module XeroGateway class ContactGroup # Xero::Gateway associated with this invoice. attr_accessor :gateway # All accessible fields attr_accessor :contact_group_id, :name, :status, :contacts # Boolean representing whether the accounts list has been loaded. attr_accessor :contacts_downloaded def initialize(params = {}) @contacts = [] params.each do |k,v| self.send("#{k}=", v) end end # Return the list of Contacts. Will load the contacts if the group # hasn't loaded the contacts yet (i.e. returned by a index call) # # Loaded contacts will only have Name and ContactId set. def contacts if !@contacts_downloaded && contact_group_id @contacts_downloaded = true # Load the contact list. @contacts = gateway.get_contact_group_by_id(contact_group_id).contact_group.contacts || [] end @contacts end # Returns the array of ContactIDs. # If the contact_ids array has been assigned, will return that array. # Otherwise, returns any loaded ContactIDs def contact_ids if @contact_ids @contact_ids else end end # Assign ContactIDs to the group for updating. def contact_ids=(contact_ids) @contact_ids = contact_ids end def to_xml(b = b.ContactGroup { b.ContactGroupID contact_group_id unless contact_group_id.nil? b.Name b.Status self.status if @contacts_downloaded || @contact_ids b.Contacts { self.contact_ids.each do |contact_id| b.Contact { b.ContactID contact_id } end } end } end def self.from_xml(contact_group_element, gateway, options = {}) contact_group = gateway, contacts_downloaded: options[:contacts_downloaded]) contact_group_element.children.each do |element| case( when "ContactGroupID" then contact_group.contact_group_id = element.text when "Name" then = element.text when "Status" then contact_group.status = element.text when "Contacts" then contact_group.contacts_downloaded = true element.children.each do |contact_child| contact_group.contacts << Contact.from_xml(contact_child, gateway) end end end contact_group end end end