# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class RemoteSystem < System attr_reader :host, :remote_user, :ssh_port, :ssh_identity_file def type "remote" end def initialize(host, opts = {}) options = { remote_user: "root", ssh_port: nil, ssh_identity_file: nil }.merge(opts) @host = host @remote_user = options[:remote_user] @ssh_port = options[:ssh_port] @ssh_identity_file = options[:ssh_identity_file] connect end def requires_root? false end def run_command(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} # There are three valid ways how to call Cheetah.run, whose interface this # method mimics. The following code ensures that the "commands" variable # consistently (in all three cases) contains an array of arrays specifying # commands and their arguments. # # See comment in Cheetah.build_commands for more detailed explanation: # # https://github.com/openSUSE/cheetah/blob/0cd3f88c1210305e87dfc4852bb83040e82d783f/lib/cheetah.rb#L395 # commands = args.all? { |a| a.is_a?(Array) } ? args : [args] # When ssh executes commands, it passes them through shell expansion. For # example, compare # # $ echo '$HOME' # $HOME # # with # # $ ssh localhost echo '$HOME' # /home/dmajda # # To mitigate that and maintain usual Cheetah semantics, we need to protect # the command and its arguments using another layer of escaping. escaped_commands = commands.map do |command| command.map { |c| Shellwords.escape(c) } end # Arrange the commands in a way that allows piped commands trough ssh. piped_args = escaped_commands[0..-2].flat_map do |command| [*command, "|"] end + escaped_commands.last if options[:disable_logging] cheetah_class = Cheetah else cheetah_class = LoggedCheetah end sudo = ["sudo", "-n"] if options[:privileged] && remote_user != "root" cmds = [ *build_command(:ssh), "#{remote_user}@#{host}", "-o", \ "LogLevel=ERROR", sudo, "LANGUAGE=", "LC_ALL=#{locale}", *piped_args, options ].compact.flatten cheetah_class.run(*cmds) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e if e.stderr && e.stderr.include?("password is required") raise Machinery::Errors::InsufficientPrivileges.new(remote_user, host) else raise e end end # Tries to run the noop-command(:) on the remote system as root (without a password or passphrase) # and raises an Machinery::Errors::SshConnectionFailed exception when it's not successful. def connect LoggedCheetah.run(*build_command(:ssh), "-q", "-o", "BatchMode=yes", "#{remote_user}@#{host}", ":") rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed raise Machinery::Errors::SshConnectionFailed.new( "Could not establish SSH connection to host '#{host}'. Please make sure that " \ "you can connect non-interactively as #{remote_user}, e.g. using ssh-agent.\n\n" \ "To copy your default ssh key to the machine run:\n" \ "ssh-copy-id #{remote_user}@#{host}" ) end # Retrieves files specified in filelist from the remote system and raises an # Machinery::Errors::RsyncFailed exception when it's not successful. Destination is # the directory where to put the files. def retrieve_files(filelist, destination) source = "#{remote_user}@#{host}:/" if remote_user != "root" rsync_path = "sudo -n rsync" else rsync_path = "rsync" end cmd = [ "rsync", "-e", build_command(:ssh).join(" "), "--chmod=go-rwx", "--files-from=-", "--rsync-path=#{rsync_path}", source, destination, stdout: :capture, stdin: filelist.join("\n") ] begin LoggedCheetah.run(*cmd) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e raise Machinery::Errors::RsyncFailed.new( "Could not rsync files from host '#{host}'.\n" \ "Error: #{e}" ) end end # Reads a file from the System. Returns nil if it does not exist. def read_file(file) run_command("cat", file, stdout: :capture, privileged: true) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e if e.status.exitstatus == 1 # File not found, return nil return else raise end end # Copies a file to the system def inject_file(source, destination) destination = "#{remote_user}@#{host}:#{destination}" cmd = [ *build_command(:scp), source, destination ] begin LoggedCheetah.run(*cmd) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e raise Machinery::Errors::InjectFileFailed.new( "Could not inject file '#{source}' to host '#{host}'.\nError: #{e}" ) end end # Removes a file from the system def remove_file(file) run_command("rm", file) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e raise Machinery::Errors::RemoveFileFailed.new( "Could not remove file '#{file}' on host '#{host}'.\nError: #{e}" ) end private def build_command(name) raise Machinery::Errors::MachineryError.new("You must set one of these flags in " \ "build_command: :ssh or :scp") unless [:ssh, :scp].include?(name) command = [name.to_s] if name == :ssh && @ssh_port command.push("-p") command.push(@ssh_port.to_s) elsif name == :scp && @ssh_port command.push("-P") command.push(@ssh_port.to_s) end if @ssh_identity_file command.push("-i") command.push(@ssh_identity_file) end command end end