# frozen-string-literal: true module Sequel class Database # --------------------- # :section: 7 - Miscellaneous methods # These methods don't fit neatly into another category. # --------------------- # Hash of extension name symbols to callable objects to load the extension # into the Database object (usually by extending it with a module defined # in the extension). EXTENSIONS = {} # The general default size for string columns for all Sequel::Database # instances. DEFAULT_STRING_COLUMN_SIZE = 255 # Empty exception regexp to class map, used by default if Sequel doesn't # have specific support for the database in use. DEFAULT_DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS = {}.freeze # Mapping of schema type symbols to class or arrays of classes for that # symbol. SCHEMA_TYPE_CLASSES = {:string=>String, :integer=>Integer, :date=>Date, :datetime=>[Time, DateTime].freeze, :time=>Sequel::SQLTime, :boolean=>[TrueClass, FalseClass].freeze, :float=>Float, :decimal=>BigDecimal, :blob=>Sequel::SQL::Blob}.freeze # Module to be included in shared adapters so that when the DatabaseMethods are # included in the database, the identifier mangling defaults are reset correctly. module ResetIdentifierMangling def self.extended(obj) # :nocov: Sequel::Deprecation.deprecate("Sequel::Database::ResetIdentifierMangling is no longer needed and will be removed in Sequel 5. Please update your adapter") obj.send(:reset_identifier_mangling) if obj.respond_to?(:reset_identifier_mangling) # :nocov: end end Sequel::Deprecation.deprecate_constant(self, :ResetIdentifierMangling) # Nested hook Proc; each new hook Proc just wraps the previous one. @initialize_hook = Proc.new {|db| } # Register a hook that will be run when a new Database is instantiated. It is # called with the new database handle. def self.after_initialize(&block) raise Error, "must provide block to after_initialize" unless block Sequel.synchronize do previous = @initialize_hook @initialize_hook = Proc.new do |db| previous.call(db) block.call(db) end end end # Apply an extension to all Database objects created in the future. def self.extension(*extensions) after_initialize{|db| db.extension(*extensions)} end # Register an extension callback for Database objects. ext should be the # extension name symbol, and mod should either be a Module that the # database is extended with, or a callable object called with the database # object. If mod is not provided, a block can be provided and is treated # as the mod object. def self.register_extension(ext, mod=nil, &block) if mod raise(Error, "cannot provide both mod and block to Database.register_extension") if block if mod.is_a?(Module) block = proc{|db| db.extend(mod)} else block = mod end end Sequel.synchronize{EXTENSIONS[ext] = block} end # Run the after_initialize hook for the given +instance+. def self.run_after_initialize(instance) @initialize_hook.call(instance) end # Converts a uri to an options hash. These options are then passed # to a newly created database object. def self.uri_to_options(uri) { :user => uri.user, :password => uri.password, :port => uri.port, :host => RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3' ? uri.host : uri.hostname, :database => (m = /\/(.*)/.match(uri.path)) && (m[1]) } end private_class_method :uri_to_options # The options hash for this database attr_reader :opts # Set the timezone to use for this database, overridding <tt>Sequel.database_timezone</tt>. attr_writer :timezone # The specific default size of string columns for this Sequel::Database, usually 255 by default. attr_accessor :default_string_column_size # Constructs a new instance of a database connection with the specified # options hash. # # Accepts the following options: # :default_string_column_size :: The default size of string columns, 255 by default. # :identifier_mangling :: Whether to support non-default identifier mangling for the current database. # :logger :: A specific logger to use. # :loggers :: An array of loggers to use. # :name :: A name to use for the Database object. # :preconnect :: Whether to automatically connect to the maximum number of servers. # :quote_identifiers :: Whether to quote identifiers. # :servers :: A hash specifying a server/shard specific options, keyed by shard symbol . # :single_threaded :: Whether to use a single-threaded connection pool. # :sql_log_level :: Method to use to log SQL to a logger, :info by default. # # All options given are also passed to the connection pool. def initialize(opts = OPTS) @opts ||= opts @opts = connection_pool_default_options.merge(@opts) @loggers = Array(@opts[:logger]) + Array(@opts[:loggers]) @opts[:servers] = {} if @opts[:servers].is_a?