# The contracts.ruby tutorial ## Introduction contracts.ruby brings code contracts to the Ruby language. Code contracts allow you make some assertions about your code, and then checks them to make sure they hold. This lets you - catch bugs faster - make it very easy to catch certain types of bugs - make sure that the user gets proper messaging when a bug occurs. ## Installation gem install contracts ## Basics A simple example: ```ruby Contract Num, Num => Num def add(a, b) a + b end ``` Here, the contract is `Contract Num, Num => Num`. This says that the `add` function takes two numbers and returns a number. Copy this code into a file and run it: ```ruby require 'contracts' class Math include Contracts Contract Num, Num => Num def self.add(a, b) a + b end end puts Math.add(1, "foo") ``` You'll see a detailed error message like so: ./contracts.rb:60:in `failure_callback': Contract violation: (RuntimeError) Expected: Contracts::Num, Actual: "foo" Value guarded in: Object::add With Contract: Contracts::Num, Contracts::Num At: foo.rb:6 That tells you that your contract was violated! `add` expected a `Num`, and got a string (`"foo"`) instead. By default, an exception is thrown when a contract fails. This can be changed to do whatever you want. More on this later. You can also see the contract for a function with the `functype` method: functype(:add) => "add :: Num, Num => Num" This can be useful if you're in a repl and want to figure out how a function should be used. ## Builtin Contracts `Num` is one of the builtin contracts that contracts.ruby comes with. The builtin contracts are in the `Contracts` namespace. The easiest way to use them is to include the `Contracts` module in your class/module. contracts.ruby comes with a lot of builtin contracts, including: Num, Pos, Neg, Any, None, Or, Xor, And, Not, RespondTo, Send, Exactly, ArrayOf, HashOf, Bool, Maybe To see all the builtin contracts and what they do, check out the [rdoc](http://rubydoc.info/gems/contracts/Contracts). ## More Examples ### Hello, World ```ruby Contract String => nil def hello(name) puts "hello, #{name}!" end ``` You always need to specify a contract for the return value. In this example, `hello` doesn't return anything, so the contract is `nil`. Now you know that you can use a constant like `nil` as the end of a contract. Valid values for a contract are: - the name of a class (like `String` or `Fixnum`) - a constant (like `nil` or `1`) - a `Proc` that takes a value and returns true or false to indicate whether the contract passed or not - a class that responds to the `valid?` class method (more on this later) - an instance of a class that responds to the `valid?` method (more on this later) ### A Double Function ```ruby Contract Or[Fixnum, Float] => Or[Fixnum, Float] def double(x) 2 * x end ``` Sometimes you want to be able to choose between a few contracts. `Or` takes a variable number of contracts and checks the argument against all of them. If it passes for any of the contracts, then the `Or` contract passes. This introduces some new syntax. One of the valid values for a contract is an instance of a class that responds to the `valid?` method. This is what `Or[Fixnum, Float]` is. The longer way to write it would have been: ```ruby Contract Or.new(Fixnum, Float) => Or.new(Fixnum, Float) ``` All the builtin contracts have overridden the square brackets (`[]`) to give the same functionality. So you could write ```ruby Contract Or[Fixnum, Float] => Or[Fixnum, Float] ``` or ```ruby Contract Or.new(Fixnum, Float) => Or.new(Fixnum, Float) ``` whichever you prefer. They both mean the same thing here: make a new instance of `Or` with `Fixnum` and `Float`. Use that instance to validate the argument. ### A Product Function ```ruby Contract ArrayOf[Num] => Num def product(vals) total = 1 vals.each do |val| total *= val end total end ``` This contract uses the `ArrayOf` contract. Here's how `ArrayOf` works: it takes a contract. It expects the argument to be a list. Then it checks every value in that list to see if it satisfies that contract. ```ruby # passes product([1, 2, 3, 4]) # fails product([1, 2, 3, "foo"]) ``` ### Another Product Function ```ruby Contract Args[Num] => Num def product(*vals) total = 1 vals.each do |val| total *= val end total end ``` This function uses varargs (`*args`) instead of an array. To make a contract on varargs, use the `Args` contract. It takes one contract as an argument and uses it to validate every element passed in through `*args`. So for example, `Args[Num]` means they should all be numbers. `Args[Or[Num, String]]` means they should all be numbers or strings. `Args[Any]` means all arguments are allowed (`Any` is a contract that passes for any argument). ### Contracts On Arrays If an array is one of the arguments and you know how many elements it's going to have, you can put a contract on it: ```ruby # a function that takes an