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FluentMigrator ================================Source Code:i For Help:y Usage:' migrate [OPTIONS]Example: migrate -a bin\debug\MyMigrations.dll -db SqlServer2008 -conn "SEE_BELOW" -profile "Debug"7Example Connection Strings: MySql: Data Source=;Database=Foo;User Id=USERNAME;Password=BLAH{ Oracle: Server=;Database=Foo;Uid=USERNAME;Pwd=BLAHe SqlLite: Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True SqlServer: server=;database=Foo;user id=USERNAME;password=BLAH server=.\SQLExpress;database=Foo;trusted_connection=trueOptions:)assembly=|a=|target=REQUIRED. The assembly containing the migrations you want to execute.+provider=|dbType=|db=REQUIRED. The kind of database you are migrating against. Available choices are: {0}.MconnectionString=|connection=|conn=|c=REQUIRED. The connection string to the server and database you want to execute your migrations against.namespace=|ns=The namespace contains the migrations you want to run. Default is all migrations found within the Target Assembly will be run.output|out|oThe name of the file to output the generated SQL to. Default is no output.preview|pOnly output the SQL generated by the migration - do not execute it. Default is false. steps=The number of versions to rollback if the task is 'rollback'. Default is 1.task=|t={The task you want FluentMigrator to perform. Available choices are: migrate:up, migrate (same as migrate:up), migrate:down, rollback, rollback:toversion, rollback:all. Default is 'migrate'.version=The specific version to migrate. Default is 0, which will run all migrations.verboseShow the SQL statements generated and execution time in the console. Default is false.+workingdirectory=|wd=The directory to load SQL scripts specified by migrations from.profile=]The profile to run after executing|h|?1Displays this help menu./FluentMigrator.Console:UTry 'migrate --help' for more information.migrate .sqlQ!! An error has occurred. The error is:;OptionContext.Option is null. indexQMissing required value for option '{0}'., prototype7Cannot be the empty string.maxValueCountCannot provide maxValueCount of 0 for OptionValueType.Required or OptionValueType.Optional.{Cannot provide maxValueCount of {0} for OptionValueType.None.<>mThe default option handler '<>' cannot require values.yCould not convert string `{0}' to type {1} for option `{2}'.KEmpty option names are not supported.UConflicting option types: '{0}' vs. '{1}'.Cannot provide key/value separators for Options taking {0} value(s).:=_Ill-formed name/value separator found in "{0}".OptionNamew^(?<flag>--|-|/)(?<name>[^:=]+)((?<sep>[:=])(?<value>.*))?$ option)Option has no names! action--argument flag namesep valueeError: Found {0} option values when expecting {1}.-QCannot bundle unregistered option '{0}'.3Unknown OptionValueType:  - --[ ] VALUE{0:{}9Invalid option description: |CU**z\V4-15 $  1   9=  A      E I          =  ((((($  $   $  ((($(     (( % MQ   UY U ]] ]    $ $a $a $  $  0$a 0$a0$ 0$   = e      1 11(]a a a a    1 aL$$%aaaaaaaaaaaaa  9   5  Item=    EI  ]   = $       %   = %   .System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089TSerializationFormatter ]% Use KeyedCollection.this[string]    =a  a 8$   <$ , 0 II==I  % !  -   I II    1 1 19 @I @, a0  FluentMigrator(#Copyright - Sean Chambers 2008-2010 releaseTWrapNonExceptionThrows _CorExeMainmscoree.dll% @ 8Ph(ȣ(4VS_VERSION_INFO * *?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfod000004b08CommentsFluentMigratorHFileDescriptionFluentMigrator4 FileVersion0.9.0.428 InternalNameMigrate.exel$LegalCopyrightCopyright - Sean Chambers 2008-2010@ OriginalFilenameMigrate.exe@ProductNameFluentMigrator8 ProductVersion0.9.0.42< Assembly Version0.9.0.42 9