(String) @sharded = !!@opts[:servers] @opts[:adapter_class] = self.class @opts[:single_threaded] = @single_threaded = typecast_value_boolean(@opts.fetch(:single_threaded, Sequel.single_threaded)) @default_string_column_size = @opts[:default_string_column_size] || DEFAULT_STRING_COLUMN_SIZE @schemas = {} @prepared_statements = {} @transactions = {} @symbol_literal_cache = {} @timezone = nil @dataset_class = dataset_class_default @cache_schema = typecast_value_boolean(@opts.fetch(:cache_schema, true)) @dataset_modules = [] @loaded_extensions = [] @schema_type_classes = SCHEMA_TYPE_CLASSES.dup self.sql_log_level = @opts[:sql_log_level] ? @opts[:sql_log_level].to_sym : :info self.log_warn_duration = @opts[:log_warn_duration] self.log_connection_info = typecast_value_boolean(@opts[:log_connection_info]) @pool = ConnectionPool.get_pool(self, @opts) reset_default_dataset adapter_initialize if typecast_value_boolean(@opts.fetch(:identifier_mangling, true)) # SEQUEL5: Remove extension(:_deprecated_identifier_mangling) end unless typecast_value_boolean(@opts[:keep_reference]) == false Sequel.synchronize{::Sequel::DATABASES.push(self)} end Sequel::Database.run_after_initialize(self) if typecast_value_boolean(@opts[:preconnect]) && @pool.respond_to?(:preconnect, true) concurrent = typecast_value_string(@opts[:preconnect]) == "concurrently" @pool.send(:preconnect, concurrent) end end # Freeze internal data structures for the Database instance. def freeze valid_connection_sql metadata_dataset @opts.freeze @loggers.freeze @pool.freeze @dataset_class.freeze @dataset_modules.freeze @schema_type_classes.freeze @loaded_extensions.freeze # SEQUEL5: Frozen by default, remove this @default_dataset.freeze metadata_dataset.freeze super end def initialize_copy(_) Sequel::Deprecation.deprecate("Database#dup and #clone", "Use Sequel.connect to create a new Database instance") # raise(Error, "cannot dup/clone a Sequel::Database instance") # SEQUEL5 super end # Cast the given type to a literal type # # DB.cast_type_literal(Float) # double precision # DB.cast_type_literal(:foo) # foo def cast_type_literal(type) type_literal(:type=>type) end # Load an extension into the receiver. In addition to requiring the extension file, this # also modifies the database to work with the extension (usually extending it with a # module defined in the extension file). If no related extension file exists or the # extension does not have specific support for Database objects, an Error will be raised. # Returns self. def extension(*exts) Sequel.extension(*exts) exts.each do |ext| if pr = Sequel.synchronize{EXTENSIONS[ext]} unless Sequel.synchronize{@loaded_extensions.include?(ext)} Sequel.synchronize{@loaded_extensions << ext} pr.call(self) end else raise(Error, "Extension #{ext} does not have specific support handling individual databases (try: Sequel.extension #{ext.inspect})") end end self end # Convert the given timestamp from the application's timezone, # to the databases's timezone or the default database timezone if # the database does not have a timezone. def from_application_timestamp(v) Sequel.convert_output_timestamp(v, timezone) end # Returns a string representation of the database object including the # class name and connection URI and options used when connecting (if any). def inspect a = [] a << uri.inspect if uri if (oo = opts[:orig_opts]) && !oo.empty? a << oo.inspect end "#<#{self.class}: #{a.join(' ')}>" end # Proxy the literal call to the dataset. # # DB.literal(1) # 1 # DB.literal(:a) # a # DB.literal('a') # 'a' def literal(v) schema_utility_dataset.literal(v) end # Return the literalized version of the symbol if cached, or # nil if it is not cached. def literal_symbol(sym) Sequel.synchronize{@symbol_literal_cache[sym]} end # Set