=begin rdoc This is FireWatir, Web Application Testing In Ruby using Firefox browser Typical usage: # include the controller require "firewatir" # go to the page you want to test ff = FireWatir::Firefox.start("http://myserver/mypage") # enter "Angrez" into an input field named "username" ff.text_field(:name, "username").set("Angrez") # enter "Ruby Co" into input field with id "company_ID" ff.text_field(:id, "company_ID").set("Ruby Co") # click on a link that has "green" somewhere in the text that is displayed # to the user, using a regular expression ff.link(:text, /green/) # click button that has a caption of "Cancel" ff.button(:value, "Cancel").click FireWatir allows your script to read and interact with HTML objects--HTML tags and their attributes and contents. Types of objects that FireWatir can identify include: Type Description =========== =============================================================== button tags, with the type="button" attribute check_box tags, with the type="checkbox" attribute div
tags form frame hidden hidden tags image tags label link (anchor) tags p

(paragraph) tags radio radio buttons; tags, with the type="radio" attribute select_list tags with the type="text" attribute (a single-line text field), the type="text_area" attribute (a multi-line text field), and the type="password" attribute (a single-line field in which the input is replaced with asterisks) In general, there are several ways to identify a specific object. FireWatir's syntax is in the form (how, what), where "how" is a means of identifying the object, and "what" is the specific string or regular expression that FireWatir will seek, as shown in the examples above. Available "how" options depend upon the type of object, but here are a few examples: How Description ============ =============================================================== :id Used to find an object that has an "id=" attribute. Since each id should be unique, according to the XHTML specification, this is recommended as the most reliable method to find an object. :name Used to find an object that has a "name=" attribute. This is useful for older versions of HTML, but "name" is deprecated in XHTML. :value Used to find a text field with a given default value, or a button with a given caption :index Used to find the nth object of the specified type on a page. For example, button(:index, 2) finds the second button. Current versions of FireWatir use 1-based indexing, but future versions will use 0-based indexing. :xpath The xpath expression for identifying the element. Note that the XHTML specification requires that tags and their attributes be in lower case. FireWatir doesn't enforce this; FireWatir will find tags and attributes whether they're in upper, lower, or mixed case. This is either a bug or a feature. FireWatir uses JSSh for interacting with the browser. For further information on Firefox and DOM go to the following Web page: http://www.xulplanet.com/references/objref/ =end module FireWatir include Watir::Exception class Firefox include FireWatir::Container # XPath Result type. Return only first node that matches the xpath expression. # More details: "http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/DOM:document.evaluate" FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9 # Description: # Starts the firefox browser. # On windows this starts the first version listed in the registry. # # Input: # options - Hash of any of the following options: # :waitTime - Time to wait for Firefox to start. By default it waits for 2 seconds. # This is done because if Firefox is not started and we try to connect # to jssh on port 9997 an exception is thrown. # :profile - The Firefox profile to use. If none is specified, Firefox will use # the last used profile. # :suppress_launch_process - do not create a new firefox process. Connect to an existing one. # TODO: Start the firefox version given by user. def initialize(options = {}) if(options.kind_of?(Integer)) options = {:waitTime => options} end # check for jssh not running, firefox may be open but not with -jssh # if its not open at all, regardless of the :suppress_launch_process option start it # error if running without jssh, we don't want to kill their current window (mac only) jssh_down = false begin set_defaults() rescue Watir::Exception::UnableToStartJSShException jssh_down = true end if current_os == :macosx && !