require 'protobuf_extensions/base_field' module ActiveRemote module Serializers module Protobuf ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = { ::Protobuf::Field::DoubleField => Float, ::Protobuf::Field::FloatField => Float, ::Protobuf::Field::Int32Field => Integer, ::Protobuf::Field::Int64Field => Integer, ::Protobuf::Field::Uint32Field => Integer, ::Protobuf::Field::Uint64Field => Integer, ::Protobuf::Field::Sint32Field => Integer, ::Protobuf::Field::Sint64Field => Integer, ::Protobuf::Field::Fixed32Field => Float, ::Protobuf::Field::Fixed64Field => Float, ::Protobuf::Field::Sfixed32Field => Float, ::Protobuf::Field::Sfixed64Field => Float, ::Protobuf::Field::StringField => String, ::Protobuf::Field::BytesField => String, ::Protobuf::Field::BoolField => ::ActiveAttr::Typecasting::Boolean, :bool => ::ActiveAttr::Typecasting::Boolean, :double => Float, :float => Float, :int32 => Integer, :int64 => Integer, :string => String }.freeze def self.included(klass) klass.extend ::ActiveRemote::Serializers::Protobuf::ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Recursively build messages from a hash of attributes. # TODO: Pull this functionality into the protobuf gem. # def build_message(message_class, attributes) attributes.inject( do |message, (key, value)| if field = message.get_field_by_name(key) || message.get_ext_field_by_name(key) # Override the value based on the field type where issues # exist in the protobuf gem. # if field.repeated? collection = [ value ] collection.flatten! collection.compact!! { |value| coerce(value, field) } value = collection else value = coerce(value, field) end if field.message? && field.repeated? value = do |attributes| attributes.is_a?(Hash) ? build_message(field.type, attributes) : attributes end elsif field.message? value = value.is_a?(Hash) ? build_message(field.type, value) : value end message.method("#{key}=").call(value) end message end end def coerce(value, field) return value if value.nil? return value.to_i if field.enum? protobuf_field_type = ::ActiveRemote::Serializers::Protobuf::ATTRIBUTE_TYPES[field.type] case when protobuf_field_type == ::ActiveAttr::Typecasting::Boolean then if value == 1 return true elsif value == 0 return false end when protobuf_field_type == Integer then return value.to_i when protobuf_field_type == Float then return value.to_f when protobuf_field_type == String then return value.to_s end return value end end def build_message(message_class, attributes) self.class.build_message(message_class, attributes) end end end end