class DocumentsController < InheritedResources::Base include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper respond_to :html, :js belongs_to_subjects :optional => true before_filter :profile_subject!, :only => :index load_and_authorize_resource :except => :index PER_PAGE=20 SEND_FILE_METHOD = :default def index super do |format| if params[:no_layout].present? format.html { render :action => :index, :layout => false } else format.html { render :action => :index } end end end def create super do |format| format.all {redirect_to request.referer || home_path} end end def update update! do |success, failure| failure.html { render :action => :show } success.html { render :action => :show } end end def show respond_to do |format| format.html {render :action => :show} format.all { path = resource.file.path(params[:style] || params[:format]) send_file path, :filename => resource.file_file_name, :disposition => "inline" } end end #TODO: we have to add the mimetype as in videos_controller def download path = @document.file.path(params[:style]) head(:bad_request) and return unless File.exist?(path) send_file_options = { :filename => @document.file_file_name, :type => @document.file_content_type } # Ask Victor about the rationale of this: case SEND_FILE_METHOD when :apache then send_file_options[:x_sendfile] = true when :nginx then head(:x_accel_redirect => path.gsub(Rails.root, '')) end send_file(path, send_file_options) end def destroy @post_activity = resource.post_activity destroy! end private def collection @activities = profile_subject.wall(:profile, :for => current_subject, :object_type => Array(self.class.index_object_type)) if params[:query].present? @activities = @activities.joins(:activity_objects => :document).where('documents.title LIKE ?', get_search_query) end @activities =[:page]).per(PER_PAGE) end class << self def index_object_type [ :Audio, :Video, :Picture, :Document ] end end def get_search_query search_query = "" param = strip_tags(params[:query]) || "" bare_query = param unless bare_query.html_safe? search_query_words = bare_query.strip.split search_query_words.each_index do |i| search_query+= search_query_words[i] + " " if i < (search_query_words.size - 1) search_query+= "%" + search_query_words[i] + "% " if i == (search_query_words.size - 1) end return search_query.strip end end