# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'carrierwave/mongoid' def reset_mongo_class(uploader = MongoUploader) define_mongo_class('MongoUser') do include Mongoid::Document store_in :collection => 'users' field :folder, :default => '' mount_uploader :image, uploader end end def define_mongo_class(class_name, &block) Object.send(:remove_const, class_name) rescue nil klass = Object.const_set(class_name, Class.new) klass.class_eval(&block) klass end class MongoUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base; end class AnotherMongoUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base; end class IntegrityErrorUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base process :monkey def monkey raise CarrierWave::IntegrityError end def extension_white_list %w(jpg) end end class ProcessingErrorUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base process :monkey def monkey raise CarrierWave::ProcessingError end def extension_white_list %w(jpg) end end describe CarrierWave::Mongoid do after do MongoUser.collection.drop if MongoUser.count > 0 end describe '#image' do context "when nothing is assigned" do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @document = mongo_user_klass.new end it "returns a blank uploader" do @document.image.should be_blank end end context "when an empty string is assigned" do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @document = mongo_user_klass.new(:image => "") @document.save end it "returns a blank uploader" do @saved_doc = MongoUser.first @saved_doc.image.should be_blank end end context "when a filename is saved in the database" do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @document = mongo_user_klass.new # should retrieve a file from the storage if a value is stored in the database @document[:image] = "test.jpg" # NOT @document.image = 'text.jpg' @document.save @doc = MongoUser.first end it "returns an uploader" do @doc.image.should be_an_instance_of(MongoUploader) end it "sets the path to the store directory" do @doc.image.current_path.should == public_path('uploads/test.jpg') end it "should return valid JSON when to_json is called when image is nil" do @doc[:image] = nil hash = JSON.parse(@doc.to_json) hash.keys.should include("image") hash["image"].keys.should include("url") hash["image"]["url"].should be_nil end it "should return valid JSON when to_json is called when image is present" do @doc[:image] = 'test.jpeg' @doc.save! @doc.reload JSON.parse(@doc.to_json)["image"].should == {"url" => "/uploads/test.jpeg"} end it "should return valid JSON when to_json is called on a collection containing uploader from a model" do @doc[:image] = 'test.jpeg' @doc.save! @doc.reload JSON.parse({:data => @doc.image}.to_json).should == {"data"=>{"image"=>{"url"=>"/uploads/test.jpeg"}}} end it "should respect options[:only] when passed to to_json for the serializable hash" do @doc[:image] = 'test.jpeg' @doc.save! @doc.reload JSON.parse(@doc.to_json({:only => [:_id]})).should == {"_id" => @doc.id.as_json} end it "should respect options[:except] when passed to to_json for the serializable hash" do @doc[:image] = 'test.jpeg' @doc.save! @doc.reload JSON.parse(@doc.to_json({:except => [:_id, :image]})).should == {"folder" => ""} end end end describe '#image=' do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @doc = mongo_user_klass.new end context "when nil is assigned" do it "does not set the value" do @doc.image = nil @doc.image.should be_blank end end context "when an empty string is assigned" do it "does not set the value" do @doc.image = '' @doc.image.should be_blank end end context "when a file is assigned" do it "should cache a file" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.image.should be_an_instance_of(MongoUploader) end it "should write nothing to the database, to prevent overriden filenames to fail because of unassigned attributes" do @doc[:image].should be_nil end it "should copy a file into into the cache directory" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.image.current_path.should =~ /^#{public_path('uploads\/tmp')}/ end end context 'when validating integrity' do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class(IntegrityErrorUploader) @doc = mongo_user_klass.new @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpg') end it "should make the document invalid when an integrity error occurs" do @doc.should_not be_valid end it "should use I18n for integrity error messages" do @doc.valid? @doc.errors[:image].should == ['is not of an allowed file type'] change_locale_and_store_translations(:pt, :mongoid => { :errors => { :messages => { :carrierwave_integrity_error => 'tipo de imagem não permitido.' } } }) do @doc.should_not be_valid @doc.errors[:image].should == ['tipo de imagem não permitido.'] end end end context 'when validating processing' do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class(ProcessingErrorUploader) @doc = mongo_user_klass.new @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpg') end it "should make the document invalid when a processing error occurs" do @doc.should_not be_valid end it "should use I18n for processing error messages" do @doc.valid? @doc.errors[:image].should == ['failed to be processed'] change_locale_and_store_translations(:pt, :mongoid => { :errors => { :messages => { :carrierwave_processing_error => 'falha ao processar imagem.' } } }) do @doc.should_not be_valid @doc.errors[:image].should == ['falha ao processar imagem.'] end end end end describe "#save" do it "after it was initialized with params" do doc = reset_mongo_class.new(:image => stub_file('test.jpg')) doc.save.should be_true doc.image.should be_an_instance_of(MongoUploader) doc.image.current_path.should == public_path('uploads/test.jpg') end before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @doc = mongo_user_klass.new end context "when no file is assigned" do it "image is blank" do @doc.save.should be_true @doc.image.should be_blank end end context "when a file is assigned" do it "copies the file to the upload directory" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpg') @doc.save.should be_true @doc.image.should be_an_instance_of(MongoUploader) @doc.image.current_path.should == public_path('uploads/test.jpg') end it "saves the filename in the database" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpg') @doc.save.should be_true @doc[:image].should == 'test.jpg' @doc.image_identifier.should == 'test.jpg' end context "when remove_image? is true" do it "removes the image" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.save @doc.remove_image = true @doc.save.should be_true @doc.reload @doc.image.should be_blank @doc.image_identifier.should == '' end end it "should mark image as changed when saving a new image" do @doc.image_changed?.should be_false @doc.image = stub_file("test.jpeg") @doc.image_changed?.should be_true @doc.save @doc.reload @doc.image_changed?.should be_false @doc.image = stub_file("test.jpg") @doc.image_changed?.should be_true end end end describe '#update' do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @doc = mongo_user_klass.new @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.save @doc.reload end it "replaced it by a file with the same name" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.save @doc.reload @doc[:image].should == 'test.jpeg' @doc.image_identifier.should == 'test.jpeg' end end describe '#destroy' do before do mongo_user_klass = reset_mongo_class @doc = mongo_user_klass.new end describe "when file assigned" do it "removes the file from the filesystem" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exist?(public_path('uploads/test.jpeg')).should be_true @doc.image.should be_an_instance_of(MongoUploader) @doc.image.current_path.should == public_path('uploads/test.jpeg') @doc.destroy File.exist?(public_path('uploads/test.jpeg')).should be_false end end describe "when file is not assigned" do it "deletes the instance of MongoUser after save" do @doc.save MongoUser.count.should eql(1) @doc.destroy end it "deletes the instance of MongoUser after save and then re-looking up the instance" do @doc.save MongoUser.count.should eql(1) @doc = MongoUser.first @doc.destroy end end end describe '#mount_uploader removing old files' do before do @uploader = Class.new(MongoUploader) @class = reset_mongo_class(@uploader) @class.field :foo @doc = @class.new @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(file_path("uploads")) end describe 'normally' do it "should remove old file if old file had a different path" do @doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false end it "should not remove old file if old file had a different path but config is false" do @uploader.stub(:remove_previously_stored_files_after_update).and_return(false) @doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not remove file if old file had the same path" do @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not remove file if validations fail on save" do @class.validate { |r| r.errors.add :textfile, "FAIL!" } @doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_false File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end end describe 'with an overriden filename' do before do @uploader.class_eval do def filename model.foo + File.extname(super) end end @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.foo = "test" @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/test.jpeg')).should be_true @doc.image.read.should == "this is stuff" end it "should not remove file if old file had the same dynamic path" do @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/test.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should remove old file if old file had a different dynamic path" do @doc.foo = "new" @doc.