the cached value of the literal symbol. def literal_symbol_set(sym, lit) Sequel.synchronize{@symbol_literal_cache[sym] = lit} end # Synchronize access to the prepared statements cache. def prepared_statement(name) Sequel.synchronize{prepared_statements[name]} end # Proxy the quote_identifier method to the dataset, # useful for quoting unqualified identifiers for use # outside of datasets. def quote_identifier(v) schema_utility_dataset.quote_identifier(v) end # Return ruby class or array of classes for the given type symbol. def schema_type_class(type) @schema_type_classes[type] end # Default serial primary key options, used by the table creation # code. def serial_primary_key_options {:primary_key => true, :type => Integer, :auto_increment => true} end # Cache the prepared statement object at the given name. def set_prepared_statement(name, ps) Sequel.synchronize{prepared_statements[name] = ps} end # Whether this database instance uses multiple servers, either for sharding # or for master/slave. def sharded? @sharded end # The timezone to use for this database, defaulting to <tt>Sequel.database_timezone</tt>. def timezone @timezone || Sequel.database_timezone end # Convert the given timestamp to the application's timezone, # from the databases's timezone or the default database timezone if # the database does not have a timezone. def to_application_timestamp(v) Sequel.convert_timestamp(v, timezone) end # Typecast the value to the given column_type. Calls # typecast_value_#{column_type} if the method exists, # otherwise returns the value. # This method should raise Sequel::InvalidValue if assigned value # is invalid. def typecast_value(column_type, value) return nil if value.nil? meth = "typecast_value_#{column_type}" begin respond_to?(meth, true) ? send(meth, value) : value rescue ArgumentError, TypeError => e raise Sequel.convert_exception_class(e, InvalidValue) end end # Returns the URI use to connect to the database. If a URI # was not used when connecting, returns nil. def uri opts[:uri] end # Explicit alias of uri for easier subclassing. def url uri end private # Per adapter initialization method, empty by default. def adapter_initialize end # Returns true when the object is considered blank. # The only objects that are blank are nil, false, # strings with all whitespace, and ones that respond # true to empty? def blank_object?(obj) return obj.blank? if obj.respond_to?(:blank?) case obj when NilClass, FalseClass true when Numeric, TrueClass false when String obj.strip.empty? else obj.respond_to?(:empty?) ? obj.empty? : false end end # An enumerable yielding pairs of regexps and exception classes, used # to match against underlying driver exception messages in # order to raise a more specific Sequel::DatabaseError subclass. def database_error_regexps DEFAULT_DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS end # Return the Sequel::DatabaseError subclass to wrap the given # exception in. def database_error_class(exception, opts) database_specific_error_class(exception, opts) || DatabaseError end # Return the SQLState for the given exception, if one can be # determined def database_exception_sqlstate(exception, opts) nil end # Return a specific Sequel::DatabaseError exception class if # one is appropriate for the underlying exception, # or nil if there is no specific exception class. def database_specific_error_class(exception, opts) return DatabaseDisconnectError if disconnect_error?(exception, opts) if sqlstate = database_exception_sqlstate(exception, opts) if klass = database_specific_error_class_from_sqlstate(sqlstate) return klass end else database_error_regexps.each do |regexp, klss| return klss if exception.message =~ regexp end end nil end NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES = %w'23502'.freeze.each(&:freeze) FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES = %w'23503 23506 23504'.freeze.each(&:freeze) UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES = %w'23505'.freeze.each(&:freeze) CHECK_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES = %w'23513 23514'.freeze.each(&:freeze) SERIALIZATION_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES = %w'40001'.freeze.each(&:freeze) # Given the