# encoding: utf-8
# table.rb: Table drawing functionality.
# Copyright December 2009, Brad Ediger. All rights reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
require 'prawn'
require_relative 'table/column_width_calculator'
require_relative 'table/cell'
require_relative 'table/cells'
require_relative 'table/cell/in_table'
require_relative 'table/cell/text'
require_relative 'table/cell/subtable'
require_relative 'table/cell/image'
require_relative 'table/cell/span_dummy'
module Prawn
module Errors
# This error is raised when table data is malformed
InvalidTableData = Class.new(StandardError)
# This error is raised when an empty or nil table is rendered
EmptyTable = Class.new(StandardError)
# Raised when unrecognized content is provided for a table cell.
UnrecognizedTableContent = Class.new(StandardError) unless defined?(::Prawn::Errors::UnrecognizedTableContent)
# Next-generation table drawing for Prawn.
# = Data
# Data, for a Prawn table, is a two-dimensional array of objects that can be
# converted to cells ("cellable" objects). Cellable objects can be:
# String::
# Produces a text cell. This is the most common usage.
# Prawn::Table::Cell::
# If you have already built a Cell or have a custom subclass of Cell you
# want to use in a table, you can pass through Cell objects.
# Prawn::Table::
# Creates a subtable (a table within a cell). You can use
# Prawn::Document#make_table to create a table for use as a subtable
# without immediately drawing it.
# Array::
# Creates a simple subtable. Create a Table object using make_table (see
# above) if you need more control over the subtable's styling.
# = Options
# Prawn/Layout provides many options to control style and layout of your
# table. These options are implemented with a uniform interface: the +:foo+
# option always sets the +foo=+ accessor. See the accessor and method
# documentation for full details on the options you can pass. Some
# highlights:
# +cell_style+::
# A hash of style options to style all cells. See the documentation on
# Prawn::Table::Cell for all cell style options.
# +header+::
# If set to +true+, the first row will be repeated on every page. If set
# to an Integer, the first +x+ rows will be repeated on every page. Row
# numbering (for styling and other row-specific options) always indexes
# based on your data array. Whether or not you have a header, row(n) always
# refers to the nth element (starting from 0) of the +data+ array.
# +column_widths+::
# Sets widths for individual columns. Manually setting widths can give
# better results than letting Prawn guess at them, as Prawn's algorithm
# for defaulting widths is currently pretty boneheaded. If you experience
# problems like weird column widths or CannotFit errors, try manually
# setting widths on more columns.
# +position+::
# Either :left (the default), :center, :right, or a number. Specifies the
# horizontal position of the table within its bounding box. If a number is
# provided, it specifies the distance in points from the left edge.
# = Initializer Block
# If a block is passed to methods that initialize a table
# (Prawn::Table.new, Prawn::Document#table, Prawn::Document#make_table), it
# will be called after cell setup but before layout. This is a very flexible
# way to specify styling and layout constraints. This code sets up a table
# where the second through the fourth rows (1-3, indexed from 0) are each one
# inch (72 pt) wide:
# pdf.table(data) do |table|
# table.rows(1..3).width = 72
# end
# As with Prawn::Document#initialize, if the block has no arguments, it will
# be evaluated in the context of the object itself. The above code could be
# rewritten as:
# pdf.table(data) do
# rows(1..3).width = 72
# end
class Table
module Interface
# @group Experimental API
# Set up and draw a table on this document. A block can be given, which will
# be run after cell setup but before layout and drawing.
# See the documentation on Prawn::Table for details on the arguments.
def table(data, options={}, &block)
t = Table.new(data, self, options, &block)
# Set up, but do not draw, a table. Useful for creating subtables to be
# inserted into another Table. Call +draw+ on the resulting Table to ink it.
# See the documentation on Prawn::Table for details on the arguments.
def make_table(data, options={}, &block)
Table.new(data, self, options, &block)
