################################################################################ # extension.rb # This file constitutes the framework for the bulk of this extension. ################################################################################ require 'middleman-core' class MiddlemanTargets < ::Middleman::Extension ############################################################ # Define the options that are to be set within `config.rb` # as Middleman *application* (not extension) options. ############################################################ define_setting :target, 'default', 'The default target to process if not specified.' define_setting :targets, { :default => { :features => {} } } , 'A hash that defines many characteristics of the target.' define_setting :target_magic_images, true, 'Enable magic images for targets.' define_setting :target_magic_word, 'all', 'The magic image prefix for asset substitution.' ############################################################ # initialize ############################################################ def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) super app.config[:target] = app.config[:target].to_sym end # initialize ############################################################ # after_configuration # Handle the --target cli setting. ############################################################# def after_configuration return if app.config[:exit_before_ready] app.config[:target] = app.config[:target].downcase.to_sym requested_target = app.config[:target] valid_targets = app.config[:targets].each_key.collect { |item| item.downcase} if valid_targets.count < 1 say 'middleman-targets is activated but there are no targets specified in your', :red say 'configuration file.', :red exit 1 end if valid_targets.include?(requested_target) if app.config[:mode] == :server say "Middleman will serve using target \"#{requested_target}\".", :blue else if (build_dir = app.config[:targets][app.config[:target]][:build_dir]) app.config[:build_dir] = sprintf(build_dir, requested_target) else app.config[:build_dir] = "#{app.config[:build_dir]} (#{requested_target})" end say "Middleman will build using target \"#{requested_target}\".", :blue say "Build directory is \"#{app.config[:build_dir]}\".", :blue end else if requested_target say "The target \"#{requested_target}\" is invalid. Use one of these:", :red else say 'No target has been specified. Use one of these:', :red end valid_targets.each { |t| say " #{t}", :red } exit 1 end end # after_configuration ############################################################ # Sitemap manipulators. # Add new methods to each resource. ############################################################ def manipulate_resource_list(resources) resources.each do |resource| #-------------------------------------------------------- # valid_features # Returns an array of valid features for this page # based on the current target, i.e., features that # are true for the current target. These are the # only features that can be used with frontmatter # :target or :exclude. #-------------------------------------------------------- def resource.valid_features @app.config[:targets][@app.config[:target]][:features].select { |k, v| v }.keys end #-------------------------------------------------------- # targeted? # Determines if the resource is eligible for # inclusion in the current page based on the front # matter `target` and `exclude` data fields: # - if frontmatter:target is used, the target or # feature appears in the frontmatter, and # - if frontmatter:exclude is used, the target or # enabled feature does NOT appear in the # frontmatter. # # In general you won't use this resource method # because resources will already be excluded before # you have a chance to check them, and so any # leftover resources will always return true for # this method. #-------------------------------------------------------- def resource.targeted? target_name = @app.config[:target] ( !self.data['target'] || (self.data['target'].include?(target_name) || (self.data['target'] & self.valid_features).count > 0) ) && ( !self.data['exclude'] || !(self.data['exclude'].include?(target_name) || (self.data['exclude'] & self.valid_features).count > 0) ) end #======================================================== # ignore un-targeted pages # Here we have the chance to ignore resources that # don't belong in this build based on front matter # options. #======================================================== resource.ignore! unless resource.targeted? #======================================================== # ignore non-target images # Here we have the chance to ignore images from other # targets if :target_magic_images is enabled. #======================================================== if @app.config[:target_magic_images] && resource.content_type && resource.content_type.start_with?('image/') targets = @app.config[:targets].keys targets.delete(@app.config[:target]) keep = true targets.each { |prefix| keep = keep && File.basename(resource.path) !~ /^#{prefix}\-/i } unless keep resource.ignore! say " Ignoring #{resource.path} because this target is #{@app.config[:target]}.", :yellow end end end # resources.each resources end # manipulate_resource_list ############################################################ # Helpers # Methods defined in this helpers block are available in # templates. ############################################################ helpers do #-------------------------------------------------------- # target_name # Return the current build target. #-------------------------------------------------------- def target_name @app.config[:target] end #-------------------------------------------------------- # target_name? # Is the current target `proposal`? #-------------------------------------------------------- def target_name?( proposal ) @app.config[:target] == proposal.to_sym end #-------------------------------------------------------- # target_feature? # Does the target have the feature `feature`? #-------------------------------------------------------- def target_feature?( feature ) features = @app.config[:targets][@app.config[:target]][:features] features.key?(feature.to_sym) && features[feature.to_sym] end #-------------------------------------------------------- # target_value( key ) # Attempts to return arbitrary key values for the # current target. #-------------------------------------------------------- def target_value( key ) target_values = @app.config[:targets][@app.config[:target]] target_values.key?(key) ? target_values[key] : nil end #-------------------------------------------------------- # image_tag # Override the built-in version in order to support: # - automatic target-specific images. Note that this # only works on local files. # - target and feature dependent images. # - absolute paths #-------------------------------------------------------- def image_tag(path, params={}) params.symbolize_keys! # We won't return an image at all if a :target or :feature parameter # was provided, unless we're building that target or feature. return if params.include?(:target) && !target_name?(params[:target]) return if params.include?(:feature) && !target_feature?(params[:feature]) params.delete(:target) params.delete(:feature) # Let's try to find a substitutable file if the current image name # begins with the :target_magic_word if @app.config[:target_magic_images] path = extensions[:MiddlemanTargets].target_specific_proposal( path ) end # Support automatic alt tags for absolute locations, too. Only do # this for absolute paths; let the extension do its own thing # otherwise. if @app.extensions[:automatic_alt_tags] && path.start_with?('/') alt_text = File.basename(file[:full_path].to_s, '.*') alt_text.capitalize! params[:alt] ||= alt_text end super(path, params) end end #helpers ############################################################ # Instance Methods ############################################################ #-------------------------------------------------------- # target_specific_proposal( file ) # Returns a target-specific proposed file when given # a user-specified file, and will return the same file # if not enabled or doesn't begin with the magic word. #-------------------------------------------------------- def target_specific_proposal( path ) return path unless @app.config[:target_magic_images] && File.basename(path).start_with?( @app.config[:target_magic_word]) real_path = path.dup magic_prefix = "#{app.config[:target_magic_word]}-" wanted_prefix = "#{app.config[:target]}-" # Enable absolute paths, too. real_path = if path.start_with?('/') File.expand_path(File.join(app.config[:source], real_path)) else File.expand_path(File.join(app.config[:source], app.config[:images_dir], real_path)) end proposed_path = real_path.sub( magic_prefix, wanted_prefix ) file = app.files.find(:source, proposed_path) if file && file[:full_path].exist? path.sub( magic_prefix, wanted_prefix ) else path end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # say # Output colored messages using ANSI codes. #-------------------------------------------------------- def say(message = '', color = :reset) colors = { :blue => "\033[34m", :cyan => "\033[36m", :green => "\033[32m", :red => "\033[31m", :yellow => "\033[33m", :reset => "\033[0m", } if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ puts message else puts colors[color] + message + colors[:reset] end end # say end # class MiddlemanTargets