module ActiveRecord module Acts module TaggableOn def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def taggable? false end def acts_as_taggable acts_as_taggable_on :tags end def acts_as_taggable_on(*args) args.flatten! if args args.compact! if args for tag_type in args tag_type = tag_type.to_s self.class_eval do has_many "#{tag_type.singularize}_taggings".to_sym, :as => :taggable, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :tag, :conditions => ["context = ?",tag_type], :class_name => "Tagging" has_many "#{tag_type}".to_sym, :through => "#{tag_type.singularize}_taggings".to_sym, :source => :tag end self.class_eval <<-RUBY def self.taggable? true end def self.caching_#{tag_type.singularize}_list? caching_tag_list_on?("#{tag_type}") end def self.#{tag_type.singularize}_counts(options={}) tag_counts_on('#{tag_type}',options) end def #{tag_type.singularize}_list tag_list_on('#{tag_type}') end def #{tag_type.singularize}_list=(new_tags) set_tag_list_on('#{tag_type}',new_tags) end def #{tag_type.singularize}_counts(options = {}) tag_counts_on('#{tag_type}',options) end def #{tag_type}_from(owner) tag_list_on('#{tag_type}', owner) end def find_related_#{tag_type}(options = {}) related_tags_for('#{tag_type}', self.class, options) end alias_method :find_related_on_#{tag_type}, :find_related_#{tag_type} def find_related_#{tag_type}_for(klass, options = {}) related_tags_for('#{tag_type}', klass, options) end RUBY end if respond_to?(:tag_types) write_inheritable_attribute( :tag_types, (tag_types + args).uniq ) else self.class_eval do write_inheritable_attribute(:tag_types, args.uniq) class_inheritable_reader :tag_types has_many :taggings, :as => :taggable, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :tag has_many :base_tags, :class_name => "Tag", :through => :taggings, :source => :tag attr_writer :custom_contexts before_save :save_cached_tag_list after_save :save_tags if respond_to?(:named_scope) named_scope :tagged_with, lambda{ |tags, options| find_options_for_find_tagged_with(tags, options) } end end include ActiveRecord::Acts::TaggableOn::InstanceMethods extend ActiveRecord::Acts::TaggableOn::SingletonMethods alias_method_chain :reload, :tag_list end end def is_taggable? false end end module SingletonMethods # Pass either a tag string, or an array of strings or tags # # Options: # :exclude - Find models that are not tagged with the given tags # :match_all - Find models that match all of the given tags, not just one # :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query # :on - scopes the find to a context def find_tagged_with(*args) options = find_options_for_find_tagged_with(*args) options.blank? ? [] : find(:all,options) end def caching_tag_list_on?(context) column_names.include?("cached_#{context.to_s.singularize}_list") end def tag_counts_on(context, options = {}) Tag.find(:all, find_options_for_tag_counts(options.merge({:on => context.to_s}))) end def find_options_for_find_tagged_with(tags, options = {}) tags = tags.is_a?(Array) ? : TagList.from(tags) return {} if tags.empty? conditions = [] tagging_joins = [] tag_joins = [] conditions << sanitize_sql(options.delete(:conditions)) if options[:conditions] taggings_alias, tags_alias = "#{table_name}_taggings", "#{table_name}_tags" unless (on = options.delete(:on)).nil? tagging_joins << ['?.context = ?', taggings_alias, on.to_s] end tagging_joins << ['?.taggable_id = ?.?', taggings_alias, table_name, primary_key] tagging_joins << ['?.taggable_type = ?', taggings_alias,] tag_joins << ['?.id = ?.tag_id', tags_alias, taggings_alias] tag_joins << ['lower(?.name) IN (?)', tags_alias,{|x|x.downcase}] if options.delete(:exclude) conditions << ['(?.id IS NULL OR ?.id IS NULL)', taggings_alias, tags_alias] join_type = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' else conditions << ['?.id IS NOT NULL', tags_alias] join_type = 'JOIN' if options.delete(:match_all) group = sanitize_sql(['?.taggable_id HAVING COUNT(?.taggable_id) = ?', taggings_alias, taggings_alias, tags.size]) end end tagging_joins = sanitize_sql(["#{join_type} ? AS ? ON ", Tagging.table_name, taggings_alias]) + ' ' +{|x| sanitize_sql(x)}.join(' AND ') tag_joins = sanitize_sql(["#{join_type} ? AS ? ON", Tag.table_name, tags_alias]) + ' ' +{|x| sanitize_sql(x)}.join(' AND ') { :select => "DISTINCT #{table_name}.*", :joins => "#{tagging_joins} #{tag_joins}", :conditions =>{|x| sanitize_sql(x)}.join(' AND '), :group => group }.update(options) end # Calculate the tag counts for all tags. # # Options: # :start_at - Restrict the tags to those created after a certain time # :end_at - Restrict the tags to those created before a certain time # :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query # :limit - The maximum number of tags to return # :order - A piece of SQL to order by. Eg 'tags.count desc' or 'taggings.created_at desc' # :at_least - Exclude tags with a frequency less than the given value # :at_most - Exclude tags with a frequency greater than the given value # :on - Scope the find to only include a certain context def find_options_for_tag_counts(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys :start_at, :end_at, :conditions, :at_least, :at_most, :order, :limit, :on scope = scope(:find) start_at = sanitize_sql(["#{Tagging.table_name}.created_at >= ?", options.delete(:start_at)]) if options[:start_at] end_at = sanitize_sql(["#{Tagging.table_name}.created_at <= ?", options.delete(:end_at)]) if options[:end_at] type_and_context = "#{Tagging.table_name}.taggable_type = #{quote_value(}" conditions = [ type_and_context, options[:conditions], start_at, end_at ] conditions = conditions.compact.join(' AND ') conditions = merge_conditions(conditions, scope[:conditions]) if scope joins = ["LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Tagging.table_name} ON #{Tag.table_name}.id = #{Tagging.table_name}.tag_id"] joins << sanitize_sql(["AND #{Tagging.table_name}.context = ?",options.delete(:on).to_s]) unless options[:on].nil? joins << "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{table_name} ON #{table_name}.#{primary_key} = #{Tagging.table_name}.taggable_id" joins << scope[:joins] if scope && scope[:joins] at_least = sanitize_sql(['COUNT(*) >= ?', options.delete(:at_least)]) if options[:at_least] at_most = sanitize_sql(['COUNT(*) <= ?', options.delete(:at_most)]) if options[:at_most] having = [at_least, at_most].compact.join(' AND ') group_by = "#{Tag.table_name}.id, #{Tag.table_name}.name HAVING COUNT(*) > 0" group_by << " AND #{having}" unless having.blank? { :select => "#{Tag.table_name}.id, #{Tag.table_name}.name, COUNT(*) AS count", :joins => joins.join(" "), :conditions => conditions, :group => group_by }.update(options) end def is_taggable? true end end module InstanceMethods def tag_types self.class.tag_types end def custom_contexts @custom_contexts ||= [] end def is_taggable? self.class.is_taggable? end def add_custom_context(value) custom_contexts << value.to_s unless custom_contexts.include?(value.to_s) or end def tag_list_on(context, owner=nil) var_name = "@#{context.to_s.singularize}_list" if owner.nil? var_sym = var_name.to_sym value = instance_variable_get(var_name) else var_sym = :"#{var_name}_on" owner_hash = instance_variable_get(var_sym) unless owner_hash owner_hash = instance_variable_set(var_sym, {}) end value = owner_hash[owner] end return value unless value.nil? add_custom_context(context) if owner.nil? if self.class.caching_tag_list_on?(context) and !(cached_value = cached_tag_list_on(context, owner)).nil? instance_variable_set(var_sym, TagList.from(self["cached_#{var_name}"])) else instance_variable_set(var_sym,*tags_on(context).map(&:name))) end else owner_hash[owner] =*tags_on(context, owner).map(&:name)) end end def tags_on(context, owner=nil) if owner opts = {:conditions => ["context = ? AND tagger_id = ? AND tagger_type = ?", context.to_s,, owner.class.to_s]} else opts = {:conditions => ["context = ?", context.to_s]} end base_tags.find(:all, opts) end def cached_tag_list_on(context) self["cached_#{context.to_s.singularize}_list"] end def set_tag_list_on(context,new_list, tagger=nil) instance_variable_set("@#{context.to_s.singularize}_list", TagList.from_owner(tagger, new_list)) add_custom_context(context) end def tag_counts_on(context,options={}) self.class.tag_counts_on(context,{:conditions => ["#{Tag.table_name}.name IN (?)", tag_list_on(context)]}.reverse_merge!(options)) #self.class.tag_counts_on(context,{:conditions => ["#{self.class.table_name}.id = ?",]}.reverse_merge!(options)) end def related_tags_for(context, klass, options = {}) search_conditions = related_search_options(context, klass, options) klass.find(:all, search_conditions) end def related_search_options(context, klass, options = {}) tags_to_find = self.tags_on(context).collect { |t| } { :select => "#{klass.table_name}.*, COUNT(#{Tag.table_name}.id) AS count", :from => "#{klass.table_name}, #{Tag.table_name}, #{Tagging.table_name}", :conditions => ["#{klass.table_name}.id = #{Tagging.table_name}.taggable_id AND #{Tagging.table_name}.taggable_type = '#{klass.to_s}' AND #{Tagging.table_name}.tag_id = #{Tag.table_name}.id AND #{Tag.table_name}.name IN (?)", tags_to_find], :group => "#{klass.table_name}.id", :order => "count DESC" }.update(options) end def save_cached_tag_list do |tag_type| if self.class.send("caching_#{tag_type.singularize}_list?") self["cached_#{tag_type.singularize}_list"] = send("#{tag_type.singularize}_list").to_s end end end def save_tags (custom_contexts + do |tag_type| next unless instance_variable_get("@#{tag_type.singularize}_list") owner = instance_variable_get("@#{tag_type.singularize}_list").owner new_tag_names = instance_variable_get("@#{tag_type.singularize}_list") - tags_on(tag_type, owner).map(&:name) old_tags = tags_on(tag_type, owner).reject { |tag| instance_variable_get("@#{tag_type.singularize}_list").include?( } self.class.transaction do (owner.nil? ? base_tags : owner.owned_tags).delete(*old_tags) if old_tags.any? new_tag_names.each do |new_tag_name| new_tag = Tag.find_or_create_with_like_by_name(new_tag_name) Tagging.create(:tag_id =>, :context => tag_type, :taggable => self, :tagger => owner) end end end true end def reload_with_tag_list(*args) self.class.tag_types.each do |tag_type| var_names = ["@#{tag_type.to_s.singularize}_list"] var_names.push "#{var_names.first}_on" var_names.each do |var_name| remove_instance_variable(var_name) if instance_variable_defined?(var_name) end end reload_without_tag_list(*args) end end end end end