%x{ps x | grep firefox-bin | grep -v grep}.empty? raise "Firefox is running without -jssh" if jssh_down open_window unless options[:suppress_launch_process] elsif not options[:suppress_launch_process] launch_browser(options) end set_defaults() get_window_number() set_browser_document() end def inspect '#<%s:0x%x url=%s title=%s>' % [self.class, hash*2, url.inspect, title.inspect] end # Launches firebox browser # options as .new def launch_browser(options = {}) if(options[:profile]) profile_opt = "-no-remote -P #{options[:profile]}" else profile_opt = "" end bin = path_to_bin() @t = Thread.new { system("#{bin} -jssh #{profile_opt}") } sleep options[:waitTime] || 2 end private :launch_browser # Creates a new instance of Firefox. Loads the URL and return the instance. # Input: # url - url of the page to be loaded. def self.start(url) ff = Firefox.new ff.goto(url) return ff end # Gets the window number opened. # Currently, this returns the most recently opened window, which may or may # not be the current window. def get_window_number() # If at any time a non-browser window like the "Downloads" window # pops up, it will become the topmost window, so make sure we # ignore it. window_count = js_eval("getWindows().length").to_i - 1 while js_eval("getWindows()[#{window_count}].getBrowser") == '' window_count -= 1; end # now correctly handles instances where only browserless windows are open # opens one we can use if count is 0 if window_count < 0 open_window window_count = 1 end @window_index = window_count end private :get_window_number # Loads the given url in the browser. Waits for the page to get loaded. def goto(url) get_window_number() set_browser_document() js_eval "#{browser_var}.loadURI(\"#{url}\")" wait() end # Loads the previous page (if there is any) in the browser. Waits for the page to get loaded. def back() js_eval "if(#{browser_var}.canGoBack) #{browser_var}.goBack()" wait() end # Loads the next page (if there is any) in the browser. Waits for the page to get loaded. def forward() js_eval "if(#{browser_var}.canGoForward) #{browser_var}.goForward()" wait() end # Reloads the current page in the browser. Waits for the page to get loaded. def refresh() js_eval "#{browser_var}.reload()" wait() end # Executes the given JavaScript string def execute_script(source) result = js_eval source.to_s wait() result end private # This function creates a new socket at port 9997 and sets the default values for instance and class variables. # Generatesi UnableToStartJSShException if cannot connect to jssh even after 3 tries. def set_defaults(no_of_tries = 0) # JSSH listens on port 9997. Create a new socket to connect to port 9997. begin $jssh_socket = TCPSocket::new(MACHINE_IP, "9997") $jssh_socket.sync = true read_socket() rescue no_of_tries += 1 retry if no_of_tries < 3 raise UnableToStartJSShException, "Unable to connect to machine : #{MACHINE_IP} on port 9997. Make sure that JSSh is properly installed and Firefox is running with '-jssh' option" end @error_checkers = [] end # Sets the document, window and browser variables to point to correct object in JSSh. def set_browser_document # Add eventlistener for browser window so that we can reset the document back whenever there is redirect # or browser loads on its own after some time. Useful when you are searching for flight results etc and # page goes to search page after that it goes automatically to results page. # Details : http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Mozilla.dev.tech.xul#What_is_an_example_of_addProgressListener.3F jssh_command = "var listObj = new Object();"; # create new object jssh_command << "listObj.wpl = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener;"; # set the web progress listener. jssh_command << "listObj.QueryInterface = function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(listObj.wpl) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; };" # set function to locate the object via QueryInterface jssh_command << "listObj.onStateChange = function(aProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus) { if (aFlag & listObj.wpl.STATE_STOP) { if ( aFlag & listObj.wpl.STATE_IS_NETWORK ) { #{document_var} = #{browser_var}.contentDocument; #{body_var} = #{document_var}.body; } } };" # add function to be called when window state is change. When state is STATE_STOP & # STATE_IS_NETWORK then only everything is loaded. Now we can reset our variables. jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") js_eval jssh_command jssh_command = "var #{window_var} = getWindows()[#{@window_index}];" jssh_command << "var #{browser_var} = #{window_var}.getBrowser();" # Add listener create above to browser object jssh_command << "#{browser_var}.addProgressListener( listObj,Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_WINDOW );" jssh_command << "var #{document_var} = #{browser_var}.contentDocument;" jssh_command << "var #{body_var} = #{document_var}.body;" js_eval jssh_command @window_title = js_eval "#{document_var}.title" @window_url = js_eval "#{document_var}.URL" end public def window_var "window" end #private def browser_var "browser" end def document_var # unfinished "document" end def body_var # unfinished "body" end public # Closes the window. def close if js_eval("getWindows().length").to_i == 1 js_eval("getWindows()[0].close()") if current_os == :macosx %x{ osascript -e 'tell application "Firefox" to quit' } end # wait for the app to close properly @t.join if @t else # Check if window exists, because there may be the case that it has been closed by click event on some element. # For e.g: Close Button, Close this Window link etc. window_number = find_window(:url, @window_url) # If matching window found. Close the window. if window_number > 0 js_eval "getWindows()[#{window_number}].close()" end end end # Used for attaching pop up window to an existing Firefox window, either by url or title. # ff.attach(:url, 'http://www.google.com') # ff.attach(:title, 'Google') # # Output: # Instance of newly attached window. def attach(how, what) $stderr.puts("warning: #{self.class}.attach is experimental") if $VERBOSE window_number = find_window(how, what) if(window_number.nil?) raise NoMatchingWindowFoundException.new("Unable to locate window, using #{how} and #{what}") elsif(window_number >= 0) @window_index = window_number set_browser_document() end self end # Class method to return a browser object if a window matches for how # and what. Window can be referenced by url or title. # The second argument can be either a string or a regular expression. # Watir::Browser.attach(:url, 'http://www.google.com') # Watir::Browser.attach(:title, 'Google') def self.attach how, what br = new :suppress_launch_process => true # don't create window br.attach(how, what) br end # loads up a new window in an existing process # Watir::Browser.attach() with no arguments passed the attach method will create a new window # this will only be called one time per instance we're only ever going to run in 1 window def open_window if @opened_new_window return @opened_new_window end jssh_command = "var windows = getWindows(); var window = windows[0]; window.open(); var windows = getWindows(); var window_number = windows.length - 1; window_number;" window_number = js_eval(jssh_command).to_i @opened_new_window = window_number return window_number if window_number >= 0 end private :open_window # return the window index for the browser window with the given title or url. # how - :url or :title # what - string or regexp # Start searching windows in reverse order so that we attach/find the latest opened window. def find_window(how, what) jssh_command = "var windows = getWindows(); var window_number = false; var found = false; for(var i = windows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var attribute = ''; if(typeof(windows[i].getBrowser) != 'function') { continue; } var browser = windows[i].getBrowser(); if(!browser) { continue; } if(\"#{how}\" == \"url\") { attribute = browser.contentDocument.URL; } if(\"#{how}\" == \"title\") { attribute = browser.contentDocument.title; }" if(what.class == Regexp) jssh_command << "var regExp = new RegExp(#{what.inspect}); found = regExp.test(attribute);" else jssh_command << "found = (attribute == \"#{what}\");" end jssh_command << "if(found) { window_number = i; break; } } window_number;" window_number = js_eval(jssh_command).to_s return window_number == 'false' ? nil : window_number.to_i end private :find_window # # Description: # Matches the given text with the current text shown in the browser. # # Input: # target - Text to match. Can be a string or regex # # Output: # Returns the index if the specified text was found. # Returns matchdata object if the specified regexp was found. # def contains_text(target) #puts "Text to match is : #{match_text}" #puts "Html is : #{self.text}" case target when Regexp self.text.match(target) when String self.text.index(target) else raise TypeError, "Argument #{target} should be a string or regexp." end end # Returns the url of the page currently loaded in the browser. def url @window_url = js_eval "#{document_var}.location" end # Returns the title of the page currently loaded in the browser. def title @window_title = js_eval "#{document_var}.title" end # Returns the Status of the page currently loaded in the browser from statusbar. # # Output: # Status of the page. # def status js_status = js_eval("#{window_var}.status") js_status.empty? ? js_eval("#{WINDOW_VAR}.XULBrowserWindow.statusText;") : js_status end # Returns the html of the page currently loaded in the browser. def html result = js_eval("var htmlelem = #{document_var}.