require 'bundler/setup' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' desc 'Default task :compile_and_test' task :default => :test # We need the RSpec rake tasks to run spec # but we don't want users of speckle to need rspec # Eventually we want to switch from the cli calling # the Rakefile to the Rakefile calling the cli. begin # :spec task from rspec require 'rspec/core/rake_task' desc "Run speckle's rspec tests" desc 'Run rspec and speckle tests' task :test => [:spec, 'speckle:vim_version', 'speckle:compile_and_test'] rescue LoadError if ENV.has_key?('DEBUG') puts 'rspec/core/rake_task not found' end # no spec task in chain without rspec desc 'Run rspec and speckle tests' task :test => ['speckle:vim_version', 'speckle:compile_and_test'] end desc 'Clean temporary files' task :clean => ['speckle:clean'] desc 'Clobber temporary files' task :clobber => ['speckle:clobber'] # speckle tasks namespace :speckle do require 'rake/clean' require 'tempfile' # build paths BUILD_DIR = ENV['BUILD_DIR'] || 'build' # misc config VERBOSE = ENV.has_key?('VERBOSE') DEBUG = ENV.has_key?('DEBUG') SLOW_THRESHOLD = ENV['SLOW_THRESHOLD'] || 10 SKIP_VIMRC = ENV['SKIP_VIMRC'] == '1' || false COLORIZE = ENV['COLORIZE'] || 1 BAIL = ENV['BAIL'] || 0 TAG = ENV['TAG'] || false CI = ENV['CI'] || false # speckle sources SPECKLE_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) SPECKLE_BUILD_DIR = "#{SPECKLE_DIR}/build" LIB_DIR = "#{SPECKLE_DIR}/lib" SPECKLE_LIBS = Dir.glob("#{LIB_DIR}/**/*").select { |f| f }.push(LIB_DIR).join(':') SPECKLE_MAIN = 'speckle.riml' SPECKLE_SOURCE = "#{LIB_DIR}/#{SPECKLE_MAIN}" SPECKLE_TEMP_OUTPUT = "#{SPECKLE_MAIN}".ext('vim') SPECKLE_OUTPUT = "#{SPECKLE_BUILD_DIR}/#{SPECKLE_TEMP_OUTPUT}" SPECKLE_VIM = ENV['SPECKLE_VIM'] || SPECKLE_MAIN.ext('vim') SPECKLE_DSL = 'dsl.riml' SPECKLE_DSL_SOURCE = "#{LIB_DIR}/#{SPECKLE_DSL}" SPECKLE_DSL_TEMP_OUTPUT = "#{SPECKLE_DSL}".ext('vim') SPECKLE_DSL_OUTPUT = "#{SPECKLE_BUILD_DIR}/#{SPECKLE_DSL_TEMP_OUTPUT}" # clean CLEAN.include("#{BUILD_DIR}/**/*.vim") CLEAN.include("#{BUILD_DIR}/**/*.log") CLOBBER.include(BUILD_DIR) # test sources TEST_LIBS = ENV['TEST_LIBS'] || "spec:#{LIB_DIR}" TEST_VIM = ENV['TEST_VIM'] || 'vim' TEST_REPORTER = ENV['TEST_REPORTER'] || 'spec' TEST_LOG = "#{BUILD_DIR}/speckle.log" DEBUG_LOG = "#{BUILD_DIR}/debug.log" TEST_SOURCES = do |fl| sources = ENV['TEST_SOURCES'] if sources sources = sources.split(';') sources.each do |s| fl.include(s) end else fl.include('spec/**/*_spec.riml') end end TEST_COMPILED = do |fl| fl.exclude("#{SPECKLE_OUTPUT}") compiled = ENV['TEST_COMPILED'] if compiled compiled = compiled.split(';') compiled.each do |c| fl.include("#{BUILD_DIR}/#{c}") end else fl.include("#{BUILD_DIR}/**/*.vim") end end desc 'All tasks' task :all => [:clean, :compile, :compile_tests, :test] desc 'Build files and folders' task :build do verbose DEBUG do mkdir_p BUILD_DIR mkdir_p SPECKLE_BUILD_DIR end end desc "Compile #{SPECKLE_MAIN}" task :compile => [:build] do puts "Compiling: #{SPECKLE_MAIN}" verbose VERBOSE do sh "bundle exec riml -c #{SPECKLE_SOURCE} -I #{SPECKLE_LIBS} -o #{SPECKLE_BUILD_DIR}" end verbose VERBOSE do sh "bundle exec riml -c #{SPECKLE_DSL_SOURCE} -o #{SPECKLE_BUILD_DIR}" end end task :scratch => [:build] do sh "bundle exec riml -c lib/scratch.riml -I #{SPECKLE_LIBS}" end desc "Compile specs" task :compile_tests => [:build] do compile_test_files(TEST_SOURCES, TEST_LIBS, BUILD_DIR) puts end def compile_test_files(files, libs, build_dir) require 'riml' opts = get_riml_opts(libs, build_dir) verbose true do #sh "bundle exec riml -c #{t} -I #{TEST_LIBS} -o #{BUILD_DIR}" TEST_SOURCES.each do |t| puts "Compiling: #{t} " Riml.compile_files(t, opts) spec_dir = "#{BUILD_DIR}/#{File.dirname(t)}" verbose DEBUG do mkdir_p "#{spec_dir}" mv "#{BUILD_DIR}/#{File.basename(t).ext('vim')}", "#{spec_dir}" end end end end def get_riml_opts(libs, build_dir) Riml.include_path = libs opts = { :readable => true, :output_dir => build_dir } return opts end desc "Compile and test specs" task :compile_and_test => [:compile_tests] do verbose VERBOSE do Rake::Task['speckle:test'].invoke end end desc 'Shows vim --version' task :vim_version do if CI sh "#{TEST_VIM} --version" end end desc "Launch test runner" task :test do unless File.exists?(SPECKLE_OUTPUT) Rake::Task['speckle:compile'].invoke end puts 'Running tests: ' puts if TEST_COMPILED.length > 0 launch_vim elsif TAG puts "All tests were filtered out." else puts "No tests to run." end end desc "Watch files for changes and run tests" task :watch do puts '--- TODO ---' end def get_vim_options cmd = '' if SKIP_VIMRC cmd += "-u NONE -i NONE --cmd ':set nocp | let g:speckle_nocp_mode = 1'" end cmd += " --cmd 'let g:speckle_mode = 1'" cmd end def launch_vim begin verbose DEBUG do launch_file = get_launch_cmd_file() sh "#{TEST_VIM} #{get_vim_options()} -S #{launch_file.path}" sh "cat #{TEST_LOG}" launch_file.unlink end rescue RuntimeError => error puts error if DEBUG puts error.backtrace end end end # utils def get_launch_cmd_source launch_cmd = <