use "allergies.sml"; val test_cases = { list = [ { description = "Code = 0 returns no allergies", input = 0, expected = [] }, { description = "Code = 1 returns allergen list of [Eggs]", input = 1, expected = [Eggs] }, { description = "Code = 2 returns allergen list of [Peanuts]", input = 2, expected = [Peanuts] }, { description = "Code = 4 returns allergen list of [Shellfish]", input = 4, expected = [Shellfish] }, { description = "Code = 8 returns allergen list of [Strawberries]", input = 8, expected = [Strawberries] }, { description = "Code = 16 returns allergen list of [Tomatoes]", input = 16, expected = [Tomatoes] }, { description = "Code = 32 returns allergen list of [Chocolate]", input = 32, expected = [Chocolate] }, { description = "Code = 64 returns allergen list of [Pollen]", input = 64, expected = [Pollen] }, { description = "Code = 128 returns allergen list of [Cats]", input = 128, expected = [Cats] }, { description = "Code = 256 returns an empty allergen list", input = 256, expected = [] }, (* compound tests *) { description = "Code = 3 returns allergen list of [Eggs, Peanuts]", input = 3, expected = [Eggs, Peanuts] }, { description = "Code = 20 returns allergen list of [Shellfish, Tomatoes]", input = 20, expected = [Shellfish, Tomatoes] }, { description = "Code = 192 returns allergen list of [Pollen, Cats]", input = 192, expected = [Pollen, Cats] }, { description = "Code = 255 returns all allergens", input = 255, expected = [Eggs, Peanuts, Shellfish, Strawberries,Tomatoes, Chocolate, Pollen, Cats] } ], allergic_to = [ { description = "Code = 1 is allergic to Eggs", input = 1, allergen = Eggs, expected = true }, { description = "Code = 1 is not allergic to Pollen", input = 1, allergen = Pollen, expected = false }, { description = "Code = 2 is allergic to Peanuts", input = 2, allergen = Peanuts, expected = true }, { description = "Code = 255 is allergic to Cats", input = 255, allergen = Cats, expected = true } ] }; fun run_tests _ [] = [] | run_tests f (x :: xs) = let fun aux { description, is_correct } = let val expl = description ^ ": " ^ (if is_correct then "PASSED" else "FAILED") ^ "\n" in (print (expl); is_correct) end in (aux x) :: run_tests f xs end fun evaluateList f { description, input, expected } = { description = description, is_correct = (f input) = expected } fun evaluateAllergicTo f { description, input, allergen, expected } = { description = description, is_correct = (f input allergen) = expected } val testResults = run_tests list ( (evaluateList list) (#list test_cases)) @ run_tests list ( (evaluateAllergicTo allergic_to) (#allergic_to test_cases)); val passedTests = List.filter (fn x => x) testResults; val failedTests = List.filter (fn x => not x) testResults; if (List.length testResults) = (List.length passedTests) then (print "ALL TESTS PASSED") else (print (Int.toString (List.length failedTests) ^ " TEST(S) FAILED"));