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; htmlelem.innerHTML") return "" + result + "" end # Returns the text of the page currently loaded in the browser. def text js_eval("#{body_var}.textContent").strip end # Maximize the current browser window. def maximize() js_eval "#{window_var}.maximize()" end # Minimize the current browser window. def minimize() js_eval "#{window_var}.minimize()" end # Waits for the page to get loaded. def wait(last_url = nil) #puts "In wait function " isLoadingDocument = "" start = Time.now while isLoadingDocument != "false" isLoadingDocument = js_eval("#{browser_var}=#{window_var}.getBrowser(); #{browser_var}.webProgress.isLoadingDocument;") #puts "Is browser still loading page: #{isLoadingDocument}" # Raise an exception if the page fails to load if (Time.now - start) > 300 raise "Page Load Timeout" end end # If the redirect is to a download attachment that does not reload this page, this # method will loop forever. Therefore, we need to ensure that if this method is called # twice with the same URL, we simply accept that we're done. url = js_eval("#{browser_var}.contentDocument.URL") if(url != last_url) # Check for Javascript redirect. As we are connected to Firefox via JSSh. JSSh # doesn't detect any javascript redirects so check it here. # If page redirects to itself that this code will enter in infinite loop. # So we currently don't wait for such a page. # wait variable in JSSh tells if we should wait more for the page to get loaded # or continue. -1 means page is not redirected. Anyother positive values means wait. jssh_command = "var wait = -1; var meta = null; meta = #{browser_var}.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('meta'); if(meta != null) { var doc_url = #{browser_var}.contentDocument.URL; for(var i=0; i< meta.length;++i) { var content = meta[i].content; var regex = new RegExp(\"^refresh$\", \"i\"); if(regex.test(meta[i].httpEquiv)) { var arrContent = content.split(';'); var redirect_url = null; if(arrContent.length > 0) { if(arrContent.length > 1) redirect_url = arrContent[1]; if(redirect_url != null) { regex = new RegExp(\"^.*\" + redirect_url + \"$\"); if(!regex.test(doc_url)) { wait = arrContent[0]; } } break; } } } } wait;" wait_time = js_eval(jssh_command).to_i begin if(wait_time != -1) sleep(wait_time) # Call wait again. In case there are multiple redirects. js_eval "#{browser_var} = #{window_var}.getBrowser()" wait(url) end rescue end end set_browser_document() run_error_checks() return self end # Add an error checker that gets called on every page load. # * checker - a Proc object def add_checker(checker) @error_checkers << checker end # Disable an error checker # * checker - a Proc object that is to be disabled def disable_checker(checker) @error_checkers.delete(checker) end # Run the predefined error checks. This is automatically called on every page load. def run_error_checks @error_checkers.each { |e| e.call(self) } end #def jspopup_appeared(popupText = "", wait = 2) # winHelper = WindowHelper.new() # return winHelper.hasPopupAppeared(popupText, wait) #end # # Description: # Redefines the alert and confirm methods on the basis of button to be clicked. # This is done so that JSSh doesn't get blocked. You should use click_no_wait method before calling this function. # # Typical Usage: # ff.button(:id, "button").click_no_wait # ff.click_jspopup_button("OK") # # Input: # button - JavaScript button to be clicked. Values can be OK or Cancel # #def click_jspopup_button(button) # button = button.downcase # element = Element.new(nil) # element.click_js_popup(button) #end # # Description: # Tells FireWatir to click javascript button in case one comes after performing some action on an element. Matches # text of pop up with one if supplied as parameter. If text matches clicks the button else stop script execution until # pop up is dismissed by manual intervention. # # Input: # button - JavaScript button to be clicked. Values can be OK or Cancel # waitTime - Time to wait for pop up to come. Not used just for compatibility with Watir. # userInput - Not used just for compatibility with Watir # text - Text that should appear on pop up. # def startClicker(button, waitTime = 1, userInput = nil, text = nil) jssh_command = "var win = #{browser_var}.contentWindow;" if(button =~ /ok/i) jssh_command << "var popuptext = ''; var old_alert = win.alert; var old_confirm = win.confirm; win.alert = function(param) {" if(text != nil) jssh_command << "if(param == \"#{text}\") { popuptext = param; return