; } function blue(text) { return `\x1B[34m${text}\x1B[0m`; } function gray(text) { return `\x1B[90m${text}\x1B[0m`; } function red(text) { return `\x1B[31m${text}\x1B[0m`; } function green(text) { return `\x1B[32m${text}\x1B[0m`; } // src/index.ts var IS_NODE = (0, import_is_node_process.isNodeProcess)(); var Logger = class { constructor(name) { = name; this.prefix = `[${}]`; const LOGGER_NAME = getVariable("DEBUG"); const LOGGER_LEVEL = getVariable("LOG_LEVEL"); const isLoggingEnabled = LOGGER_NAME === "1" || LOGGER_NAME === "true" || typeof LOGGER_NAME !== "undefined" &&; if (isLoggingEnabled) { this.debug = isDefinedAndNotEquals(LOGGER_LEVEL, "debug") ? noop : this.debug; = isDefinedAndNotEquals(LOGGER_LEVEL, "info") ? noop :; this.success = isDefinedAndNotEquals(LOGGER_LEVEL, "success") ? noop : this.success; this.warning = isDefinedAndNotEquals(LOGGER_LEVEL, "warning") ? noop : this.warning; this.error = isDefinedAndNotEquals(LOGGER_LEVEL, "error") ? noop : this.error; } else { = noop; this.success = noop; this.warning = noop; this.error = noop; this.only = noop; } } prefix; extend(domain) { return new Logger(`${}:${domain}`); } /** * Print a debug message. * @example * logger.debug('no duplicates found, creating a document...') */ debug(message, ...positionals) { this.logEntry({ level: "debug", message: gray(message), positionals, prefix: this.prefix, colors: { prefix: "gray" } }); } /** * Print an info message. * @example *'start parsing...') */ info(message, ...positionals) { this.logEntry({ level: "info", message, positionals, prefix: this.prefix, colors: { prefix: "blue" } }); const performance2 = new PerformanceEntry(); return (message2, ...positionals2) => { performance2.measure(); this.logEntry({ level: "info", message: `${message2} ${gray(`${performance2.deltaTime}ms`)}`, positionals: positionals2, prefix: this.prefix, colors: { prefix: "blue" } }); }; } /** * Print a success message. * @example * logger.success('successfully created document') */ success(message, ...positionals) { this.logEntry({ level: "info", message, positionals, prefix: `\u2714 ${this.prefix}`, colors: { timestamp: "green", prefix: "green" } }); } /** * Print a warning. * @example * logger.warning('found legacy document format') */ warning(message, ...positionals) { this.logEntry({ level: "warning", message, positionals, prefix: `\u26A0 ${this.prefix}`, colors: { timestamp: "yellow", prefix: "yellow" } }); } /** * Print an error message. * @example * logger.error('something went wrong') */ error(message, ...positionals) { this.logEntry({ level: "error", message, positionals, prefix: `\u2716 ${this.prefix}`, colors: { timestamp: "red", prefix: "red" } }); } /** * Execute the given callback only when the logging is enabled. * This is skipped in its entirety and has no runtime cost otherwise. * This executes regardless of the log level. * @example * logger.only(() => { *'additional info') * }) */ only(callback) { callback(); } createEntry(level, message) { return { timestamp: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), level, message }; } logEntry(args) { const { level, message, prefix, colors: customColors, positionals = [] } = args; const entry = this.createEntry(level, message); const timestampColor = customColors?.timestamp || "gray"; const prefixColor = customColors?.prefix || "gray"; const colorize = { timestamp: colors_exports[timestampColor], prefix: colors_exports[prefixColor] }; const write = this.getWriter(level); write( [colorize.timestamp(this.formatTimestamp(entry.timestamp))].concat(prefix != null ? colorize.prefix(prefix) : []).concat(serializeInput(message)).join(" "), ); } formatTimestamp(timestamp) { return `${timestamp.toLocaleTimeString( "en-GB" )}:${timestamp.getMilliseconds()}`; } getWriter(level) { switch (level) { case "debug": case "success": case "info": { return log; } case "warning": { return warn; } case "error": { return error; } } } }; var PerformanceEntry = class { startTime; endTime; deltaTime; constructor() { this.startTime =; } measure() { this.endTime =; const deltaTime = this.endTime - this.startTime; this.deltaTime = deltaTime.toFixed(2); } }; var noop = () => void 0; function log(message, ...positionals) { if (IS_NODE) { process.stdout.write((0, import_outvariant.format)(message, ...positionals) + "\n"); return; } console.log(message, ...positionals); } function warn(message, ...positionals) { if (IS_NODE) { process.stderr.write((0, import_outvariant.format)(message, ...positionals) + "\n"); return; } console.warn(message, ...positionals); } function error(message, ...positionals) { if (IS_NODE) { process.stderr.write((0, import_outvariant.format)(message, ...positionals) + "\n"); return; } console.error(message, ...positionals); } function getVariable(variableName) { if (IS_NODE) { return process.env[variableName]; } return globalThis[variableName]?.toString(); } function isDefinedAndNotEquals(value, expected) { return value !== void 0 && value !== expected; } function serializeInput(message) { if (typeof message === "undefined") { return "undefined"; } if (message === null) { return "null"; } if (typeof message === "string") { return message; } if (typeof message === "object") { return JSON.stringify(message); } return message.toString(); }