# frozen_string_literal: true
module Capybara
module Node
module Actions
# @!macro waiting_behavior
# If the driver is capable of executing JavaScript, this method will wait for a set amount of time
# and continuously retry finding the element until either the element is found or the time
# expires. The length of time +find+ will wait is controlled through {Capybara.default_max_wait_time}
# @option options [false, Numeric] wait (Capybara.default_max_wait_time) Maximum time to wait for matching element to appear.
# Finds a button or link and clicks it. See {Capybara::Node::Actions#click_button} and
# {Capybara::Node::Actions#click_link} for what locator will match against for each type of element
# @overload click_link_or_button([locator], **options)
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @param [String] locator See {Capybara::Node::Actions#click_button} and {Capybara::Node::Actions#click_link}
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element clicked
def click_link_or_button(locator = nil, **options)
find(:link_or_button, locator, options).click
alias_method :click_on, :click_link_or_button
# Finds a link by id, Capybara.test_id attribute, text or title and clicks it. Also looks at image
# alt text inside the link.
# @overload click_link([locator], **options)
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @param [String] locator text, id, Capybara.test_id attribute, title or nested image's alt attribute
# @param options See {Capybara::Node::Finders#find_link}
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element clicked
def click_link(locator = nil, **options)
find(:link, locator, options).click
# Finds a button on the page and clicks it.
# This can be any \ element of type submit, reset, image, button or it can be a
# \ element. All buttons can be found by their id, Capybara.test_id attribute, value, or title. \ elements can also be found
# by their text content, and image \ elements by their alt attribute
# @overload click_button([locator], **options)
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @param [String] locator Which button to find
# @param options See {Capybara::Node::Finders#find_button}
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element clicked
def click_button(locator = nil, **options)
find(:button, locator, options).click
# Locate a text field or text area and fill it in with the given text
# The field can be found via its name, id, Capybara.test_id attribute, or label text.
# If no locator is provided will operate on self or a descendant
# # will fill in a descendant fillable field with name, id, or label text matching 'Name'
# page.fill_in 'Name', with: 'Bob'
# # will fill in `el` if it's a fillable field
# el.fill_in with: 'Tom'
# @overload fill_in([locator], with:, **options)
# @param [String] locator Which field to fill in
# @param [Hash] options
# @param with: [String] The value to fill_in
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @option options [String] currently_with The current value property of the field to fill in
# @option options [Boolean] multiple Match fields that can have multiple values?
# @option options [String, Regexp] id Match fields that match the id attribute
# @option options [String] name Match fields that match the name attribute
# @option options [String] placeholder Match fields that match the placeholder attribute
# @option options [String, Array, Regexp] class Match fields that match the class(es) provided
# @option options [Hash] fill_options Driver specific options regarding how to fill fields (Defaults come from Capybara.default_set_options)
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element filled_in
def fill_in(locator = nil, with:, currently_with: nil, fill_options: {}, **find_options)
find_options[:with] = currently_with if currently_with
find_options[:allow_self] = true if locator.nil?
find(:fillable_field, locator, find_options).set(with, fill_options)
# @!macro label_click
# @option options [Boolean] allow_label_click (Capybara.automatic_label_click) Attempt to click the label to toggle state if element is non-visible.
# Find a descendant radio button and mark it as checked. The radio button can be found
# via name, id or label text. If no locator is provided this will match against self or
# a descendant.
# # will choose a descendant radio button with a name, id, or label text matching 'Male'
# page.choose('Male')
# # will choose `el` if it's a radio button element
# el.choose()
# @overload choose([locator], **options)
# @param [String] locator Which radio button to choose
# @option options [String] option Value of the radio_button to choose
# @option options [String, Regexp] id Match fields that match the id attribute
# @option options [String] name Match fields that match the name attribute
# @option options [String, Array, Regexp] class Match fields that match the class(es) provided
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @macro label_click
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element chosen or the label clicked
def choose(locator = nil, **options)
_check_with_label(:radio_button, true, locator, options)
# Find a descendant check box and mark it as checked. The check box can be found
# via name, id or label text. If no locator is provided this will match against
# self or a descendant.
# # will check a descendant checkbox with a name, id, or label text matching 'German'
# page.check('German')
# # will check `el` if it's a checkbox element
# el.check()
# @overload check([locator], **options)
# @param [String] locator Which check box to check
# @option options [String] option Value of the checkbox to select
# @option options [String, Regexp] id Match fields that match the id attribute
# @option options [String] name Match fields that match the name attribute
# @option options [String, Array, Regexp] class Match fields that match the class(es) provided
# @macro label_click
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element checked or the label clicked
def check(locator = nil, **options)
_check_with_label(:checkbox, true, locator, options)
# Find a descendant check box and uncheck it. The check box can be found
# via name, id or label text. If no locator is provided this will match against
# self or a descendant.
# # will uncheck a descendant checkbox with a name, id, or label text matching 'German'
# page.uncheck('German')
# # will uncheck `el` if it's a checkbox element
# el.uncheck()
# @overload uncheck([locator], **options)
# @param [String] locator Which check box to uncheck
# @option options [String] option Value of the checkbox to deselect
# @option options [String, Regexp] id Match fields that match the id attribute
# @option options [String] name Match fields that match the name attribute
# @option options [String, Array, Regexp] class Match fields that match the class(es) provided
# @macro label_click
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The element unchecked or the label clicked
def uncheck(locator = nil, **options)
_check_with_label(:checkbox, false, locator, options)