SQLState, return the appropriate DatabaseError subclass. def database_specific_error_class_from_sqlstate(sqlstate) case sqlstate when *NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES NotNullConstraintViolation when *FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES ForeignKeyConstraintViolation when *UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES UniqueConstraintViolation when *CHECK_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES CheckConstraintViolation when *SERIALIZATION_CONSTRAINT_SQLSTATES SerializationFailure end end # Return true if exception represents a disconnect error, false otherwise. def disconnect_error?(exception, opts) opts[:disconnect] end # Convert the given exception to an appropriate Sequel::DatabaseError # subclass, keeping message and traceback. def raise_error(exception, opts=OPTS) if !opts[:classes] || Array(opts[:classes]).any?{|c| exception.is_a?(c)} raise Sequel.convert_exception_class(exception, database_error_class(exception, opts)) else raise exception end end # Typecast the value to an SQL::Blob def typecast_value_blob(value) value.is_a?(Sequel::SQL::Blob) ? value : Sequel::SQL::Blob.new(value) end # Typecast the value to true, false, or nil def typecast_value_boolean(value) case value when false, 0, "0", /\Af(alse)?\z/i, /\Ano?\z/i false else blank_object?(value) ? nil : true end end # Typecast the value to a Date def typecast_value_date(value) case value when DateTime, Time Date.new(value.year, value.month, value.day) when Date value when String Sequel.string_to_date(value) when Hash Date.new(*[:year, :month, :day].map{|x| (value[x] || value[x.to_s]).to_i}) else raise InvalidValue, "invalid value for Date: #{value.inspect}" end end # Typecast the value to a DateTime or Time depending on Sequel.datetime_class def typecast_value_datetime(value) Sequel.typecast_to_application_timestamp(value) end if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.4' # Typecast a string to a BigDecimal def _typecast_value_string_to_decimal(value) BigDecimal.new(value) end else # :nocov: def _typecast_value_string_to_decimal(value) d = BigDecimal.new(value) if d.zero? # BigDecimal parsing is loose by default, returning a 0 value for # invalid input. If a zero value is received, use Float to check # for validity. begin Float(value) rescue ArgumentError raise InvalidValue, "invalid value for BigDecimal: #{value.inspect}" end end d end # :nocov: end # Typecast the value to a BigDecimal def typecast_value_decimal(value) case value when BigDecimal value when Numeric BigDecimal.new(value.to_s) when String _typecast_value_string_to_decimal(value) else raise InvalidValue, "invalid value for BigDecimal: #{value.inspect}" end end # Typecast the value to a Float def typecast_value_float(value) Float(value) end # Used for checking/removing leading zeroes from strings so they don't get # interpreted as octal. LEADING_ZERO_RE = /\A0+(\d)/ Sequel::Deprecation.deprecate_constant(self, :LEADING_ZERO_RE) if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' # Typecast the value to an Integer def typecast_value_integer(value) (value.is_a?(String) && value =~ /\A0+(\d)/) ? Integer(value, 10) : Integer(value) end else # :nocov: # Replacement string when replacing leading zeroes. LEADING_ZERO_REP = "\\1".freeze # Typecast the value to an Integer def typecast_value_integer(value) Integer(value.is_a?(String) ? value.sub(LEADING_ZERO_RE, LEADING_ZERO_REP) : value) end # :nocov: end # Typecast the value to a String def typecast_value_string(value) case value when Hash, Array raise Sequel::InvalidValue, "invalid value for String: #{value.inspect}" else value.to_s end end # Typecast the value to a Time def typecast_value_time(value) case value when Time if value.is_a?(SQLTime) value else # specifically check for nsec == 0 value to work around JRuby 1.6 ruby 1.9 mode bug SQLTime.create(value.hour, value.min, value.sec, (value.respond_to?(:nsec) && value.nsec != 0) ? value.nsec/1000.0 : value.usec) end when String Sequel.string_to_time(value) when Hash SQLTime.create(*[:hour, :minute, :second].map{|x| (value[x] || value[x.to_s]).to_i}) else raise Sequel::InvalidValue, "invalid value for Time: #{value.inspect}" end end end end