import BrandLocalSource from './source/BrandLocalSource.js'; import BrandRemoteSource from './source/BrandRemoteSource.js'; export const DataSource = { LOCAL: 'local', REMOTE: 'remote', }; class BrandDetailModel { constructor() { this.localSource = new BrandLocalSource(); this.remoteSource = new BrandRemoteSource(); this.brandKey = this.getQueryFromUrl('brand_key'); const sourceFromUrl = this.getQueryFromUrl('source'); this.source = sourceFromUrl === DataSource.LOCAL ? DataSource.LOCAL : DataSource.REMOTE; } isLocal() { return this.source === DataSource.LOCAL } isRemote() { return this.source === DataSource.REMOTE } getQueryFromUrl(name) { return this.localSource.getQueryFromUrl(name); } async fetchBrandDetails() { return await this.localSource.fetchBrandDetails(this.brandKey); } async fetchCurrentBrand() { return await this.localSource.fetchCurrentBrand(this.brandKey); } async saveSection(key, configuration) { switch (this.source) { case DataSource.LOCAL: return await this.localSource.saveSection(key, configuration, this.brandKey); case DataSource.REMOTE: // Saving is not supported remotely. Instead, user can export the brand. return default: throw new Error('Unknown data source'); } } async switchToBrand() { return await this.localSource.switchToBrand(this.brandKey); } async checkBrandHealth() { switch (this.source) { case DataSource.LOCAL: return await this.localSource.checkBrandHealth(this.brandKey); case DataSource.REMOTE: // Checking health is not supported remotely yet. return default: throw new Error('Unknown data source'); } } async createNewBrandConfigurations() { return await this.remoteSource.createNewBrandConfigurations(); } async createBrandConfigurationsFromDirectory(dirHandle) { return await this.remoteSource.createBrandConfigurationsFromDirectory(dirHandle); } async getBrandConfigurationsJsonFromDirectory(dirHandle) { return await this.remoteSource.getBrandConfigurationsJsonFromDirectory(dirHandle); } async fetchSolaraVersion() { const versionUrl = ''; try { const response = await fetch(versionUrl); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not okay'); } const data = await response.text(); // Assuming the version is in a line like `VERSION = "x.y.z"` const versionMatch = data.match(/VERSION\s*=\s*["']([^"']+)["']/); if (versionMatch) { return versionMatch[1]; // Return the version } else { throw new Error('VERSION not found'); } } catch (error) { console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error); return null; // Return null or handle the error as needed } } async createBrandDetail(key, name, configurations) { const solaraVersion = await this.fetchSolaraVersion() return { solaraVersion: solaraVersion, brand: {key: key, name: name}, configurations: configurations }; } async exportBrand(key, name, configurations) { try { const data = await this.createBrandDetail(key, name, configurations) const json = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); // Pretty-printing JSON // Create a Blob from the JSON string const blob = new Blob([json], {type: 'application/json'}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // Create a link element to download the Blob const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; = `${key}-solara-configurations.json`; // Set the filename document.body.appendChild(a);; // Programmatically click the link to trigger the download document.body.removeChild(a); // Clean up the DOM // Revoke the object URL after the download URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } catch (error) { console.error('Error downloading brand:', error); alert(error.message); } } } export default BrandDetailModel;