true; } else { popuptext = param; win.alert = old_alert; win.alert(param); }" else jssh_command << "popuptext = param; return true;" end jssh_command << "}; win.confirm = function(param) {" if(text != nil) jssh_command << "if(param == \"#{text}\") { popuptext = param; return true; } else { win.confirm = old_confirm; win.confirm(param); }" else jssh_command << "popuptext = param; return true;" end jssh_command << "};" elsif(button =~ /cancel/i) jssh_command = "var old_confirm = win.confirm; win.confirm = function(param) {" if(text != nil) jssh_command << "if(param == \"#{text}\") { popuptext = param; return false; } else { win.confirm = old_confirm; win.confirm(param); }" else jssh_command << "popuptext = param; return false;" end jssh_command << "};" end js_eval jssh_command end # # Description: # Returns text of javascript pop up in case it comes. # # Output: # Text shown in javascript pop up. # def get_popup_text() return_value = js_eval "popuptext" # reset the variable js_eval "popuptext = ''" return return_value end # Returns the document element of the page currently loaded in the browser. def document Document.new(self) end # Returns the first element that matches the given xpath expression or query. def element_by_xpath(xpath) temp = Element.new(nil, self) element_name = temp.element_by_xpath(self, xpath) return element_factory(element_name) end # Return object of correct Element class while using XPath to get the element. def element_factory(element_name) jssh_type = Element.new(element_name,self).element_type #puts "jssh type is : #{jssh_type}" # DEBUG candidate_class = jssh_type =~ /HTML(.*)Element/ ? $1 : '' #puts candidate_class # DEBUG if candidate_class == 'Input' input_type = js_eval("#{element_name}.type").downcase.strip firewatir_class = input_class(input_type) else firewatir_class = jssh2firewatir(candidate_class) end #puts firewatir_class # DEBUG klass = FireWatir.const_get(firewatir_class) if klass == Element klass.new(element_name,self) elsif klass == CheckBox klass.new(self,:jssh_name,element_name,["checkbox"]) elsif klass == Radio klass.new(self,:jssh_name,element_name,["radio"]) else klass.new(self,:jssh_name,element_name) end end private :element_factory # Return the class name for element of input type depending upon its type like checkbox, radio etc. def input_class(input_type) hash = { 'select-one' => 'SelectList', 'select-multiple' => 'SelectList', 'text' => 'TextField', 'password' => 'TextField', 'textarea' => 'TextField', # TODO when there's no type, it's a TextField 'file' => 'FileField', 'checkbox' => 'CheckBox', 'radio' => 'Radio', 'reset' => 'Button', 'button' => 'Button', 'submit' => 'Button', 'image' => 'Button' } hash.default = 'Element' hash[input_type] end private :input_class # For a provided element type returned by JSSh like HTMLDivElement, # returns its corresponding class in Firewatir. def jssh2firewatir(candidate_class) hash = { 'Div' => 'Div', 'Button' => 'Button', 'Frame' => 'Frame', 'Span' => 'Span', 'Paragraph' => 'P', 'Label' => 'Label', 'Form' => 'Form', 'Image' => 'Image', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TableCell' => 'TableCell', 'TableRow' => 'TableRow', 'Select' => 'SelectList', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Anchor' => 'Link' # FIXME is this right? #'Option' => 'Option' #Option uses a different constructor } hash.default = 'Element' hash[candidate_class] end private :jssh2firewatir # # Description: # Returns the array of elements that matches the xpath query. # # Input: # Xpath expression or query. # # Output: # Array of elements matching xpath query. # def elements_by_xpath(xpath) element = Element.new(nil, self) elem_names = element.elements_by_xpath(self, xpath) elem_names.inject([]) {|elements,name| elements << element_factory(name)} end # # Description: # Show all the forms available on the page. # # Output: # Name, id, method and action of all the forms available on the page. # def show_forms forms = Document.new(self).get_forms() count = forms.length puts "There are #{count} forms" for i in 0..count - 1 do puts "Form name: " + forms[i].name puts " id: " + forms[i].id puts " method: " + forms[i].attribute_value("method") puts " action: " + forms[i].action end end alias showForms show_forms # # Description: # Show all the images available on the page. # # Output: # Name, id, src and index of all the images available on the page. # def show_images images = Document.new(self).get_images puts "There are #{images.length} images" index = 1 images.each do |l| puts "image: name: #{l.name}" puts " id: #{l.id}" puts " src: #{l.src}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showImages