module RSpec module Core # @api private # # Internal container for global non-configuration data. class World # @private attr_reader :example_groups, :filtered_examples # Used internally to determine what to do when a SIGINT is received. attr_accessor :wants_to_quit # Used internally to signal that a failure outside of an example # has occurred, and that therefore the exit status should indicate # the run failed. # @private attr_accessor :non_example_failure def initialize(configuration=RSpec.configuration) @configuration = configuration = self @example_groups = [] @example_group_counts_by_spec_file = @filtered_examples = do |hash, group| hash[group] = filter_manager.prune(group.examples) end end # @api private # # Apply ordering strategy from configuration to example groups. def ordered_example_groups ordering_strategy = @configuration.ordering_registry.fetch(:global) ordering_strategy.order(@example_groups) end # @api private # # Reset world to 'scratch' before running suite. def reset RSpec::ExampleGroups.remove_all_constants example_groups.clear @shared_example_group_registry = nil end # @private def filter_manager @configuration.filter_manager end # @private def registered_example_group_files @example_group_counts_by_spec_file.keys end # @api private # # Records an example group. def record(example_group) @configuration.on_example_group_definition_callbacks.each { |block| } @example_group_counts_by_spec_file[example_group.metadata[:absolute_file_path]] += 1 end # @private def num_example_groups_defined_in(file) @example_group_counts_by_spec_file[file] end # @private def shared_example_group_registry @shared_example_group_registry ||= end # @private def inclusion_filter @configuration.inclusion_filter end # @private def exclusion_filter @configuration.exclusion_filter end # @api private # # Get count of examples to be run. def example_count(groups=example_groups) FlatMap.flat_map(groups) { |g| g.descendants }. inject(0) { |a, e| a + e.filtered_examples.size } end # @private def all_example_groups FlatMap.flat_map(example_groups) { |g| g.descendants } end # @private def all_examples FlatMap.flat_map(all_example_groups) { |g| g.examples } end # @private # Traverses the tree of each top level group. # For each it yields the group, then the children, recursively. # Halts the traversal of a branch of the tree as soon as the passed block returns true. # Note that siblings groups and their sub-trees will continue to be explored. # This is intended to make it easy to find the top-most group that satisfies some # condition. def traverse_example_group_trees_until(&block) example_groups.each do |group| group.traverse_tree_until(&block) end end # @api private # # Find line number of previous declaration. def preceding_declaration_line(absolute_file_name, filter_line) line_numbers = descending_declaration_line_numbers_by_file.fetch(absolute_file_name) do return nil end line_numbers.find { |num| num <= filter_line } end # @private def reporter @configuration.reporter end # @private def source_cache @source_cache ||= begin RSpec::Support.require_rspec_core "source" end end # @api private # # Notify reporter of filters. def announce_filters fail_if_config_and_cli_options_invalid filter_announcements = [] announce_inclusion_filter filter_announcements announce_exclusion_filter filter_announcements unless filter_manager.empty? if filter_announcements.length == 1 report_filter_message("Run options: #{filter_announcements[0]}") else report_filter_message("Run options:\n #{filter_announcements.join("\n ")}") end end if @configuration.run_all_when_everything_filtered? && && !@configuration.only_failures? report_filter_message("#{everything_filtered_message}; ignoring #{inclusion_filter.description}") filtered_examples.clear inclusion_filter.clear end return unless example_groups.clear if filter_manager.empty? report_filter_message("No examples found.") elsif exclusion_filter.empty? || inclusion_filter.empty? report_filter_message(everything_filtered_message) end end # @private def report_filter_message(message) reporter.message(message) unless @configuration.silence_filter_announcements? end # @private def everything_filtered_message "\nAll examples were filtered out" end # @api private # # Add inclusion filters to announcement message. def announce_inclusion_filter(announcements) return if inclusion_filter.empty? announcements << "include #{inclusion_filter.description}" end # @api private # # Add exclusion filters to announcement message. def announce_exclusion_filter(announcements) return if exclusion_filter.empty? announcements << "exclude #{exclusion_filter.description}" end private def descending_declaration_line_numbers_by_file @descending_declaration_line_numbers_by_file ||= begin declaration_locations = FlatMap.flat_map(example_groups, &:declaration_locations) hash_of_arrays = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } # TODO: change `inject` to `each_with_object` when we drop 1.8.7 support. line_nums_by_file = declaration_locations.inject(hash_of_arrays) do |hash, (file_name, line_number)| hash[file_name] << line_number hash end line_nums_by_file.each_value do |list| list.sort! list.reverse! end end end def fail_if_config_and_cli_options_invalid return unless @configuration.only_failures_but_not_configured? reporter.abort_with( "\nTo use `--only-failures`, you must first set " \ "`config.example_status_persistence_file_path`.", 1 # exit code ) end # @private # Provides a null implementation for initial use by configuration. module Null def self.non_example_failure; end def self.non_example_failure=(_); end def self.registered_example_group_files [] end def self.traverse_example_group_trees_until end # :nocov: def self.example_groups [] end def self.all_example_groups [] end # :nocov: end end end end