Feature: Handling frames Scenario: Accessing elements within the frame Given I am on the frame elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "id" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "id" When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "name" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "name" When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "index" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "index" #And I should be able to get the text fields text from frame 2 using "index" @watir_only Scenario: Accessing elements within the frame using Regexp Given I am on the frame elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "regex" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "regex" @watir_only Scenario: Accessing elements within the frame using multiple identifiers Given I am on the iframe elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "multiple identifiers" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "multiple identifiers" Scenario: Switching between frames Given I am on the frame elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "id" And I type "page-object" into the text field from frame 1 using "id" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "id" And I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 1 using "id" Scenario: Accessing elements within the frame Given I am on the iframe elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "id" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "id" When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "name" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "name" When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "index" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "index" Scenario: Switching between frames Given I am on the iframe elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field for frame 2 using "id" And I type "page-object" into the text field from frame 1 using "id" Then I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 2 using "id" And I should verify "page-object" is in the text field for frame 1 using "id" Scenario: Nested frames Given I am on the nested frame elements page Then I should be able to click the link in the frame Scenario: Identifying items in frames at runtime Given I am on the frame elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field from frame 1 identified dynamically Then I should verify "page-object" in the text field for frame 1 identified dynamically Scenario: Identifying items in iframes at runtime Given I am on the iframe elements page When I type "page-object" into the text field from iframe 1 identified dynamically Then I should verify "page-object" in the text field for iframe 1 identified dynamically Scenario: Handling alerts inside frames Given I am on the frame elements page When I trigger an alert within a frame Then I should be able to get the alert's message Scenario: Handling confirms inside frames Given I am on the frame elements page When I trigger a confirm within a frame Then I should be able to get the confirm message Scenario: Handling prompts inside frames Given I am on the frame elements page When I trigger a prompt within a frame Then I should be able to get the message and default value