show_images # # Description: # Show all the links available on the page. # # Output: # Name, id, href and index of all the links available on the page. # def show_links links = Document.new(self).get_links puts "There are #{links.length} links" index = 1 links.each do |l| puts "link: name: #{l.name}" puts " id: #{l.id}" puts " href: #{l.href}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showLinks show_links # # Description: # Show all the divs available on the page. # # Output: # Name, id, class and index of all the divs available on the page. # def show_divs divs = Document.new(self).get_divs puts "There are #{divs.length} divs" index = 1 divs.each do |l| puts "div: name: #{l.name}" puts " id: #{l.id}" puts " class: #{l.className}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showDivs show_divs # # Description: # Show all the tables available on the page. # # Output: # Id, row count, column count (only first row) and index of all the tables available on the page. # def show_tables tables = Document.new(self).get_tables puts "There are #{tables.length} tables" index = 1 tables.each do |l| puts "table: id: #{l.id}" puts " rows: #{l.row_count}" puts " columns: #{l.column_count}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showTables show_tables # # Description: # Show all the pre elements available on the page. # # Output: # Id, name and index of all the pre elements available on the page. # def show_pres pres = Document.new(self).get_pres puts "There are #{pres.length} pres" index = 1 pres.each do |l| puts "pre: id: #{l.id}" puts " name: #{l.name}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showPres show_pres # # Description: # Show all the spans available on the page. # # Output: # Name, id, class and index of all the spans available on the page. # def show_spans spans = Document.new(self).get_spans puts "There are #{spans.length} spans" index = 1 spans.each do |l| puts "span: name: #{l.name}" puts " id: #{l.id}" puts " class: #{l.className}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showSpans show_spans # # Description: # Show all the labels available on the page. # # Output: # Name, id, for and index of all the labels available on the page. # def show_labels labels = Document.new(self).get_labels puts "There are #{labels.length} labels" index = 1 labels.each do |l| puts "label: name: #{l.name}" puts " id: #{l.id}" puts " for: #{l.for}" puts " index: #{index}" index += 1 end end alias showLabels show_labels # # Description: # Show all the frames available on the page. Doesn't show nested frames. # # Output: # Name, and index of all the frames available on the page. # def show_frames jssh_command = "var frameset = #{window_var}.frames; var elements_frames = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < frameset.length; i++) { var frames = frameset[i].frames; for(var j = 0; j < frames.length; j++) { elements_frames.push(frames[j].frameElement); } } elements_frames.length;" length = js_eval(jssh_command).to_i puts "There are #{length} frames" frames = Array.new(length) for i in 0..length - 1 do frames[i] = Frame.new(self, :jssh_name, "elements_frames[#{i}]") end for i in 0..length - 1 do puts "frame: name: #{frames[i].name}" puts " index: #{i+1}" end end alias showFrames show_frames private def path_to_bin path = case current_os() when :windows path_from_registry when :macosx path_from_spotlight when :linux `which firefox`.strip end raise "unable to locate Firefox executable" if path.nil? || path.empty? path end def current_os return @current_os if defined?(@current_os) platform = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ ? java.lang.System.getProperty("os.name") : RUBY_PLATFORM @current_os = case platform when /mingw32|mswin|windows/i :windows when /darwin|mac os/i :macosx when /linux/i :linux end end def path_from_registry raise NotImplementedError, "(need to know how to access windows registry on JRuby)" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ require 'win32/registry.rb' lm = Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE lm.open('SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox') do |reg| reg1 = lm.open("SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox\\#{reg.keys[0]}\\Main") if entry = reg1.find { |key, type, data| key =~ /pathtoexe/i } return entry.last end end end def path_from_spotlight ff = %x[mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == "org.mozilla.firefox"'] ff = ff.empty? ? '/Applications/Firefox.app' : ff.split("\n").first "#{ff}/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin" end end # Firefox end # FireWatir