array of two elements...a person's age and a person's name. Contract [Num, String] => nil def person(data) p data end ``` If you don't know how many elements it's going to have, use `ArrayOf`. ### Contracts On Hashes Here's a contract that requires a Hash. We can put contracts on each of the keys: ```ruby # note the parentheses around the hash; without those you would get a syntax error Contract ({ :age => Num, :name => String }) => nil def person(data) p data end ``` Then if someone tries to call the function with bad data, it will fail: ```ruby # error: age can't be nil! person({:name => "Adit", :age => nil}) ``` You don't need to put a contract on every key. So this call would succeed: ```ruby person({:name => "Adit", :age => 42, :foo => "bar"}) ``` even though we don't specify a type for `:foo`. Peruse this contract on the keys and values of a Hash. ```ruby Contract HashOf[Symbol, Num] => Num def give_largest_value(hsh) hsh.values.max end ``` Which you use like so: ```ruby # succeeds give_largest_value(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3) # returns 3 # fails give_largest_value("a" => 1, 2 => 2, c: 3) ``` ### Contracts On Functions If you're writing higher-order functions (functions that take functions as parameters) and want to write a contract for the passed-in function, you can! Use the `Func` contract. `Func` takes a contract as it's argument, and uses that contract on the function that you pass in. Here's a `map` function that requires an array of numbers, and a function that takes a number and returns a number: ```ruby Contract ArrayOf[Num], Func[Num => Num] => ArrayOf[Num] def map(arr, func) ret = [] arr.each do |x| ret << func[x] end ret end ``` This will add the contract `Num => Num` on `func`. Try it with these two examples: ```ruby p map([1, 2, 3], lambda { |x| x + 1 }) # works p map([1, 2, 3], lambda { |x| "oops" }) # fails, the lambda returns a string. ``` ### Returning Multiple Values Treat the return value as an array. For example, here's a function that returns two numbers: ```ruby Contract Num => [Num, Num] def mult(x) return x, x+1 end ``` ## Synonyms For Contracts If you use a contract a lot, it's a good idea to give it a meaningful synonym that tells the reader more about what your code returns. For example, suppose you have many functions that return a `Hash` or `nil`. If a `Hash` is returned, it contains information about a person. Your contact might look like this: ```ruby Contract String => Or[Hash, nil] def some_func(str) ``` You can make your contract more meaningful with a synonym: ```ruby # the synonym Person = Or[Hash, nil] # use the synonym here Contract String => Person def some_func(str) ``` Now you can use `Person` wherever you would have used `Or[Hash, nil]`. Your code is now cleaner and more clearly says what the function is doing. ## Defining Your Own Contracts Contracts are very easy to define. To re-iterate, there are 5 kinds of contracts: - the name of a class (like `String` or `Fixnum`) - a constant (like `nil` or `1`) - a `Proc` that takes a value and returns true or false to indicate whether the contract passed or not - a class that responds to the `valid?` class method (more on this later) - an instance of a class that responds to the `valid?` method (more on this later) The first two don't need any extra work to define: you can just use any constant or class name in your contract and it should just work. Here are examples for the rest: ### A Proc ```ruby Contract lambda { |x| x.is_a? Numeric } => Num def double(x) ``` The lambda takes one parameter: the argument that is getting passed to the function. It checks to see if it's a `Numeric`. If it is, it returns true. Otherwise it returns false. It's not good practice to write a lambda right in your contract...if you find yourself doing it often, write it as a class instead: ### A Class With `valid?` As a Class Method Here's how the `Num` class is defined. It does exactly what the `lambda` did in the previous example: ```ruby class Num def self.valid? val val.is_a? Numeric end end ``` The `valid?` class method takes one parameter: the argument that is getting passed to the function. It returns true or false. ### A Class With `valid?` As an Instance Method Here's how the `Or` class is defined: ```ruby class Or < CallableClass def initialize(*vals) @vals = vals end def valid?(val) @vals.any? do |contract| res, _ = Contract.valid?(val, contract) res end end end ``` The `Or` contract takes a sequence of contracts, and passes if any of them pass. It uses `Contract.valid?