# frozen_string_literal: true module MalawiHivProgramReports module Pepfar ## # Common utilities for Pepfar reports module Utils ## # An array of all groups as required by Pepfar. def pepfar_age_groups @pepfar_age_groups ||= [ 'Unknown', '<1 year', '1-4 years', '5-9 years', '10-14 years', '15-19 years', '20-24 years', '25-29 years', '30-34 years', '35-39 years', '40-44 years', '45-49 years', '50-54 years', '55-59 years', '60-64 years', '65-69 years', '70-74 years', '75-79 years', '80-84 years', '85-89 years', '90 plus years' ].freeze end COHORT_REGIMENS = %w[ 0P 2P 4PP 4PA 9PP 9PA 11PP 11PA 12PP 12PA 14PP 14PA 15PP 15PA 16P 17PP 17PA 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A 16A 17A ].freeze ## # Returns the drilldown information for all specified patients (ie patient_ids) # # Information returned for a patient is as follows: # * patient_id # * arv_number or filing_number # * age_group # * birthdate # * gender def pepfar_patient_drilldown_information(patients, current_date) raise ::ArgumentError, "current_date can't be nil" unless current_date ::Person.joins("LEFT JOIN patient_identifier #{current_partition} ON patient_identifier.patient_id = person.person_id AND patient_identifier.voided = 0 AND patient_identifier.identifier_type IN (#{pepfar_patient_identifier_type.to_sql})") .where(person_id: patients) .select("person.person_id AS patient_id, person.gender, person.birthdate, disaggregated_age_group(person.birthdate, DATE(#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(current_date)})) AS age_group, patient_identifier.identifier AS arv_number") end ## # Returns the preferred Pepfar identifier type. # # In some clinics like Lighthouse Filing numbers are used exclusively and in other # sites, ARV Numbers are used. def pepfar_patient_identifier_type name = GlobalProperty.find_by(property: 'use.filing.numbers')&.property_value name = name.present? && name == 'true' ? 'Filing number' : 'ARV Number' ::PatientIdentifierType.where(name:).select(:patient_identifier_type_id) end FULL_6H_COURSE_PILLS = 146 FULL_3HP_COURSE_DAYS = 12.days # NOTE: Arrived at 12 days above from how 3HP is prescribed. 1st time prescription # A patient takes 3HP once every week. Therefore it is 4 times a months # Multiply that with 3 months we arrive at 12 # Hence the patient is taking this drug 12 times to be considered complete on # 3HP ## # Returns whether a patient completed their course of TPT def patient_completed_tpt?(patient, tpt) if tpt == '3HP' # return true if patient['total_days_on_medication'].to_i >= 83 # 3 months return true if patient['months_on_tpt'].to_i >= 3 divider = patient['drug_concepts'].split(',').length > 1 ? 14.0 : 7.0 days_on_medication = (patient['total_days_on_medication'] / divider).round days_on_medication.days >= FULL_3HP_COURSE_DAYS else patient['total_days_on_medication'].to_i >= FULL_6H_COURSE_PILLS end end # this just gives all clients who are truly external or drug refill # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def drug_refills_and_external_consultation_list to_remove = [0] type_of_patient_concept = ::ConceptName.find_by_name('Type of patient').concept_id new_patient_concept = ::ConceptName.find_by_name('New patient').concept_id drug_refill_concept = ::ConceptName.find_by_name('Drug refill').concept_id external_concept = ::ConceptName.find_by_name('External consultation').concept_id hiv_clinic_registration_id = ::EncounterType.find_by_name('HIV CLINIC REGISTRATION').encounter_type_id res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all <<~SQL SELECT p.person_id patient_id FROM person #{current_partition} p INNER JOIN patient_program #{current_partition} pp ON pp.patient_id = p.person_id AND pp.program_id = #{::Program.find_by_name('HIV PROGRAM').id} AND pp.voided = 0 INNER JOIN patient_state #{current_partition} ps ON ps.patient_program_id = pp.patient_program_id AND ps.state = 7 AND ps.start_date IS NOT NULL LEFT JOIN encounter #{current_partition} as hiv_registration ON hiv_registration.patient_id = p.person_id AND hiv_registration.encounter_datetime < DATE(#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(end_date)}) AND hiv_registration.encounter_type = #{hiv_clinic_registration_id} AND hiv_registration.voided = 0 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM obs #{current_partition} WHERE concept_id = #{type_of_patient_concept} AND voided = 0 AND value_coded = #{new_patient_concept} AND obs_datetime < #{interval_manager(date: end_date, value: 1, interval: 'DAY', operator: '+')} ) AS new_patient ON p.person_id = new_patient.person_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM obs #{current_partition} WHERE concept_id = #{type_of_patient_concept} AND voided = 0 AND value_coded = #{drug_refill_concept} AND obs_datetime < #{interval_manager(date: end_date, value: 1, interval: 'DAY', operator: '+')} ) AS refill ON p.person_id = refill.person_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM obs #{current_partition} WHERE concept_id = #{type_of_patient_concept} AND voided = 0 AND value_coded = #{external_concept} AND obs_datetime < #{interval_manager(date: end_date, value: 1, interval: 'DAY', operator: '+')} ) AS external ON p.person_id = external.person_id WHERE (refill.value_coded IS NOT NULL OR external.value_coded IS NOT NULL) AND NOT (hiv_registration.encounter_id IS NOT NULL OR new_patient.value_coded IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY p.person_id ORDER BY hiv_registration.encounter_datetime DESC, refill.obs_datetime DESC, external.obs_datetime DESC SQL res.each do |record| to_remove << record['patient_id'].to_i end to_remove.join(',') end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize def rifapentine_concept @rifapentine_concept ||= ::ConceptName.find_by!(name: 'Rifapentine') end def isoniazid_rifapentine_concept @isoniazid_rifapentine_concept ||= ::ConceptName.find_by!(name: 'Isoniazid/Rifapentine') end def patient_on_3hp?(patient) drug_concepts = patient['drug_concepts'].split(',').collect(&:to_i) drug_concepts.intersect?([rifapentine_concept.concept_id, isoniazid_rifapentine_concept&.concept_id]) end def patient_on_tb_treatment?(patient_id) ::Observation.where(person_id: patient_id, concept_id: ::ConceptName.find_by_name('TB status').concept_id, value_coded: ::ConceptName.find_by_name('Confirmed TB on treatment').concept_id) .where("obs_datetime < #{interval_manager(date: end_date, value: 1, interval: 'DAY', operator: '+')}").exists? end end end end