class CabooseRets::Schema < Caboose::Utilities::Schema def self.removed_columns { CabooseRets::CommercialProperty => [ :virtual_tour ], CabooseRets::ResidentialProperty => [ :virtual_tour ], CabooseRets::ResidentialProperty => [ :acreage_temp ] } end def self.indexes { CabooseRets::Media => [:media_id] } end # The schema of the database # { Model => [[name, data_type, options]] } def self.schema { CabooseRets::Agent => [ [ :beeper_phone , :string ], [ :last_name , :string ], [ :member_email , :string ], [ :phone_home_fax , :string ], [ :car_phone , :string ], [ :la_code , :string ], [ :member_page , :string ], [ :phone_pager , :string ], [ :date_created , :string ], [ :lo_code , :string ], [ :member_status , :string ], [ :phone_second_home , :string ], [ :date_modified , :string ], [ :mail_addr1 , :string ], [ :nrds_id , :string ], [ :phone_toll_free , :string ], [ :defaultemail , :string ], [ :mail_addr2 , :string ], [ :office_phone , :string ], [ :phone_voice_mail , :string ], [ :fax_phone , :string ], [ :mail_city , :string ], [ :other_phone , :string ], [ :phone_voice_pager , :string ], [ :first_name , :string ], [ :mail_state , :string ], [ :phone_change_date , :string ], [ :photo_count , :string ], [ :home_phone , :string ], [ :mail_zip , :string ], [ :phone_direct_office , :string ], [ :photo_date_modified , :string ], [ :hide , :boolean, { :default => false }], [ :bio , :text ], [ :contact_info , :text ], [ :assistant_to , :string ], [ :designation , :string ], [ :image_location , :string ] ], CabooseRets::CommercialProperty => [ [ :acreage , :text ], [ :adjoining_land_use , :text ], [ :agent_notes , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_desc , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_phone , :text ], [ :annual_taxes , :text ], [ :approx_age , :text ], [ :area , :text ], [ :banner , :text ], [ :baths , :text ], [ :baths_full , :text ], [ :baths_half , :text ], [ :bedrooms , :text ], [ :bom_date , :text ], [ :book_number , :text ], [ :book_page , :text ], [ :book_type , :text ], [ :box_on_unit , :text ], [ :box_on_unit_yn , :text ], [ :business_included_yn , :text ], [ :buyer_broker , :text ], [ :buyer_broker_type , :text ], [ :buyer_city , :text ], [ :buyer_name , :text ], [ :buyer_state , :text ], [ :buyer_zip , :text ], [ :category , :text ], [ :city , :text ], [ :city_code , :text ], [ :co_la_code , :text ], [ :co_lo_code , :text ], [ :co_sa_code , :text ], [ :co_so_code , :text ], [ :contacts , :text ], [ :contr_broker , :text ], [ :contr_broker_type , :text ], [ :county , :text ], [ :current_price , :integer, { :default => 0 }], [ :date_created , :text ], [ :date_leased , :text ], [ :date_modified , :text ], [ :df_yn , :text ], [ :directions , :text ], [ :display_address_yn , :text ], [ :dom , :text ], [ :elem_school , :text ], [ :expenses_assoc , :text ], [ :expenses_ins , :text ], [ :expenses_maint , :text ], [ :expenses_mgmt , :text ], [ :expenses_other , :text ], [ :expenses_tax , :text ], [ :expenses_utility , :text ], [ :expire_date , :text ], [ :flood_plain , :text ], [ :ftr_building , :text ], [ :ftr_building_type , :text ], [ :ftr_closing , :text ], [ :ftr_cooling , :text ], [ :ftr_docs_on_file , :text ], [ :ftr_exterior , :text ], [ :ftr_financing , :text ], [ :ftr_flooring , :text ], [ :ftr_heating , :text ], [ :ftr_interior , :text ], [ :ftr_internet , :text ], [ :ftr_lease_terms , :text ], [ :ftr_property_desc , :text ], [ :ftr_roof , :text ], [ :ftr_sale_terms , :text ], [ :ftr_sewer , :text ], [ :ftr_showing , :text ], [ :ftr_sprinkler , :text ], [ :ftr_style , :text ], [ :ftr_utilities , :text ], [ :ftr_utilities_rental , :text ], [ :ftr_water , :text ], [ :geo_precision , :text ], [ :georesult , :text ], [ :high_school , :text ], [ :hoa_fee , :text ], [ :hoa_fee_yn , :text ], [ :hoa_term , :text ], [ :income_gross , :text ], [ :income_net , :text ], [ :income_other , :text ], [ :income_rental , :text ], [ :internet_yn , :text ], [ :la_code , :text ], [ :leased_through , :text ], [ :legal_block , :text ], [ :legal_lot , :text ], [ :legals , :text ], [ :list_date , :text ], [ :list_price , :text ], [ :listing_type , :text ], [ :lo_code , :text ], [ :lockbox_yn , :text ], [ :lot_dimensions , :text ], [ :lot_dimensions_source , :text ], [ :media_flag , :text ], [ :middle_school , :text ], [ :mls_acct , :text ], [ :municipality , :text ], [ :negotiable_price , :boolean ], [ :num_units , :text ], [ :num_units_occupied , :text ], [ :off_mkt_date , :text ], [ :off_mkt_days , :text ], [ :office_notes , :text ], [ :orig_lp , :text ], [ :other_fee , :text ], [ :other_fee_type , :text ], [ :owner_name , :text ], [ :owner_phone , :text ], [ :parcel_id , :text ], [ :pending_date , :text ], [ :photo_count , :text ], [ :photo_date_modified , :text ], [ :photo_description , :text ], [ :photo_instr , :text ], [ :posession , :text ], [ :price_change_date , :text ], [ :price_sqft , :text ], [ :proj_close_date , :text ], [ :prop_desc , :text ], [ :prop_id , :text ], [ :prop_type , :text ], [ :remarks , :text ], [ :road_frontage_ft , :text ], [ :sa_code , :text ], [ :sale_lease , :text ], [ :sale_notes , :text ], [ :so_code , :text ], [ :sold_date , :text ], [ :sold_price , :text ], [ :sold_terms , :text ], [ :sqft_source , :text ], [ :state , :text ], [ :status , :text ], [ :status_date , :text ], [ :status_flag , :text ], [ :street , :text ], [ :street_dir , :text ], [ :street_name , :text ], [ :street_num , :text ], [ :sub_agent , :text ], [ :sub_agent_type , :text ], [ :sub_area , :text ], [ :subdivision , :text ], [ :take_photo_yn , :text ], [ :third_party_comm_yn , :text ], [ :tot_heat_sqft , :text ], [ :tour_date , :text ], [ :tour_submit_date , :text ], [ :type_detailed , :text ], [ :u1_dims , :text ], [ :u1_free_standing_yn , :text ], [ :u1_sqft_manuf , :text ], [ :u1_sqft_office , :text ], [ :u1_sqft_retail , :text ], [ :u1_sqft_total , :text ], [ :u1_sqft_warehouse , :text ], [ :u1_year_built , :text ], [ :u2_dims , :text ], [ :u2_free_standing_yn , :text ], [ :u2_sqft_manuf , :text ], [ :u2_sqft_office , :text ], [ :u2_sqft_retail , :text ], [ :u2_sqft_total , :text ], [ :u2_sqft_warehouse , :text ], [ :u2_year_built , :text ], [ :u3_dims , :text ], [ :u3_free_standing_yn , :text ], [ :u3_sqft_manuf , :text ], [ :u3_sqft_office , :text ], [ :u3_sqft_retail , :text ], [ :u3_sqft_total , :text ], [ :u3_sqft_warehouse , :text ], [ :u3_year_built , :text ], [ :unit_num , :text ], [ :upload_source , :text ], [ :vacancy_rate , :text ], [ :vacant_yn , :text ], [ :valuation_yn , :text ], [ :vt_yn , :text ], [ :waterfront_yn , :text ], [ :withdrawn_date , :text ], [ :year_built , :text ], [ :zip , :text ], [ :zoning_northport , :text ], [ :zoning_tusc , :text ], [ :latitude , :float ], [ :longitude , :float ] ], CabooseRets::LandProperty => [ [ :acreage , :text ], [ :acreage_source , :text ], [ :adjoining_land_use , :text ], [ :agent_notes , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_desc , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_phone , :text ], [ :annual_taxes , :text ], [ :area , :text ], [ :bom_date , :text ], [ :book_number , :text ], [ :book_page , :text ], [ :book_type , :text ], [ :buyer_broker , :text ], [ :buyer_broker_type , :text ], [ :buyer_name , :text ], [ :category , :text ], [ :city , :text ], [ :city_code , :text ], [ :co_la_code , :text ], [ :co_lo_code , :text ], [ :co_sa_code , :text ], [ :co_so_code , :text ], [ :contacts , :text ], [ :contr_broker , :text ], [ :contr_broker_type , :text ], [ :converted , :text ], [ :county , :text ], [ :current_price , :integer, { :default => 0 }], [ :date_created , :text ], [ :date_modified , :text ], [ :df_yn , :text ], [ :directions , :text ], [ :display_address_yn , :text ], [ :dom , :text ], [ :elem_school , :text ], [ :expire_date , :text ], [ :ftr_access , :text ], [ :ftr_docs_on_file , :text ], [ :ftr_existing_struct , :text ], [ :ftr_extras , :text ], [ :ftr_internet , :text ], [ :ftr_lotdesc , :text ], [ :ftr_mineralrights , :text ], [ :ftr_possibleuse , :text ], [ :ftr_restrictions , :text ], [ :ftr_sewer , :text ], [ :ftr_showing , :text ], [ :ftr_terms , :text ], [ :ftr_topography , :text ], [ :ftr_utils , :text ], [ :ftr_zoning , :text ], [ :geo_precision , :text ], [ :georesult , :text ], [ :high_school , :text ], [ :internet_yn , :text ], [ :la_code , :text ], [ :legal_block , :text ], [ :legal_lot , :text ], [ :legal_section , :text ], [ :legals , :text ], [ :list_date , :text ], [ :list_price , :text ], [ :listing_type , :text ], [ :lo_code , :text ], [ :lot_dim_source , :text ], [ :lot_dimensions , :text ], [ :media_flag , :text ], [ :middle_school , :text ], [ :mls_acct , :text ], [ :municipality , :text ], [ :off_mkt_date , :text ], [ :off_mkt_days , :text ], [ :office_notes , :text ], [ :orig_lp , :text ], [ :orig_price , :text ], [ :other_fee , :text ], [ :other_fee_type , :text ], [ :owner_name , :text ], [ :owner_phone , :text ], [ :parcel_id , :text ], [ :pending_date , :text ], [ :photo_count , :text ], [ :photo_date_modified , :text ], [ :price_change_date , :text ], [ :price_sqft , :text ], [ :proj_close_date , :text ], [ :prop_id , :text ], [ :prop_type , :text ], [ :remarks , :text ], [ :road_frontage_ft , :text ], [ :sa_code , :text ], [ :sale_lease , :text ], [ :sale_notes , :text ], [ :so_code , :text ], [ :sold_date , :text ], [ :sold_price , :text ], [ :sold_terms , :text ], [ :state , :text ], [ :status , :text ], [ :status_date , :text ], [ :status_flag , :text ], [ :street , :text ], [ :street_dir , :text ], [ :street_name , :text ], [ :street_num , :text ], [ :sub_agent , :text ], [ :sub_agent_type , :text ], [ :subdivision , :text ], [ :third_party_comm_yn , :text ], [ :unit_num , :text ], [ :upload_source , :text ], [ :valuation_yn , :text ], [ :vt_yn , :text ], [ :waterfront , :text ], [ :waterfront_yn , :text ], [ :wf_feet , :text ], [ :withdrawn_date , :text ], [ :zip , :text ], [ :zoning_northport , :text ], [ :zoning_tusc , :text ], [ :latitude , :float ], [ :longitude , :float ] ], CabooseRets::Media => [ [ :date_modified , :string ], [ :file_name , :string ], [ :media_id , :string ], [ :media_order , :integer, { :default => 0 }], [ :media_remarks , :text ], [ :media_type , :string ], [ :mls_acct , :string ], [ :url , :text ] ], CabooseRets::MultiFamilyProperty => [ [ :acreage , :text ], [ :agent_notes , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_desc , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_phone , :text ], [ :annual_taxes , :text ], [ :area , :text ], [ :bom_date , :text ], [ :book_number , :text ], [ :book_page , :text ], [ :book_type , :text ], [ :box_on_unit , :text ], [ :buyer_broker , :text ], [ :buyer_broker_type , :text ], [ :buyer_name , :text ], [ :category , :text ], [ :city , :text ], [ :city_code , :text ], [ :contacts , :text ], [ :contr_broker , :text ], [ :contr_broker_type , :text ], [ :county , :text ], [ :co_la_code , :text ], [ :co_lo_code , :text ], [ :co_sa_code , :text ], [ :co_so_code , :text ], [ :current_price , :integer ], [ :date_created , :text ], [ :date_leased , :text ], [ :date_modified , :text ], [ :df_yn , :text ], [ :directions , :text ], [ :display_address_yn , :text ], [ :dom , :text ], [ :elem_school , :text ], [ :expenses_association , :text ], [ :expenses_insurance , :text ], [ :expenses_maintenance , :text ], [ :expenses_management , :text ], [ :expenses_other , :text ], [ :expenses_tax , :text ], [ :expire_date , :text ], [ :flood_plain , :text ], [ :ftr_building_type , :text ], [ :ftr_construction , :text ], [ :ftr_cooling , :text ], [ :ftr_exterior , :text ], [ :ftr_exterioramenit , :text ], [ :ftr_floors , :text ], [ :ftr_heating , :text ], [ :ftr_interior , :text ], [ :ftr_rent_incl , :text ], [ :ftr_roof , :text ], [ :ftr_roof_age , :text ], [ :ftr_showing , :text ], [ :ftr_utils , :text ], [ :ftr_zoning , :text ], [ :georesult , :text ], [ :geo_precision , :text ], [ :high_school , :text ], [ :hoa_fee , :text ], [ :hoa_fee_yn , :text ], [ :hoa_term , :text ], [ :income , :text ], [ :income_other , :text ], [ :income_rent , :text ], [ :internet_yn , :text ], [ :la_code , :text ], [ :legals , :text ], [ :limited_service_yn , :text ], [ :listing_type , :text ], [ :list_date , :text ], [ :list_price , :text ], [ :lot_dimensions , :text ], [ :lot_dimensions_source , :text ], [ :lo_code , :text ], [ :management , :text ], [ :media_flag , :text ], [ :middle_school , :text ], [ :mls_acct , :text ], [ :municipality , :text ], [ :num_units , :text ], [ :num_units_occupied , :text ], [ :office_notes , :text ], [ :off_mkt_date , :text ], [ :off_mkt_days , :text ], [ :orig_lp , :text ], [ :orig_price , :text ], [ :other_fee , :text ], [ :other_fee_type , :text ], [ :owner_name , :text ], [ :owner_phone , :text ], [ :parcel_id , :text ], [ :pending_date , :text ], [ :photo_count , :text ], [ :photo_date_modified , :text ], [ :price_change_date , :text ], [ :price_sqft , :text ], [ :proj_close_date , :text ], [ :prop_id , :text ], [ :prop_type , :text ], [ :remarks , :text ], [ :sale_notes , :text ], [ :sale_rent , :text ], [ :sa_code , :text ], [ :sold_date , :text ], [ :sold_price , :text ], [ :sold_terms , :text ], [ :so_code , :text ], [ :state , :text ], [ :status , :text ], [ :status_date , :text ], [ :status_flag , :text ], [ :street , :text ], [ :street_dir , :text ], [ :street_name , :text ], [ :street_num , :text ], [ :subdivision , :text ], [ :sub_agent , :text ], [ :sub_agent_type , :text ], [ :third_party_comm_yn , :text ], [ :tot_heat_sqft , :text ], [ :u1_baths , :text ], [ :u1_num , :text ], [ :u1_occ , :text ], [ :u1_rent , :text ], [ :u1_sqft , :text ], [ :u1_yn , :text ], [ :u2_baths , :text ], [ :u2_num , :text ], [ :u2_occ , :text ], [ :u2_rent , :text ], [ :u2_sqft , :text ], [ :u2_yn , :text ], [ :u3_baths , :text ], [ :u3_num , :text ], [ :u3_occ , :text ], [ :u3_rent , :text ], [ :u3_sqft , :text ], [ :u3_yn , :text ], [ :u4_baths , :text ], [ :u4_num , :text ], [ :u4_occ , :text ], [ :u4_rent , :text ], [ :u4_sqft , :text ], [ :u4_yn , :text ], [ :u5_baths , :text ], [ :u5_num , :text ], [ :u5_occ , :text ], [ :u5_rent , :text ], [ :u5_sqft , :text ], [ :u5_yn , :text ], [ :u6_baths , :text ], [ :u6_num , :text ], [ :u6_occ , :text ], [ :u6_rent , :text ], [ :u6_sqft , :text ], [ :u6_yn , :text ], [ :u7_baths , :text ], [ :u7_num , :text ], [ :u7_occ , :text ], [ :u7_rent , :text ], [ :u7_sqft , :text ], [ :u7_yn , :text ], [ :u8_num , :text ], [ :u8_occ , :text ], [ :u8_rent , :text ], [ :u8_sqft , :text ], [ :u8_yn , :text ], [ :unit_num , :text ], [ :upload_source , :text ], [ :valuation_yn , :text ], [ :vt_yn , :text ], [ :withdrawn_date , :text ], [ :year_built , :text ], [ :zip , :text ], [ :latitude , :float ], [ :longitude , :float ] ], CabooseRets::Office => [ [ :lo_date_created , :string ], [ :lo_date_modified , :string ], [ :lo_email , :string ], [ :lo_fax_phone , :string ], [ :lo_idx_yn , :string ], [ :lo_code , :string ], [ :lo_mailaddr1 , :string ], [ :lo_mailaddr2 , :string ], [ :lo_mailcity , :string ], [ :lo_mailstate , :string ], [ :lo_mailzip , :string ], [ :lo_main_lo_code , :string ], [ :lo_name , :string ], [ :lo_other_phone , :string ], [ :lo_page , :string ], [ :lo_phone , :string ], [ :lo_status , :string ], [ :photo_count , :string ], [ :photo_date_modified , :string ] ], CabooseRets::OpenHouse => [ [ :comments , :string ], [ :date_created , :string ], [ :date_modified , :string ], [ :end_time , :string ], [ :la_code , :string ], [ :mls_acct , :string ], [ :open_house_date , :string ], [ :open_house_type , :string ], [ :perpetual_yn , :string ], [ :prop_type , :string ], [ :start_time , :string ] ], CabooseRets::ResidentialProperty => [ [ :bedrooms , :text ], [ :dom , :text ], [ :ftr_pool , :text ], [ :rm_other3_desc , :text ], [ :baths_full , :text ], [ :ftr_diningroom , :text ], [ :ftr_porchpatio , :text ], [ :rm_other3_name , :text ], [ :baths_half , :text ], [ :directions , :text ], [ :ftr_possession , :text ], [ :rm_other4 , :text ], [ :baths , :text ], [ :display_address_yn , :text ], [ :current_price , :integer, { :default => 0 }], [ :rm_other4_desc , :text ], [ :avm_automated_sales_disabled , :text ], [ :ftr_drive , :text ], [ :price_change_date , :text ], [ :rm_other4_name , :text ], [ :avm_instant_valuation_disabled , :text ], [ :elem_school , :text ], [ :price_sqft , :text ], [ :rm_recrm , :text ], #[ :acreage , :text ], [ :acreage , :float, { :default => 0.0 }], #[ :acreage_temp , :float, { :default => 0.0 }], [ :expire_date , :text ], [ :prop_type , :text ], [ :rm_recrm_desc , :text ], [ :ftr_age , :text ], [ :ftr_exterior , :text ], [ :rm_bath1 , :text ], [ :rm_study , :text ], [ :agent_notes , :text ], [ :ftr_citycommunit , :text ], [ :rm_bath1_desc , :text ], [ :rm_study_desc , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_desc , :text ], [ :ftr_fireplace , :text ], [ :rm_bath2 , :text ], [ :rm_sun , :text ], [ :agent_other_contact_phone , :text ], [ :flood_plain , :text ], [ :rm_bath2_desc , :text ], [ :rm_sun_desc , :text ], [ :annual_taxes , :text ], [ :foreclosure_yn , :text ], [ :rm_bath3 , :text ], [ :remarks , :text ], [ :internet_yn , :text ], [ :georesult , :text ], [ :rm_bath3_desc , :text ], [ :right_red_date , :text ], [ :ftr_appliances , :text ], [ :ftr_garage , :text ], [ :rm_br1 , :text ], [ :ftr_roof , :text ], [ :tot_heat_sqft , :text ], [ :geo_precision , :text ], [ :rm_br1_desc , :text ], [ :status_flag , :text ], [ :area , :text ], [ :ftr_hoaamenities , :text ], [ :rm_br2 , :text ], [ :hoa_fee , :text ], [ :ftr_hoaincludes , :text ], [ :rm_br2_desc , :text ], [ :sale_notes , :text ], [ :hoa_term , :text ], [ :hoa_fee_yn , :text ], [ :rm_br3 , :text ], [ :ftr_terms , :text ], [ :ftr_attic , :text ], [ :ftr_heating , :text ], [ :rm_br3_desc , :text ], [ :sale_lease , :text ], [ :ftr_docs_on_file , :text ], [ :high_school , :text ], [ :rm_br4 , :text ], [ :owner_name , :text ], [ :bom_date , :text ], [ :homestead_yn , :text ], [ :rm_br4_desc , :text ], [ :owner_phone , :text ], [ :basement_yn , :text ], [ :ftr_interior , :text ], [ :rm_br5 , :text ], [ :sa_code , :text ], [ :ftr_basement , :text ], [ :lease_exp_date , :text ], [ :rm_br5_desc , :text ], [ :so_code , :text ], [ :book_number , :text ], [ :ftr_landscaping , :text ], [ :rm_brkfst , :text ], [ :ftr_sewer , :text ], [ :book_page , :text ], [ :ftr_laundry , :text ], [ :rm_brkfst_desc , :text ], [ :ftr_showing , :text ], [ :book_type , :text ], [ :legals , :text ], [ :rm_den , :text ], [ :sold_date , :text ], [ :buyer_name , :text ], [ :levels , :text ], [ :rm_den_desc , :text ], [ :sold_price , :text ], [ :city_code , :text ], [ :list_price , :text ], [ :rm_dining , :text ], [ :sold_terms , :text ], [ :converted , :text ], [ :list_date , :text ], [ :rm_dining_desc , :text ], [ :sqft_source , :text ], [ :currentlease_yn , :text ], [ :status , :text ], [ :rm_family , :text ], [ :state , :text ], [ :category , :text ], [ :listing_type , :text ], [ :rm_family_desc , :text ], [ :street_dir , :text ], [ :city , :text ], [ :la_code , :text ], [ :rm_foyer , :text ], [ :street_name , :text ], [ :co_la_code , :text ], [ :lo_code , :text ], [ :rm_foyer_desc , :text ], [ :street_num , :text ], [ :co_lo_code , :text ], [ :ftr_lotdesc , :text ], [ :rm_great , :text ], [ :style , :text ], [ :co_so_code , :text ], [ :lot_dimensions , :text ], [ :rm_great_desc , :text ], [ :subdivision , :text ], [ :co_sa_code , :text ], [ :mls_acct , :text ], [ :rm_kitchen , :text ], [ :take_photo_yn , :text ], [ :buyer_broker , :text ], [ :master_bed_lvl , :text ], [ :rm_kitchen2 , :text ], [ :upload_source , :text ], [ :buyer_broker_type , :text ], [ :middle_school , :text ], [ :rm_kitchen2_desc , :text ], [ :unit_num , :text ], [ :sub_agent , :text ], [ :ftr_miscellaneous , :text ], [ :rm_kitchen_desc , :text ], [ :valuation_yn , :text ], [ :sub_agent_type , :text ], [ :other_fee , :text ], [ :rm_laundry , :text ], [ :third_party_comm_yn , :text ], [ :contr_broker , :text ], [ :off_mkt_date , :text ], [ :rm_laundry_desc , :text ], [ :vt_yn , :text ], [ :contr_broker_type , :text ], [ :off_mkt_days , :text ], [ :rm_living , :text ], [ :ftr_warrantyprogrm , :text ], [ :construction_date_comp , :text ], [ :outlier_yn , :text ], [ :rm_living_desc , :text ], [ :wf_feet , :text ], [ :ftr_construction , :text ], [ :office_notes , :text ], [ :rm_lrdr , :text ], [ :ftr_waterheater , :text ], [ :construction_status , :text ], [ :onsite_yn , :text ], [ :rm_lrdr_desc , :text ], [ :ftr_watersupply , :text ], [ :contacts , :text ], [ :onsite_days_hours , :text ], [ :rm_master , :text ], [ :waterfront , :text ], [ :ftr_cooling , :text ], [ :orig_lp , :text ], [ :rm_master_desc , :text ], [ :ftr_window_treat , :text ], [ :county , :text ], [ :other_fee_type , :text ], [ :rm_other1 , :text ], [ :ftr_windows , :text ], [ :df_yn , :text ], [ :photo_count , :text ], [ :rm_other1_desc , :text ], [ :year_built , :text ], [ :date_modified , :text ], [ :photo_date_modified , :text ], [ :rm_other1_name , :text ], [ :year_built_source , :text ], [ :status_date , :text ], [ :prop_id , :text ], [ :rm_other2 , :text ], [ :zip , :text ], [ :date_created , :text ], [ :parcel_id , :text ], [ :rm_other2_desc , :text ], [ :proj_close_date , :text ], [ :pending_date , :text ], [ :rm_other2_name , :text ], [ :withdrawn_date , :text ], [ :media_flag , :text ], [ :rm_other3 , :text ], [ :latitude , :float ], [ :longitude , :float ] ], CabooseRets::SavedProperty => [ [ :user_id , :integer ], [ :mls_acct , :integer ] ], CabooseRets::SavedSearch => [ [ :user_id , :integer ], [ :params , :text ], [ :date_created , :timestamp ], [ :date_last , :timestamp ], [ :interval , :integer ], [ :property_type , :string ], [ :uri , :text ], [ :notify , :boolean ] ] } end def self.load_data c = ActiveRecord::Base.connection c.add_attachment :rets_agents , :image if !c.column_exists? :rets_agents , :image_file_name c.add_attachment :rets_offices , :image if !c.column_exists? :rets_offices , :image_file_name c.add_attachment :rets_media , :image if !c.column_exists? :rets_media , :image_file_name c.add_attachment :rets_media , :file if !c.column_exists? :rets_media , :file_file_name end end