require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' class Webmoney describe Webmoney, "class" do before(:each) do @wm = webmoney() end it "should be instance of Webmoney" do @wm.should be_instance_of(Webmoney) end it "should be classic" do @wm.classic?.should be_true end it "should return reqn" do t1 = @wm.send(:reqn) sleep(0.1) t2 = @wm.send(:reqn) t1.should match(/^\d{16}$/) (t2 > t1).should be_true end it "should correct reqn" do Time.stub!(:now).and_return( @wm.send(:reqn).should == '2009061111180369' end it "should correct reqn with zero microsec" do Time.stub!(:now).and_return( @wm.send(:reqn).should == '2009061111180300' end it "should raise error on incorrect arg" do lambda { @wm.send(:request, :check_sign, 1) }. should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should send request" do r = @wm.send(:https_request, :check_sign, '') doc = Hpricot.XML(r.gsub(/w3s\.response/,'w3s_response'))'w3s_response').should_not be_nil end it"should raise error on bad response" do lambda { @wm.send(:https_request, '', '')}. should raise_error(RequestError) @wm.error.should == '404' @wm.errormsg.should match(/^ '')}.should raise_error(ResultError) @wm.error.should == -2 @wm.errormsg.should match(%r{value of w3s.request/message/receiverwmid is incorrect}) end it "should sign string" do @wm.send(:sign, 'Test123').should match(/^[0-9a-f]{132}$/) end it "should return nil on sign empty string" do @wm.send(:sign, '').should be_nil end it "should check_sign" do plan = 'test123' @wm.request(:check_sign, :wmid => @wm.wmid, :plan => plan, :sign => @wm.send(:sign, plan)). should be_true end it "should check_sign broken" do plan = 'test123' @wm.request(:check_sign, :wmid => @wm.wmid, :plan => plan, :sign => 'abcd'). should be_false end it "should check_sign with specials" do plan = 'текст' real_plan = Iconv.conv('CP1251', 'UTF-8', plan) @wm.request(:check_sign, :wmid => @wm.wmid, :plan => plan, :sign => @wm.send(:sign, real_plan )). should be_true end it "should parse retval and raise error on broken get_passport" do lambda { @wm.request(:get_passport, :wmid => '') }.should raise_error(ResultError) @wm.error.should == 2 @wm.errormsg.should match(%r{неверно указан проверяемый WMID}) end it "should get_passport" do @wm.request(:get_passport, :wmid => @wm.wmid).should be_instance_of(Passport) end it "should raise exception on bad WMID" do lambda {@wm.request(:get_passport, :wmid => '111')}.should raise_error(Webmoney::ResultError) end it "should raise exception on non existent WMID" do lambda {@wm.request(:get_passport, :wmid => '012345678901')}.should raise_error(Webmoney::NonExistentWmidError) end it "should return correct BL" do wmid = '370860915669' @wm.request(:bussines_level, :wmid => wmid).should == 0 wmid = '000000000007' bl = @wm.request(:bussines_level, :wmid => wmid) (bl > 1000).should be_true end it "should send message" do result = @wm.request(:send_message, :wmid => @wm.wmid, :subj => 'Текст', :text => 'Тело сообщения') result.should be_kind_of(Hash) result[:id].should match(/^\d*$/) ((result[:date] + 60) > be_true end it "should raise error on undefined xml func" do lambda { @wm.request(:unexistent_interface) }.should raise_error(::NotImplementedError) end end end