Use Auto Logging block, RBatch automatically write to logfile.
Log file default location is “../log/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_${PROG_NAME}.log” .
If exception occuerd, then RBatch write stack trace to logfile.
script : ./bin/sample1.rb
require 'rbatch' RBatch::Log.new(){ |log| # Logging block log.info "info string" log.error "error string" raise "exception" }
logfile : ./log/20121020_005953_sample1.log
[2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [INFO ] info string [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [ERROR] error string [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [FATAL] Caught exception; existing 1 [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [FATAL] exception (RuntimeError) [backtrace] test.rb:6:in `block in <main>' [backtrace] /usr/local/lib/ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rbatch-1.0.0/lib/rbatch/auto_logger.rb:37:in `initialize' [backtrace] test.rb:3:in `new' [backtrace] test.rb:3:in `<main>'
Auto Logging Block.
opt = Option hash object. Hash keys is follows.
:name (String) = log file name. Default is
:dir (String) = log direcotry path. Default is “../log“
:level (String) = log level. [“debug”|“info”|“warn”|“error”|“fatal”] . Default is “info”.
:append (Boolean) = appned to log or not(=overwrite). Default is ture.
:stdout (Boolean) = print string both logfile and STDOUT. Default is false.
:quiet (Boolean) = run quiet mode. print STDOUT nothing. Default is true.
log = Instance of Logger
RBatch::Log.new({:dir => "/tmp", :level => "info"}){ |log| log.info "info string" }
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 96 96: def initialize(opt = nil) 97: # parse option 98: @opt = @@def_opt.clone 99: @@def_opt.each_key do |key| 100: if opt != nil && opt[key] != nil 101: # use argument 102: @opt[key] = opt[key] 103: elsif RBatch.rbatch_config != nil && RBatch.rbatch_config["log_" + key.to_s] != nil 104: # use config 105: @opt[key] = RBatch.rbatch_config["log_" + key.to_s] 106: else 107: # use default 108: end 109: end 110: puts "option = " + @opt.to_s if @@verbose 111: # determine log file name 112: @prog_base = Pathname(File.basename(RBatch.program_name)).sub_ext("").to_s 113: @file_name = @opt[:name].clone 114: @file_name.gsub!("<date>", Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")) 115: @file_name.gsub!("<time>", Time.now.strftime("%H%M%S")) 116: @file_name.gsub!("<prog>", @prog_base) 117: path = File.join(@opt[:dir],@file_name) 118: # create Logger instance 119: begin 120: if @opt[:append] && File.exist?(path) 121: @log = Logger.new(open(path,"a")) 122: else 123: @log = Logger.new(open(path,"w")) 124: end 125: rescue Errno::ENOENT => e 126: STDERR.puts "RBatch ERROR: Can not open log file - #{path}" if ! @opt[:quiet] 127: raise e 128: end 129: # set logger option 130: formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| 131: head = "[#{datetime}] [" + sprintf("%-5s",severity) +"]" 132: if msg.is_a? Exception 133: "#{head} #{msg}\n" + msg.backtrace.map{|s| " [backtrace] #{s}"}.join("\n") + "\n" 134: else 135: "#{head} #{msg}\n" 136: end 137: end 138: @log.formatter = @opt[:formatter] if @opt[:formatter] 139: @log.level = @@log_level_map[@opt[:level]] 140: @log.formatter = formatter 141: if @opt[:stdout] 142: # ccreate Logger instance for STDOUT 143: @stdout_log = Logger.new(STDOUT) 144: @stdout_log.formatter = @opt[:formatter] if @opt[:formatter] 145: @stdout_log.level = @@log_level_map[@opt[:level]] 146: @stdout_log.formatter = formatter 147: end 148: puts "Log file: " + path if ! @opt[:quiet] 149: # delete old log 150: self.delete_old_log(@opt[:delete_old_log_date]) if @opt[:delete_old_log] 151: # Start logging 152: self.info("Start Logging. (PID=#{$$.to_s})") if ! @opt[:quiet] 153: if block_given? 154: begin 155: yield self 156: rescue => e 157: self.fatal(e) 158: self.fatal("Caught exception. Exit 1") 159: exit 1 160: ensure 161: self.close 162: end 163: end 164: end
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 194 194: def close 195: @stdout_log.close if @opt[:stdout] 196: @log.close 197: end
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 189 189: def debug(a) 190: @stdout_log.debug(a) if @opt[:stdout] 191: @log.debug(a) 192: end
Delete old log files. If @opt[:name] is not include “
date (Integer): The day of leaving log files
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 205 205: def delete_old_log(date = 7) 206: if Dir.exists?(@opt[:dir]) && @opt[:name].include?("<date>") 207: Dir::foreach(@opt[:dir]) do |file| 208: r = Regexp.new("^" + @opt[:name].gsub("<prog>",@prog_base) .gsub("<time>","[0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]") .gsub("<date>","([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9])") + "$") 209: if r =~ file && Date.strptime($1,"%Y%m%d") <= Date.today - date 210: puts "Delete old log file: " + File.join(@opt[:dir] , file) if ! @opt[:quiet] 211: File::delete(File.join(@opt[:dir] , file)) 212: end 213: end 214: end 215: end
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 173 173: def error(a) 174: @stdout_log.error(a) if @opt[:stdout] 175: @log.error(a) 176: send_mail(a) if @opt[:send_mail] 177: end
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 167 167: def fatal(a) 168: @stdout_log.fatal(a) if @opt[:stdout] 169: @log.fatal(a) 170: send_mail(a) if @opt[:send_mail] 171: end
send mail
# File lib/rbatch/log.rb, line 224 224: def send_mail(msg) 225: body = From: <#{@opt[:mail_from]}>To: <#{@opt[:mail_to]}>Subject: [RBatch] #{RBatch.program_name} has errorDate: #{Time::now.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X %z")}Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JPContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit#{msg} 226: Net::SMTP.start(@opt[:mail_server_host],@opt[:mail_server_port] ) {|smtp| 227: smtp.send_mail(body,@opt[:mail_from],@opt[:mail_to]) 228: } 229: end
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