# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # Helper that provides methods to render order selector and links module SanitizeHelper def self.included(base) base.include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper base.include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper base.include Decidim::TranslatableAttributes end # Public: It sanitizes a user-inputted string with the # `Decidim::UserInputScrubber` scrubber, so that video embeds work # as expected. Uses Rails' `sanitize` internally. # # html - A string representing user-inputted HTML. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def decidim_sanitize(html, options = {}) scrubber = options[:scrubber] || Decidim::UserInputScrubber.new if options[:strip_tags] strip_tags sanitize(html, scrubber: scrubber) else sanitize(html, scrubber: scrubber) end end def decidim_sanitize_admin(html, options = {}) decidim_sanitize(html, { scrubber: Decidim::AdminInputScrubber.new }.merge(options)) end def decidim_sanitize_newsletter(html, options = {}) if options[:strip_tags] strip_tags sanitize(html, scrubber: Decidim::NewsletterScrubber.new) else sanitize(html, scrubber: Decidim::NewsletterScrubber.new) end end def decidim_sanitize_editor(html, options = {}) content_tag(:div, decidim_sanitize(html, options), class: %w(ql-editor-display)) end def decidim_sanitize_editor_admin(html, options = {}) html = Decidim::IframeDisabler.new(html, options).perform decidim_sanitize_editor(html, { scrubber: Decidim::AdminInputScrubber.new }.merge(options)) end def decidim_html_escape(text) ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(text.to_str) end def decidim_url_escape(text) decidim_html_escape(text).sub(/^javascript:/, "") end def decidim_sanitize_translated(text) decidim_sanitize(translated_attribute(text)) end def decidim_escape_translated(text) decidim_html_escape(translated_attribute(text)) end private # Maintains the paragraphs and lists separations with their bullet points and # list numberings where appropriate. # # Returns a String. def sanitize_text(text) add_line_feeds(sanitize_ordered_lists(sanitize_unordered_lists(text))) end def sanitize_unordered_lists(text) text.gsub(%r{(?=.*)(?!.*?
  • .*?.*?)
  • }) { |li| "#{li}• " } end def sanitize_ordered_lists(text) i = 0 text.gsub(%r{(?=.*)(?!.*?
  • .*?.*?)
  • }) do |li| i += 1 li + "#{i}. " end end def add_line_feeds_to_paragraphs(text) text.gsub("

    ") { |p| "#{p}\n\n" } end def add_line_feeds_to_list_items(text) text.gsub("
  • ") { |li| "#{li}\n" } end # Adds line feeds after the paragraph and list item closing tags. # # Returns a String. def add_line_feeds(text) add_line_feeds_to_paragraphs(add_line_feeds_to_list_items(text)) end def content_handle_locale(body, all_locales, extras, links, strip_tags) handle_locales(body, all_locales) do |content| content = strip_tags(sanitize_text(content)) if strip_tags renderer = Decidim::ContentRenderers::HashtagRenderer.new(content) content = renderer.render(links: links, extras: extras).html_safe content = Decidim::ContentRenderers::LinkRenderer.new(content).render if links content end end # This method is currently being used only for Proposal and Meeting, # It aims to load the presenter class, and perform some basic sanitization on the content # This method should be used along side simple_format. # @param resource [Object] Resource object # @param method [Symbol] Method name # # @return ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer def render_sanitized_content(resource, method) content = present(resource).send(method, links: true, strip_tags: !try(:safe_content?)) return decidim_sanitize(content, {}) unless try(:safe_content?) return decidim_sanitize_editor_admin(content, {}) if try(:safe_content_admin?) decidim_sanitize_editor(content) end end end