# Set up a table on the given document. Arguments:
# +data+::
# A two-dimensional array of cell-like objects. See the "Data" section
# above for the types of objects that can be put in a table.
# +document+::
# The Prawn::Document instance on which to draw the table.
# +options+::
# A hash of attributes and values for the table. See the "Options" block
# above for details on available options.
def initialize(data, document, options={}, &block)
table_opts = options.dup
@pdf = document
@cells = make_cells(data, table_opts.delete(:cell_style) || {})
@header = false
table_opts.each do |k, v|
send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=")
if block
block.arity < 1 ? instance_eval(&block) : block[self]
# Number of rows in the table.
attr_reader :row_length
# Number of columns in the table.
attr_reader :column_length
# Manually set the width of the table.
attr_writer :width
# Position (:left, :right, :center, or a number indicating distance in
# points from the left edge) of the table within its parent bounds.
attr_writer :position
# Returns a Prawn::Table::Cells object representing all of the cells in
# this table.
attr_reader :cells
# Specify a callback to be called before each page of cells is rendered.
# The block is passed a Cells object containing all cells to be rendered on
# that page. You can change styling of the cells in this block, but keep in
# mind that the cells have already been positioned and sized.
def before_rendering_page(&block)
@before_rendering_page = block
# Returns the width of the table in PDF points.
def width
@width ||= [natural_width, @pdf.bounds.width].min
# Sets column widths for the table. The argument can be one of the following
# types:
# +Array+::
# [w0, w1, w2, ...] (specify a width for each column)
# +Hash+::
# {0 => w0, 1 => w1, ...} (keys are column names, values are
# widths)
# +Numeric+::
# +72+ (sets width for all columns)
def column_widths=(widths)
case widths
when Array
widths.each_with_index { |w, i| column(i).width = w }
when Hash
widths.each { |i, w| column(i).width = w }
when Numeric
cells.width = widths
raise ArgumentError, "cannot interpret column widths"
# Returns the height of the table in PDF points.
def height
# If +true+, designates the first row as a header row to be repeated on
# every page. If an integer, designates the number of rows to be treated
# as a header Does not change row numbering -- row numbers always index
# into the data array provided, with no modification.
attr_writer :header
# Accepts an Array of alternating row colors to stripe the table.
attr_writer :row_colors
# Sets styles for all cells.
# pdf.table(data, :cell_style => { :borders => [:left, :right] })
def cell_style=(style_hash)
# Allows generic stylable content. This is an alternate syntax that some
# prefer to the attribute-based syntax. This code using style:
# pdf.table(data) do
# style(row(0), :background_color => 'ff00ff')
# style(column(0)) { |c| c.border_width += 1 }
# end
# is equivalent to:
# pdf.table(data) do
# row(0).style :background_color => 'ff00ff'
# column(0).style { |c| c.border_width += 1 }
# end
def style(stylable, style_hash={}, &block)
stylable.style(style_hash, &block)
