suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RPostgreSQL)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(gridExtra)) # input # ----- file_input <- function(fileName, coltypes = NA) { read.table(fileName, header = T, sep = ',', colClasses = coltypes) } join_file_input <- function(namesstr, key) { files <- strsplit(namesstr, split = '\\+')[[1]] dataList <- lapply(files, (function(f) fileInput(f))), c(dataList, by = key)) } init_table_input <- function(conn_args, schema) { function(name, cols = '*', where = 'true') { colstr <- paste(cols, collapse = ',') sql <- sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s", colstr, name, where) init_sql_input(conn_args, schema)(sql) } } init_sql_input <- function(conn_args, schema) { function(sql) { conn <-, c(dbDriver('PostgreSQL'), conn_args)) on.exit(dbDisconnect(conn)) dbGetQuery(conn, paste('SET search_path TO', paste(c(schema, 'public'), sep = ','))) buffer <- dbSendQuery(conn, sql) fetch(buffer, n=-1) } } create_parents <- function(output) { dir.create(dirname(output), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) } # Output # ------ # TODO consider deprecating this, perhaps more specific ones like graph_output is still useful auto_output <- function(report, ...) { actual <- switch(class(report)[1], gg = ggplot_output, data.frame = csv_output, print) actual(report, ...) } rplot_output <- function(f, output, size = c(8, 8)) { create_parents(output) size <- ceiling(size / 2.54 * 300 / 96) # convert cm to inch par(mar = c(0,0,0,0)) # use pdf since png can be very weird, e.g. radarplot pdf(output, width = size[1], height = size[2], pointsize = 12) f() } # use facet or latex subfigure, do not handle list anymore ggplot_output <- function(report, output, size = c(15, 15), fontScale = 1, compact = F) { create_parents(output) if (compact) { margin <- 1 } else { margin <- 5 } report <- report + theme_bw() + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 13 * fontScale), axis.text = element_text(size = 11 * fontScale), legend.title = element_text(size = 13 * fontScale), legend.text = element_text(size = 11 * fontScale), legend.key.size = unit(13 * fontScale, 'pt'), legend.margin = unit(0, "cm"), legend.background = element_rect(fill = alpha('white', 0)), plot.margin = unit(c(margin, margin, 0, 0),"mm")) width <- size[1] height <- size[2] ggsave(report, filename = output, dpi = 300, units = 'cm', width = width, height = height, limitsize = FALSE) } csv_output <- function(report, output) { create_parents(output) write.table(format(report, digits = 4), file = toString(output), row.names = FALSE, sep = ',', quote = FALSE) } txt_output <- function(report, output) { create_parents(output) write.table(format(report, digits = 4), file = toString(output), row.names = FALSE, sep = ',', quote = FALSE) } init_table_output <- function(conn_args, schema) { function(report, output, placeholder = NULL) { conn <-, c(dbDriver('PostgreSQL'), conn_args)) on.exit(dbDisconnect(conn)) dbGetQuery(conn, paste('SET search_path TO', paste(c(schema, 'public'), sep = ','))) if (dbExistsTable(conn, output)) { dbRemoveTable(conn, output) } dbWriteTable(conn, output, report, row.names = F) if (!is.null(placeholder)) { write.table(data.frame(), file = placeholder, col.names = FALSE) } } }