module Hobo module Rapid module Helper def comma_split(x) case x when nil [] when String x.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/) else{|e| comma_split(e)}.flatten end end def rapid_build_callbacks(options) callbacks = {} options.each do |callback, code| if AJAX_CALLBACKS.include?(callback.to_sym) name = 'on' + callback.to_s.capitalize callbacks[name] = "function(request){#{code}}" end end callbacks end def options_for_hobo_ajax(options) js_options = rapid_build_callbacks(options) js_options['asynchronous'] = false if options[:type] == :synchronous js_options['method'] = method_option_to_s(options[:method]) if options[:method] js_options['evalScripts'] = false if options[:script] == false js_options['form'] = options[:form] if options[:form] js_options['params'] = make_params_js(options[:params]) if options[:params] js_options['resultUpdate'] = js_result_updates(options[:result_update]) if options[:result_update] js_options['resetForm'] = options[:reset_form] if options.has_key?(:reset_form) js_options['refocusForm'] = options[:refocus_form] if options.has_key?(:refocus_form) js_options['spinnerNextTo'] = js_str(options[:spinner_next_to]) if options.has_key?(:spinner_next_to) js_options['message'] = js_str(options[:message]) if options[:message] js_options.empty? ? nil : options_for_javascript(js_options) end def js_updates(updates) return '[]' unless updates updates = [updates] unless updates.is_a? Array updates = comma_split(updates).map do |u| if u.to_s == "self" "Hobo.partFor(this)" else js_str(u) end end "[#{updates * ', '}]" end def js_result_updates(updates) return '[]' unless updates updates = [updates] unless updates.is_a? Array pairs = comma_split(updates).map &it.split(/\s*=\s*/) '[' +{|p| "{id: #{js_str(p[0])}, result: #{js_str(p[1])}}"}.join(", ") + ']' end def ajax_updater(url_or_form, update, options={}) options ||= {} options = options.symbolize_keys target = if url_or_form == :post_form target = "this" else js_str(url_or_form) end js_options = options_for_hobo_ajax(options) args = [target, js_updates(update), js_options].compact confirm = options.delete(:confirm) func = "Hobo.ajaxRequest(#{args * ', '})" if confirm "if (confirm(#{js_str(confirm)})) { #{func} }" else func end end def a_or_an(word) if word =~ /^[aeiouh]/ "an #{word}" else "a #{word}" end end def no_break(s) s = new_context { yield } if block_given? s.gsub(' ', ' ') end # returns the number of items in the collection. See LH #889 def collection_count this.try.to_int || this.try.total_entries || (this.try.loaded? && this.try.length) || this.try.count || this.try.length end def in_place_editor(attributes, this=nil) blank_message = attributes.delete(:blank_message) || t('hobo.in_place_editor.click_to_edit', :default => '(click to edit)') attributes = add_classes(attributes, "in-place-edit", model_id_class(this_parent, this_field)) attributes.update(:hobo_blank_message => blank_message, :if_blank => blank_message, :no_wrapper => false) edit_text = this._?.to_s attributes.update(:hobo_edit_text => edit_text) unless edit_text.nil? if update = attributes.delete(:update) attributes = add_classes(attributes, update_elements_class(update)) end view(attributes) end AJAX_CALLBACKS = [ :success, :failure, :complete ] AJAX_ATTRS = AJAX_CALLBACKS + [ :update, :type, :method, :script, :form, :params, :confirm, :message, :reset_form, :refocus_form, :result_update, :spinner_next_to ] def through_collection_names(object=this) do |refl| refl.macro == :has_many && refl.options[:through] {|x| x.options[:through]} end def non_through_collections(object=this) names = do |refl| refl.macro == :has_many end.*.name names - through_collection_names end def standard_fields(model, include_timestamps=false) fields = model.attr_order.*.to_s & model.content_columns.*.name fields -= %w{created_at updated_at created_on updated_on deleted_at} unless include_timestamps fields.reject! { |f| model.never_show? f } fields end def current_time ? : end end end end