namespace :app do desc "run unit tests" task :test => ['config:set_docker_env', 'config:load_config', 'docker:fetch_images'] do p "Test application" config = Minke::Helpers.config begin # Get go packages puts "Go get" container, ret = Minke::GoDocker.create_and_run_container config['docker'], ['go','get','-t','-v','./...'] ensure container.delete() end begin # Test application puts "Go test" container, ret = Minke::GoDocker.create_and_run_container config['docker'], ['go','test','./...'] raise Exception, 'Error running command' unless ret == 0 ensure container.delete() end end desc "build and test application" task :build => [:test] do p "Build for Linux" config = Minke::Helpers.config begin # Build go server container, ret = Minke::GoDocker.create_and_run_container config['docker'], ['go','build','-a','-installsuffix','cgo','-ldflags','\'-s\'','-o', config['go']['application_name']] raise Exception, 'Error running command' unless ret == 0 ensure container.delete() end end task :copy_assets do p "Copy assets" config = Minke::Helpers.config if config['after_build'] != nil && config['after_build']['copy_assets'] != nil Minke::Helpers.copy_files config['after_build']['copy_assets'] end end desc "build Docker image for application" task :build_server => [:build, :copy_assets] do config = Minke::Helpers.config p "Building Docker image: #{config['go']['application_name']}" Docker.options = {:read_timeout => 6200} image = Docker::Image.build_from_dir config['docker']['docker_file'], {:t => config['go']['application_name']} end desc "run application with Docker Compose" task :run => ['config:set_docker_env', 'config:load_config'] do p "Run application with docker compose" config = Minke::Helpers.config compose = config['docker']['compose_file'] begin compose.up # do we need to run any tasks after the server starts? if config['run']['after_start'] != nil config['run']['after_start'].each do |task| puts "Running after_start task: #{task}" Rake::Task[task].invoke end end if config['run']['consul_loader']['enabled'] Minke::Helpers.wait_until_server_running "#{config['run']['consul_loader']['url']}/v1/status/leader", 0 loader = loader.load_config config['run']['consul_loader']['config_file'], config['run']['consul_loader']['url'] end compose.logs rescue SystemExit, Interrupt compose.stop compose.rm end end desc "build and run application with Docker Compose" task :build_and_run => [:build_server, :run] desc "run end to end Cucumber tests USAGE: rake app:cucumber[@tag]" task :cucumber, [:feature] => ['config:set_docker_env', 'config:load_config'] do |t, args| config = Minke::Helpers.config puts "Running cucumber with tags #{args[:feature]}" if args[:feature] != nil feature = "--tags #{args[:feature]}" else feature = "" end status = 0 compose = config['docker']['compose_file'] begin compose.up # do we need to run any tasks after the server starts? if config['run']['after_start'] != nil config['run']['after_start'].each do |task| puts "Running after_start task: #{task}" Rake::Task[task].invoke end end if config['cucumber']['consul_loader']['enabled'] Minke::Helpers.wait_until_server_running "#{config['cucumber']['consul_loader']['url']}/v1/status/leader", 0 loader = loader.load_config config['cucumber']['consul_loader']['config_file'], config['cucumber']['consul_loader']['url'] end if config['cucumber']['health_check']['enabled'] Minke::Helpers.wait_until_server_running config['cucumber']['health_check']['url'], 0 end sh "cucumber --color -f pretty #{feature}" status = $?.exitstatus ensure compose.stop compose.rm abort "Cucumber steps failed" unless status == 0 end end desc "push built image to Docker registry" task :push => ['config:load_config'] do p "Push image to registry" config = Minke::Helpers.config Minke::GoDocker.tag_and_push config end end