# See Pagy::I18n API documentation https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/docs/api/i18n # frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' class Pagy # Pagy i18n implementation, compatible with the I18n gem, just a lot faster and lighter module I18n extend self # Pluralization rules module P11n # Pluralization variables from0to1 = (0..1).to_a.freeze from2to4 = (2..4).to_a.freeze from3to10 = (3..10).to_a.freeze from5to9 = (5..9).to_a.freeze from11to14 = (11..14).to_a.freeze from11to99 = (11..99).to_a.freeze from12to14 = (12..14).to_a.freeze from0to1_from5to9 = from0to1 + from5to9 # Store the proc defining each pluralization RULE # Logic adapted from https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n RULE = { arabic: lambda do |n = 0| mod100 = n % 100 case when n == 0 then 'zero' # rubocop:disable Style/NumericPredicate when n == 1 then 'one' when n == 2 then 'two' when from3to10.include?(mod100) then 'few' when from11to99.include?(mod100) then 'many' else 'other' end end, east_slavic: lambda do |n = 0| mod10 = n % 10 mod100 = n % 100 case when mod10 == 1 && mod100 != 11 then 'one' when from2to4.include?(mod10) && !from12to14.include?(mod100) then 'few' when mod10 == 0 || from5to9.include?(mod10) || from11to14.include?(mod100) then 'many' # rubocop:disable Style/NumericPredicate else 'other' end end, one_other: ->(n) { n == 1 ? 'one' : 'other' }, # default RULE one_two_other: lambda do |n| case n when 1 then 'one' when 2 then 'two' else 'other' end end, one_upto_two_other: ->(n) { n && n >= 0 && n < 2 ? 'one' : 'other' }, other: ->(*) { 'other' }, polish: lambda do |n = 0| mod10 = n % 10 mod100 = n % 100 case when n == 1 then 'one' when from2to4.include?(mod10) && !from12to14.include?(mod100) then 'few' when from0to1_from5to9.include?(mod10) || from12to14.include?(mod100) then 'many' else 'other' end end, west_slavic: lambda do |n| case n when 1 then 'one' when *from2to4 then 'few' else 'other' end end }.freeze # Store the RULE to apply to each LOCALE # the :one_other RULE is the default for locales missing from this list LOCALE = Hash.new(RULE[:one_other]).tap do |hash| hash['ar'] = RULE[:arabic] hash['bs'] = RULE[:east_slavic] hash['cs'] = RULE[:west_slavic] hash['id'] = RULE[:other] hash['fr'] = RULE[:one_upto_two_other] hash['hr'] = RULE[:east_slavic] hash['ja'] = RULE[:other] hash['km'] = RULE[:other] hash['ko'] = RULE[:other] hash['pl'] = RULE[:polish] hash['ru'] = RULE[:east_slavic] hash['sr'] = RULE[:east_slavic] hash['sv'] = RULE[:one_two_other] hash['sv-SE'] = RULE[:one_two_other] hash['tr'] = RULE[:other] hash['uk'] = RULE[:east_slavic] hash['zh-CN'] = RULE[:other] hash['zh-HK'] = RULE[:other] hash['zh-TW'] = RULE[:other] end.freeze end # Stores the i18n DATA structure for each loaded locale # default on the first locale DATA DATA = Hash.new { |hash, _| hash.first[1] } private # Create a flat hash with dotted notation keys def flatten(initial, prefix = '') initial.each.reduce({}) do |hash, (key, value)| hash.merge!(value.is_a?(Hash) ? flatten(value, "#{prefix}#{key}.") : { "#{prefix}#{key}" => value }) end end # Build the DATA hash out of the passed locales def build(*locales) locales.each do |locale| locale[:filepath] ||= Pagy.root.join('locales', "#{locale[:locale]}.yml") locale[:pluralize] ||= P11n::LOCALE[locale[:locale]] dictionary = YAML.safe_load(File.read(locale[:filepath], encoding: 'UTF-8')) raise I18nError, %(expected :locale "#{locale[:locale]}" not found in :filepath "#{locale[:filepath].inspect}") \ unless dictionary.key?(locale[:locale]) DATA[locale[:locale]] = [flatten(dictionary[locale[:locale]]), locale[:pluralize]] end end # Build the default at require time build(locale: 'en') public # Public method to configure the locales: overrides the default, build the DATA and freezes it def load(*locales) DATA.clear build(*locales) DATA.freeze end # Translate and pluralize the key with the locale DATA def translate(locale, key, opts = {}) data, pluralize = DATA[locale] translation = data[key] || (opts[:count] && data[key += ".#{pluralize.call(opts[:count])}"]) \ or return %([translation missing: "#{key}"]) translation.gsub(/%{[^}]+?}/) { |match| opts[:"#{match[2..-2]}"] || match } end alias t translate end end