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/test.jpeg')).should be_false end end shared_examples "embedded documents" do it "should remove old file if old file had a different path" do @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false end it "should not remove old file if old file had a different path but config is false" do @embedded_doc.image.stub(:remove_previously_stored_files_after_update).and_return(false) @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not remove file if old file had the same path" do @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not remove file if validations fail on save" do @embedded_doc_class.validate { |r| r.errors.add :textfile, "FAIL!" } @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_false File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not touch parent's dirty attributes" do @class.field :title @doc.title = "Title" @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true @doc.title.should == "Title" end end shared_examples "double embedded documents" do it "should remove old file if old file had a different path" do @double_embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @double_embedded_doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false end it "should not remove old file if old file had a different path but config is false" do @double_embedded_doc.image.stub(:remove_previously_stored_files_after_update).and_return(false) @double_embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @double_embedded_doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not remove file if old file had the same path" do @double_embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @double_embedded_doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should not remove file if validations fail on save" do @double_embedded_doc_class.validate { |r| r.errors.add :textfile, "FAIL!" } @double_embedded_doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @double_embedded_doc.save.should be_false File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end end describe 'with document embedded as embeds_one' do before do @embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoLocation') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_user end @class.class_eval do embeds_one :mongo_location end @doc = @class.new @embedded_doc = @doc.build_mongo_location @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true end include_examples "embedded documents" end describe 'with document embedded as embeds_one and parent document not matched the default scope' do before do @embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoLocation') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_user end @class.class_eval do embeds_one :mongo_location default_scope -> { where(:always_false => false) } end @doc = @class.new @embedded_doc = @doc.build_mongo_location @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true end include_examples "embedded documents" end describe 'with embedded documents' do before do @embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoLocation') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_user end @class.class_eval do embeds_many :mongo_locations, cascade_callbacks: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :mongo_locations end @doc = @class.new @embedded_doc = @doc.mongo_locations.build @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true end include_examples "embedded documents" it "attaches a new file to an existing document that had no file at first" do doc = @class.new doc.mongo_locations.build doc.save.should be_true doc.reload doc.mongo_locations.first.image = stub_file('test.jpeg') doc.save.should be_true doc.reload doc.mongo_locations.first[:image].should == 'test.jpeg' end it "changes the file" do @doc.update_attributes mongo_locations_attributes: { '0' => { _id: @embedded_doc._id, image: stub_file('test.jpeg') } } @doc.reload @doc.mongo_locations.first[:image].should == 'test.jpeg' end it "removes a file" do @doc.update_attributes mongo_locations_attributes: { '0' => { _id: @embedded_doc._id, remove_image: "1" } } @doc.reload @doc.mongo_locations.first[:image].should_not be_present end describe 'with double embedded documents' do before do @double_embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoItem') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_location end @embedded_doc_class.class_eval do embeds_many :mongo_items end @doc = @class.new @embedded_doc = @doc.mongo_locations.build @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true @double_embedded_doc = @embedded_doc.mongo_items.build @double_embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @double_embedded_doc.save.should be_true end include_examples "double embedded documents" end end describe 'with embedded documents and parent document not matched the default scope' do before do @embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoLocation') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_user end @class.class_eval do embeds_many :mongo_locations default_scope -> { where(:always_false => false) } end @doc = @class.new @embedded_doc = @doc.mongo_locations.build @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true end include_examples "embedded documents" describe 'with double embedded documents' do before do @double_embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoItem') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_location end @embedded_doc_class.class_eval do embeds_many :mongo_items end @doc = @class.new @embedded_doc = @doc.mongo_locations.build @embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @embedded_doc.save.should be_true @double_embedded_doc = @embedded_doc.mongo_items.build @double_embedded_doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @double_embedded_doc.save.should be_true end include_examples "double embedded documents" end end describe 'with embedded documents and nested attributes' do before do @embedded_doc_class = define_mongo_class('MongoLocation') do