` to validate the value against the contracts. This class inherits from `CallableClass`, which allows us to use `[]` when using the class: ```ruby Contract Or[Fixnum, Float] => Num def double(x) 2 * x end ``` Without `CallableClass`, we would have to use `.new` instead: ```ruby Contract Or.new(Fixnum, Float) => Num def double(x) # etc ``` You can use `CallableClass` in your own contracts to make them callable using `[]`. ## Customizing Error Messages When a contract fails, part of the error message prints the contract: ... Expected: Contracts::Num, ... You can customize this message by overriding the `to_s` method on your class or proc. For example, suppose we overrode `Num`'s `to_s` method: ```ruby def Num.to_s "a number please" end ``` Now the error says: ... Expected: a number please, ... ## Failure Callbacks Supposing you don't want contract failures to become exceptions. You run a popular website, and when there's a contract exception you would rather log it and continue than throw an exception and break your site. contracts.ruby provides a failure callback that gets called when a contract fails. For example, here we log every failure instead of raising an error: ```ruby Contract.override_failure_callback do |data| puts "You had an error" puts failure_msg(data) end ``` `failure_msg` is a function that prints out information about the failure. Your failure callback gets a hash with the following values: { :arg => the argument to the method, :contract => the contract that got violated, :class => the method's class, :method => the method, :contracts => the contract object } If your failure callback returns `false`, the method that the contract is guarding will not be called (the default behaviour). ## Disabling contracts If you want to disable contracts, set the `NO_CONTRACTS` environment variable. This will disable contracts and you won't have a performance hit. Pattern matching will still work if you disable contracts in this way! With NO_CONTRACTS only pattern-matching contracts are defined. ## Method overloading You can use contracts for method overloading! This is commonly called "pattern matching" in functional programming languages. For example, here's a factorial function without method overloading: ```ruby Contract Num => Num def fact x if x == 1 x else x * fact(x - 1) end end ``` Here it is again, re-written with method overloading: ```ruby Contract 1 => 1 def fact x x end Contract Num => Num def fact x x * fact(x - 1) end ``` For an argument, each function will be tried in order. The first function that doesn't raise a `ContractError` will be used. So in this case, if x == 1, the first function will be used. For all other values, the second function will be used. This allows you write methods more declaratively, rather than using conditional branching. This feature is not only useful for recursion; you can use it to keep parallel use cases separate: ```ruby Contract lambda{|n| n < 12 } => Ticket def get_ticket(age) ChildTicket.new(age: age) end Contract lambda{|n| n >= 12 } => Ticket def get_ticket(age) AdultTicket.new(age: age) end ``` Note that the second `get_ticket` contract above could have been simplified to: ```ruby Contract Num => Ticket ``` This is because the first contract eliminated the possibility of `age` being less than 12. However, the simpler contract is less explicit; you may want to "spell out" the age condition for clarity, especially if the method is overloaded with many contracts. ## Contracts in modules To use contracts on module you need to include both `Contracts` and `Contracts::Modules` into it: ```ruby module M include Contracts include Contracts::Modules Contract String => String def self.parse # do some hard parsing end end ``` ## Invariants Invariants are conditions on objects that should always hold. If after any method call on given object, any of the Invariants fails, then Invariant violation error will be generated. **NOTE**: Only methods with contracts will be affected. A simple example: ```ruby class MyBirthday < Struct.new(:day, :month) include Contracts include Contracts::Invariants Invariant(:day) { 1 <= day && day <= 31 } Invariant(:month) { 1 <= month && month <= 12 } Contract None => Fixnum def silly_next_day! self.day += 1 end end birthday = MyBirthday.new(31, 12) birthday.silly_next_day! ``` If you run it, last line will generate invariant violation: ```ruby ./invariant.rb:38:in `failure_callback': Invariant violation: (RuntimeError) Expected: day condition to be true Actual: false Value guarded in: MyBirthday::silly_next_day! At: main.rb:9 ``` Which means, that after `#silly_next_day!` all checks specified in `Invariant` statement will be verified, and if at least one fail, then Invariant violation error will be raised. ## Misc Please submit any bugs [here](https://github.com/egonSchiele/contracts.ruby/issues) and I'll try to get them resolved ASAP! See any mistakes in this tutorial? I try to make it bug-free, but they can creep in. [File an issue](https://github.com/egonSchiele/contracts.ruby/issues). If you're using the library, please [let me know](https://github.com/egonSchiele) what project you're using it on :) See the [wiki](https://github.com/egonSchiele/contracts.ruby/wiki) for more info. Happy Coding!