require 'haml/template/options' require 'haml/engine' require 'haml/helpers/action_view_mods' require 'haml/helpers/action_view_extensions' if defined?(ActionPack::VERSION::STRING) && ActionPack::VERSION::STRING == "2.3.6" raise "Haml does not support Rails 2.3.6. Please upgrade to 2.3.7 or later." end module Haml # The class that keeps track of the global options for Haml within Rails. module Template # Enables integration with the Rails 2.2.5+ XSS protection, # if it's available and enabled. # # @return [Boolean] Whether the XSS integration was enabled. def try_enabling_xss_integration return false unless (ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:xss_safe?) && ActionView::Base.xss_safe?) || # We check for ActiveSupport#on_load here because if we're loading Haml that way, it means: # A) we're in Rails 3 so XSS support is always on, and # B) we might be in Rails 3 beta 3 where the load order is broken and xss_safe? is undefined (defined?(ActiveSupport) && Haml::Util.has?(:public_method, ActiveSupport, :on_load)) Haml::Template.options[:escape_html] = true Haml::Util.module_eval {def rails_xss_safe?; true; end} require 'haml/helpers/xss_mods' Haml::Helpers.send(:include, Haml::Helpers::XssMods) Haml::Compiler.module_eval do def precompiled_method_return_value_with_haml_xss "::Haml::Util.html_safe(#{precompiled_method_return_value_without_haml_xss})" end alias_method :precompiled_method_return_value_without_haml_xss, :precompiled_method_return_value alias_method :precompiled_method_return_value, :precompiled_method_return_value_with_haml_xss end true end end end unless Haml::Util.rails_env == "development" Haml::Template.options[:ugly] ||= true end if Haml::Util.ap_geq_3? Haml::Template.options[:format] ||= :html5 end # Decide how we want to load Haml into Rails. # Patching was necessary for versions <= 2.0.1, # but we can make it a normal handler for higher versions. if defined?(ActionView::TemplateHandler) || (defined?(ActionView::Template) && defined?(ActionView::Template::Handler)) require 'haml/template/plugin' else require 'haml/template/patch' end # Enable XSS integration. Use Rails' after_initialize method # so that integration will be checked after the rails_xss plugin is loaded # (for Rails 2.3.* where it's not enabled by default). # # If we're running under Rails 3, though, we don't want to use after_intialize, # since Haml loading has already been deferred via ActiveSupport.on_load. if defined?(Rails.configuration.after_initialize) && !(defined?(ActiveSupport) && Haml::Util.has?(:public_method, ActiveSupport, :on_load)) Rails.configuration.after_initialize {Haml::Template.try_enabling_xss_integration} else Haml::Template.try_enabling_xss_integration end if Haml::Util.rails_root # Update init.rb to the current version # if it's out of date. # # We can probably remove this as of v1.9, # because the new init file is sufficiently flexible # to not need updating. rails_init_file = File.join(Haml::Util.rails_root, 'vendor', 'plugins', 'haml', 'init.rb') haml_init_file = Haml::Util.scope('init.rb') begin if File.exists?(rails_init_file) require 'fileutils' FileUtils.cp(haml_init_file, rails_init_file) unless FileUtils.cmp(rails_init_file, haml_init_file) end rescue SystemCallError Haml::Util.haml_warn <