include Mongoid::Document mount_uploader :image, @uploader embedded_in :mongo_user end @class.class_eval do embeds_many :mongo_locations, cascade_callbacks: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :mongo_locations end @doc = @class.new(mongo_locations_attributes: [{image: stub_file("old.jpeg")}]) @doc.save.should be_true @embedded_doc = @doc.mongo_locations.first end it "should set the image on a save" do @doc.reload @doc.mongo_locations.first.image.path.should match(/old\.jpeg$/) @embedded_doc.image.path.should match(/old\.jpeg$/) end it "should update the image on update_attributes" do @doc.update_attributes(mongo_locations_attributes: [{id: @embedded_doc.id, image: stub_file("new.jpeg")}]).should be_true @doc.reload @doc.mongo_locations.first.image.path.should match(/new\.jpeg$/) @embedded_doc.image.path.should match(/new\.jpeg$/) end end end describe '#mount_uploader removing old files with versions' do before do @uploader = Class.new(MongoUploader) @uploader.version :thumb @class = reset_mongo_class(@uploader) @doc = @class.new @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/thumb_old.jpeg')).should be_true end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(file_path("uploads")) end it "should remove old file if old file had a different path" do @doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/thumb_new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false File.exists?(public_path('uploads/thumb_old.jpeg')).should be_false end it "should not remove file if old file had the same path" do @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/thumb_old.jpeg')).should be_true end end describe '#mount_uploader removing old files with multiple uploaders' do before do @uploader = Class.new(MongoUploader) @class = reset_mongo_class(@uploader) @uploader1 = Class.new(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base) @class.mount_uploader(:textfile, @uploader1) @doc = @class.new @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.textfile = stub_file('old.txt') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.txt')).should be_true end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(file_path("uploads")) end it "should remove old file1 and file2 if old file1 and file2 had a different paths" do @doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.textfile = stub_file('new.txt') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.txt')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.txt')).should be_false end it "should remove old file1 but not file2 if old file1 had a different path but old file2 has the same path" do @doc.image = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.textfile = stub_file('old.txt') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.txt')).should be_true end it "should not remove file1 or file2 if file1 and file2 have the same paths" do @doc.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.textfile = stub_file('old.txt') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.txt')).should be_true end end describe '#mount_uploader removing old files with with mount_on' do before do @class = reset_mongo_class @uploader1 = Class.new(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base) @class.mount_uploader(:avatar, @uploader1, :mount_on => :another_image) @doc = @class.new @doc.avatar = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(file_path("uploads")) end it "should remove old file if old file had a different path" do @doc.avatar = stub_file('new.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/new.jpeg')).should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false end it "should not remove file if old file had the same path" do @doc.avatar = stub_file('old.jpeg') @doc.save.should be_true File.exists?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end end # Mongoid::Paranoia support is only part of Mongoid 3.x. It was removed from # Mongoid 4.x. if defined?(Mongoid::Paranoia) describe "with paranoia enabled" do before do @class = reset_mongo_class @class.collection.drop @class.class_eval do include Mongoid::Paranoia end @doc = @class.new(image: stub_file("old.jpeg")) @doc.save.should be_true end it "should not remove underlying image after #destroy" do @doc.destroy.should be_true @class.count.should eql(0) @class.deleted.count.should eql(1) File.exist?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_true end it "should remove underlying image after #destroy!" do @doc.destroy!.should be_true @class.count.should eql(0) @class.deleted.count.should eql(0) File.exist?(public_path('uploads/old.jpeg')).should be_false end end end context "JSON serialization with multiple uploaders" do before do @class = reset_mongo_class @class.send(:mount_uploader, :textfile,AnotherMongoUploader) @event = @class.new @event.image = stub_file('old.jpeg') @event.textfile = stub_file('old.txt') end it "serializes the correct values" do @event.serializable_hash["image"]["url"].should match(/old\.jpeg$/) @event.serializable_hash["textfile"]["url"].should match(/old\.txt$/) end it "should have JSON for each uploader" do parsed = JSON.parse(@event.to_json) parsed["image"]["url"].should match(/old\.jpeg$/) parsed["textfile"]["url"].should match(/old\.txt$/) end end end