# If `:from` option is present, `select` finds a select box, or text input with associated datalist,
# on the page and selects a particular option from it.
# Otherwise it finds an option inside current scope and selects it.
# If the select box is a multiple select, +select+ can be called multiple times to select more than
# one option.
# The select box can be found via its name, id or label text. The option can be found by its text.
# page.select 'March', from: 'Month'
# @overload select(value = nil, from: nil, **options)
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @param value [String] Which option to select
# @param from [String] The id, Capybara.test_id atrtribute, name or label of the select box
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The option element selected
def select(value = nil, from: nil, **options)
el = from ? find_select_or_datalist_input(from, options) : self
if el.respond_to?(:tag_name) && (el.tag_name == 'input')
select_datalist_option(el, value)
el.find(:option, value, options).select_option
# Find a select box on the page and unselect a particular option from it. If the select
# box is a multiple select, +unselect+ can be called multiple times to unselect more than
# one option. The select box can be found via its name, id or label text.
# page.unselect 'March', from: 'Month'
# @overload unselect(value = nil, from: nil, **options)
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @param value [String] Which option to unselect
# @param from [String] The id, Capybara.test_id attribute, name or label of the select box
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The option element unselected
def unselect(value = nil, from: nil, **options)
scope = from ? find(:select, from, options) : self
scope.find(:option, value, options).unselect_option
# Find a descendant file field on the page and attach a file given its path. The file field can
# be found via its name, id or label text. In the case of the file field being hidden for
# styling reasons the `make_visible` option can be used to temporarily change the CSS of
# the file field, attach the file, and then revert the CSS back to original. If no locator is
# passed this will match self or a descendant.
# # will attach file to a descendant file input element that has a name, id, or label_text matching 'My File'
# page.attach_file('My File', '/path/to/file.png')
# # will attach file to el if it's a file input element
# el.attach_file('/path/to/file.png')
# @overload attach_file([locator], paths, **options)
# @macro waiting_behavior
# @param [String] locator Which field to attach the file to
# @param [String, Array] paths The path(s) of the file(s) that will be attached
# @option options [Symbol] match (Capybara.match) The matching strategy to use (:one, :first, :prefer_exact, :smart).
# @option options [Boolean] exact (Capybara.exact) Match the exact label name/contents or accept a partial match.
# @option options [Boolean] multiple Match field which allows multiple file selection
# @option options [String, Regexp] id Match fields that match the id attribute
# @option options [String] name Match fields that match the name attribute
# @option options [String, Array, Regexp] class Match fields that match the class(es) provided
# @option options [true, Hash] make_visible A Hash of CSS styles to change before attempting to attach the file, if `true` { opacity: 1, display: 'block', visibility: 'visible' } is used (may not be supported by all drivers)
# @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The file field element
def attach_file(locator = nil, paths, make_visible: nil, **options) # rubocop:disable Style/OptionalArguments
Array(paths).each do |path|
raise Capybara::FileNotFound, "cannot attach file, #{path} does not exist" unless File.exist?(path.to_s)
options[:allow_self] = true if locator.nil?
# Allow user to update the CSS style of the file input since they are so often hidden on a page
if make_visible
ff = find(:file_field, locator, options.merge(visible: :all))
while_visible(ff, make_visible) { |el| el.set(paths) }
find(:file_field, locator, options).set(paths)
def find_select_or_datalist_input(from, options)
synchronize(Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(options, session_options.default_max_wait_time)) do
find(:select, from, options)
rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound => select_error
raise if %i[selected with_selected multiple].any? { |option| options.key?(option) }
find(:datalist_input, from, options)
rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound => dlinput_error
raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, "#{select_error.message} and #{dlinput_error.message}"
def select_datalist_option(input, value)
datalist_options = input.evaluate_script(DATALIST_OPTIONS_SCRIPT)
option = datalist_options.find { |opt| opt.values_at('value', 'label').include?(value) }
raise ::Capybara::ElementNotFound, %(Unable to find datalist option "#{value}") unless option
rescue ::Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError
# Implement for drivers that don't support JS
datalist = find(:xpath, XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:id) == input[:list]], visible: false)
option = datalist.find(:datalist_option, value, disabled: false)
def while_visible(element, visible_css)
visible_css = { opacity: 1, display: 'block', visibility: 'visible' } if visible_css == true
_update_style(element, visible_css)
raise ExpectationNotMet, 'The style changes in :make_visible did not make the file input visible' unless element.visible?
yield element
def _update_style(element, style)
element.execute_script(UPDATE_STYLE_SCRIPT, style)
rescue Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError
warn 'The :make_visible option is not supported by the current driver - ignoring'
def _reset_style(element)
rescue StandardError # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions swallow extra errors
def _check_with_label(selector, checked, locator,
allow_label_click: session_options.automatic_label_click, **options)
options[:allow_self] = true if locator.nil?
synchronize(Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(options, session_options.default_max_wait_time)) do
el = find(selector, locator, options)
rescue StandardError => err
raise unless allow_label_click && catch_error?(err)
el ||= find(selector, locator, options.merge(visible: :all))
el.session.find(:label, for: el, visible: true).click unless el.checked? == checked
rescue StandardError # swallow extra errors - raise original
raise err
this.capybara_style_cache = this.style.cssText;
var css = arguments[0];
for (var prop in css){
if (css.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
this.style.setProperty(prop, css[prop], "important");
if (this.hasOwnProperty('capybara_style_cache')) {
this.style.cssText = this.capybara_style_cache;
delete this.capybara_style_cache;
Array.prototype.slice.call((this.list||{}).options || []).
filter(function(el){ return !el.disabled }).
map(function(el){ return { "value": el.value, "label": el.label} })