# Draws the table onto the document at the document's current y-position.
def draw
with_position do
# Reference bounds are the non-stretchy bounds used to decide when to
# flow to a new column / page.
ref_bounds = @pdf.reference_bounds
# Determine whether we're at the top of the current bounds (margin box or
# bounding box). If we're at the top, we couldn't gain any more room by
# breaking to the next page -- this means, in particular, that if the
# first row is taller than the margin box, we will only move to the next
# page if we're below the top. Some floating-point tolerance is added to
# the calculation.
# Note that we use the actual bounds, not the reference bounds. This is
# because even if we are in a stretchy bounding box, flowing to the next
# page will not buy us any space if we are at the top.
# initial_row_on_initial_page may return 0 (already at the top OR created
# a new page) or -1 (enough space)
started_new_page_at_row = initial_row_on_initial_page
# The cell y-positions are based on an infinitely long canvas. The offset
# keeps track of how much we have to add to the original, theoretical
# y-position to get to the actual position on the current page.
offset = @pdf.y
# Duplicate each cell of the header row into @header_row so it can be
# modified in before_rendering_page callbacks.
@header_row = header_rows if @header
# Track cells to be drawn on this page. They will all be drawn when this
# page is finished.
cells_this_page = []
@cells.each do |cell|
if start_new_page?(cell, offset, ref_bounds)
# draw cells on the current page and then start a new one
# this will also add a header to the new page if a header is set
# reset array of cells for the new page
cells_this_page, offset = ink_and_draw_cells_and_start_new_page(cells_this_page, cell)
# remember the current row for background coloring
started_new_page_at_row = cell.row
# Set background color, if any.
cell = set_background_color(cell, started_new_page_at_row)
# add the current cell to the cells array for the current page
cells_this_page << [cell, [cell.relative_x, cell.relative_y(offset)]]
# Draw the last page of cells
@pdf.move_cursor_to(@cells.last.relative_y(offset) - @cells.last.height)
# Calculate and return the constrained column widths, taking into account
# each cell's min_width, max_width, and any user-specified constraints on
# the table or column size.
# Because the natural widths can be silly, this does not always work so well
# at guessing a good size for columns that have vastly different content. If
# you see weird problems like CannotFit errors or shockingly bad column
# sizes, you should specify more column widths manually.
def column_widths
@column_widths ||= begin
if width - cells.min_width < -Prawn::FLOAT_PRECISION
raise Errors::CannotFit,
"Table's width was set too small to contain its contents " +
"(min width #{cells.min_width}, requested #{width})"
if width - cells.max_width > Prawn::FLOAT_PRECISION
raise Errors::CannotFit,
"Table's width was set larger than its contents' maximum width " +
"(max width #{cells.max_width}, requested #{width})"
if width - natural_width < -Prawn::FLOAT_PRECISION
# Shrink the table to fit the requested width.
f = (width - cells.min_width).to_f / (natural_width - cells.min_width)
(0...column_length).map do |c|
min, nat = column(c).min_width, natural_column_widths[c]
(f * (nat - min)) + min
elsif width - natural_width > Prawn::FLOAT_PRECISION
# Expand the table to fit the requested width.
f = (width - cells.width).to_f / (cells.max_width - cells.width)
(0...column_length).map do |c|
nat, max = natural_column_widths[c], column(c).max_width
(f * (max - nat)) + nat
# Returns an array with the height of each row.
def row_heights
@natural_row_heights ||=
heights_by_row = Hash.new(0)
cells.each do |cell|
next if cell.is_a?(Cell::SpanDummy)
# Split the height of row-spanned cells evenly by rows
height_per_row = cell.height.to_f / cell.rowspan
cell.rowspan.times do |i|
heights_by_row[cell.row + i] =
[heights_by_row[cell.row + i], height_per_row].max
heights_by_row.sort_by { |row, _| row }.map { |_, h| h }
# sets the background color (if necessary) for the given cell
def set_background_color(cell, started_new_page_at_row)
if defined?(@row_colors) && @row_colors && (!@header || cell.row > 0)
