# vim: filetype=ruby:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=8:softtabstop=2 : if /mingw|mswin|mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM require 'pathname' base_dir = Pathname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) base_dir = base_dir.parent + "vendor" + "local" if base_dir.exist? base_dir = base_dir.to_s.gsub(/\//, "\\") ENV['PATH'] = %w(bin lib).collect do |dir| "#{base_dir}\\#{dir};" end.join('') + ENV['PATH'] else require 'rbconfig' ENV['PATH'] = %w(bin lib).collect do |dir| "#{Config::CONFIG["prefix"]}\\lib\\GTK\\#{dir};" end.join('') + ENV['PATH'] end end module Cairo class << self def __add_one_arg_setter(klass) names = klass.instance_methods(false) names.each do |name| if /^set_(.*)/ =~ name and not names.include? "#{$1}=" and klass.instance_method(name).arity == 1 klass.module_eval("def #{$1}=(val); set_#{$1}(val); val; end") end end end def normalize_const_name(name) name.to_s.upcase.gsub(/[\s\-_.]+/, "_") end end end require 'cairo/color' require 'cairo/paper' begin major, minor, micro, = RUBY_VERSION.split(/\./) require "#{major}.#{minor}/cairo.so" rescue LoadError require 'cairo.so' end require 'cairo/constants' module Cairo class << self undef __add_one_arg_setter def bindings_version major, minor, micro, tag = BINDINGS_VERSION version = [major, minor, micro].join('.') version << "-#{tag}" if tag version end def exit_application(exception, status) puts("#{exception.class}: #{exception}") puts(exception.backtrace) exit(status) end end class Surface def dup raise NotImplementedError end def clone raise NotImplementedError end end if const_defined?("PSLevel") module PSLevel class << self def names list.collect {|version| name(version)} end end end end if const_defined?("SVGVersion") module SVGVersion class << self def names list.collect {|version| name(version)} end end end end if const_defined?("SVGSurface") class SVGSurface class << self def versions_as_string SVGVersion.names end def versions SVGVersion.list end def version_to_string(version) SVGVersion.name(version) end end end end class Matrix def dup Matrix.new(*to_a) end def clone copy = dup copy.freeze if self.frozen? copy end def translate(tx, ty); dup.translate!(tx, ty); end def scale(sx, sy); dup.scale!(sx, sy); end def rotate(radians); dup.rotate!(radians); end def invert; dup.invert!; end def multiply(other); dup.multiply!(other); end alias * multiply end class FontOptions def merge(other) dup.merge!(other) end end end require 'cairo/point' require 'cairo/colors' require 'cairo/papers' require 'cairo/context' require 'cairo/path' module Cairo if const_defined?(:Win32Surface) WIN32Surface = Win32Surface # For backward compatibility end end