# Ensure coloring restarts on every page (to make sure the header
# and first row of a page are not colored the same way).
rows = number_of_header_rows
index = cell.row - [started_new_page_at_row, rows].max
cell.background_color ||= @row_colors[index % @row_colors.length]
# number of rows of the header
# @return [Integer] the number of rows of the header
def number_of_header_rows
# header may be set to any integer value -> number of rows
if @header.is_a? Integer
return @header
# header may be set to true -> first row is repeated
elsif @header
return 1
# defaults to 0 header rows
# should we start a new page? (does the current row fail to fit on this page)
def start_new_page?(cell, offset, ref_bounds)
# we only need to run this test on the first cell in a row
# check if the rows height fails to fit on the page
# check if the row is not the first on that page (wouldn't make sense to go to next page in this case)
(cell.column == 0 && cell.row > 0 &&
!row(cell.row).fits_on_current_page?(offset, ref_bounds))
# ink cells and then draw them
def ink_and_draw_cells(cells_this_page, draw_cells = true)
Cell.draw_cells(cells_this_page) if draw_cells
# ink and draw cells, then start a new page
def ink_and_draw_cells_and_start_new_page(cells_this_page, cell)
# don't draw only a header
draw_cells = (@header_row.nil? || cells_this_page.size > @header_row.size)
ink_and_draw_cells(cells_this_page, draw_cells)
# start a new page or column
offset = (@pdf.y - cell.y)
cells_next_page = []
header_height = add_header(cell.row, cells_next_page)
# account for header height in newly generated offset
offset -= header_height
# reset cells_this_page in calling function and return new offset
return cells_next_page, offset
# Ink all cells on the current page
def ink_cells(cells_this_page)
if defined?(@before_rendering_page) && @before_rendering_page
c = Cells.new(cells_this_page.map { |ci, _| ci })
# Determine whether we're at the top of the current bounds (margin box or
# bounding box). If we're at the top, we couldn't gain any more room by
# breaking to the next page -- this means, in particular, that if the
# first row is taller than the margin box, we will only move to the next
# page if we're below the top. Some floating-point tolerance is added to
# the calculation.
# Note that we use the actual bounds, not the reference bounds. This is
# because even if we are in a stretchy bounding box, flowing to the next
# page will not buy us any space if we are at the top.
# @return [Integer] 0 (already at the top OR created a new page) or -1 (enough space)
def initial_row_on_initial_page
# we're at the top of our bounds
return 0 if fits_on_page?(@pdf.bounds.height)
needed_height = row(0..number_of_header_rows).height
# have we got enough room to fit the first row (including header row(s))
use_reference_bounds = true
return -1 if fits_on_page?(needed_height, use_reference_bounds)
# If there isn't enough room left on the page to fit the first data row
# (including the header), start the table on the next page.
# we are at the top of a new page
# do we have enough room to fit a given height on to the current page?
def fits_on_page?(needed_height, use_reference_bounds = false)
if use_reference_bounds
bounds = @pdf.reference_bounds
bounds = @pdf.bounds
needed_height < @pdf.y - (bounds.absolute_bottom - Prawn::FLOAT_PRECISION)
# return the header rows
# @api private
def header_rows
header_rows = Cells.new
number_of_header_rows.times do |r|
row(r).each { |cell| header_rows[cell.row, cell.column] = cell.dup }
# Converts the array of cellable objects given into instances of
# Prawn::Table::Cell, and sets up their in-table properties so that they
# know their own position in the table.
def make_cells(data, cell_style = {})
cells = Cells.new
row_number = 0
data.each do |row_cells|
column_number = 0
row_cells.each do |cell_data|
# If we landed on a spanned cell (from a rowspan above), continue
# until we find an empty spot.
column_number += 1 until cells[row_number, column_number].nil?
# Build the cell and store it in the Cells collection.
cell = if cell_data.is_a?(Hash)
Cell.make(@pdf, cell_style.merge(cell_data))
Cell.make(@pdf, cell_data, cell_style)
cells[row_number, column_number] = cell
# Add dummy cells for the rest of the cells in the span group. This
# allows Prawn to keep track of the horizontal and vertical space
# occupied in each column and row spanned by this cell, while still
# leaving the master (top left) cell in the group responsible for
# drawing. Dummy cells do not put ink on the page.
cell.rowspan.times do |i|
cell.colspan.times do |j|
next if i == 0 && j == 0
# It is an error to specify spans that overlap; catch this here
if cells[row_number + i, column_number + j]
raise Prawn::Errors::InvalidTableSpan,
"Spans overlap at row #{row_number + i}, " +
"column #{column_number + j}."
dummy = Cell::SpanDummy.new(@pdf, cell)
cells[row_number + i, column_number + j] = dummy
cell.dummy_cells << dummy
column_number += cell.colspan
row_number += 1
# Calculate the number of rows and columns in the table, taking into
# account that some cells may span past the end of the physical cells we
# have.
@row_length = cells.map do |cell|
cell.row + cell.rowspan
@column_length = cells.map do |cell|
cell.column + cell.colspan
def add_header(row_number, cells_this_page)
x_offset = @pdf.bounds.left_side - @pdf.bounds.absolute_left
header_height = 0
if row_number > 0 && @header
y_coord = @pdf.cursor
number_of_header_rows.times do |h|
additional_header_height = add_one_header_row(cells_this_page, x_offset, y_coord-header_height, row_number-1, h)
header_height += additional_header_height
# Add the header row(s) to the given array of cells at the given y-position.
# Number the row with the given +row+ index, so that the header appears (in
# any Cells built for this page) immediately prior to the first data row on
# this page.
# Return the height of the header.
def add_one_header_row(page_of_cells, x_offset, y, row, row_of_header=nil)
rows_to_operate_on = @header_row
rows_to_operate_on = @header_row.rows(row_of_header) if row_of_header
rows_to_operate_on.each do |cell|
cell.row = row
cell.dummy_cells.each {|c|
if cell.rowspan > 1
# be sure to account for cells that span multiple rows
# in this case you need multiple row numbers
c.row += row
c.row = row
page_of_cells << [cell, [cell.x + x_offset, y]]
# Raises an error if the data provided cannot be converted into a valid
# table.
def assert_proper_table_data(data)
if data.nil? || data.empty?
raise Prawn::Errors::EmptyTable,
"data must be a non-empty, non-nil, two dimensional array " +
"of cell-convertible objects"
unless data.all? { |e| Array === e }
raise Prawn::Errors::InvalidTableData,
"data must be a two dimensional array of cellable objects"
# Returns an array of each column's natural (unconstrained) width.
def natural_column_widths
@natural_column_widths ||= ColumnWidthCalculator.new(cells).natural_widths
# Returns the "natural" (unconstrained) width of the table. This may be
# extremely silly; for example, the unconstrained width of a paragraph of
# text is the width it would assume if it were not wrapped at all. Could be
# a mile long.
def natural_width
@natural_width ||= natural_column_widths.inject(0, &:+)
# Assigns the calculated column widths to each cell. This ensures that each
# cell in a column is the same width. After this method is called,
# subsequent calls to column_widths and width should return the finalized
# values that will be used to ink the table.
def set_column_widths
column_widths.each_with_index do |w, col_num|
column(col_num).width = w
# Assigns the row heights to each cell. This ensures that every cell in a
# row is the same height.
def set_row_heights
row_heights.each_with_index { |h, row_num| row(row_num).height = h }
# Set each cell's position based on the widths and heights of cells
# preceding it.
def position_cells
# Calculate x- and y-positions as running sums of widths / heights.
x_positions = column_widths.inject([0]) { |ary, x|
ary << (ary.last + x); ary }[0..-2]
x_positions.each_with_index { |x, i| column(i).x = x }
# y-positions assume an infinitely long canvas starting at zero -- this
# is corrected for in Table#draw, and page breaks are properly inserted.
y_positions = row_heights.inject([0]) { |ary, y|
ary << (ary.last - y); ary}[0..-2]
y_positions.each_with_index { |y, i| row(i).y = y }
# Sets up a bounding box to position the table according to the specified
# :position option, and yields.
def with_position
x = case defined?(@position) && @position || :left
when :left then return yield
when :center then (@pdf.bounds.width - width) / 2.0
when :right then @pdf.bounds.width - width
when Numeric then @position
else raise ArgumentError, "unknown position #{@position.inspect}"
dy = @pdf.bounds.absolute_top - @pdf.y
final_y = nil
@pdf.bounding_box([x, @pdf.bounds.top], :width => width) do
@pdf.move_down dy
final_y = @pdf.y
@pdf.y = final_y
Prawn::Document.extensions << Prawn::Table::Interface