# We initialize this on the .panel (($, window) -> class EffectivePanelSelect defaults: placeholder: 'Please choose' invade: '.row' collapseOnSelect: true resetOnCollapse: true keepFetched: false # Keep any fetched ajax pages in the dom. Otherwise they're removed on reset() showSearch: true ajax: url: '' # /exercises/:id The string ':id' will be replaced with the viewed item value target: '' # #container The string to pass to load panel: null # Our root node. the .panel element input: null # The input[type=hidden] field where we keep the selected value label: null # Contains either a %span.selection-placeholder, or a %span.selection-clear and %span.selection-label selector: null # Root node of the container invading: false # If we're currently invading the closest @options.invade selector constructor: (el, options) -> @panel = $(el) @input = @panel.find("input[type='hidden']") @label = @panel.find('.selection-title') @selector = @panel.children('.selector') @searchVal = @panel.children('.search').find('.search-value') @searchResults = @panel.children('.search').find('.search-results') @tabList = @selector.find('ul.nav').first() @tabContent = @selector.find('.tab-content').first() @options = $.extend({}, @defaults, options) @initTabs() @initEvents() @initInvade() @initAjax() @reset() true # So we need to assign unique IDs to all the group tabs so we can have multiple selectors per page # This should also handle cocoon gem initTabs: -> unique = new Date().getTime() @tabList.find("a[data-toggle='tab']").each (index, item) => item = $(item) href = item.attr('href') tab = @tabContent.children(href) href = href + '-' + unique + index item.attr('href', href) tab.attr('id', href.substring(1)) initEvents: -> @panel.on 'click', '.selection', (event) => @toggle() and true @panel.on 'click', '.selection-clear', (event) => @clear() and false @panel.on 'click', '[data-item-value]', (event) => @val($(event.currentTarget).data('item-value')) and false @panel.on 'click', '[data-fetch-item]', (event) => @fetch($(event.currentTarget).closest('[data-item-value]').data('item-value')) and false @panel.on 'click', '.fetched-clear', (event) => @reset() and false @panel.on 'click', '.fetched-select', (event) => @setVal($(event.currentTarget).data('item-value')) and false @panel.on 'keyup', '.search-value', (event) => @search($(event.currentTarget).val()) and true @panel.on 'keydown', (event) => @searchVal.focus() and true initInvade: -> return if @options.invade == false || @options.invade == 'false' @home = @panel.parent() @away = $("
") initAjax: -> return unless @options.ajax && @options.ajax.url.length @fetched = @selector.find('.fetched') # Rest of these are commands # Expand / Collapse # $('.effective-panel-select').effectivePanelSelect('toggle') toggle: -> if @panel.hasClass('expanded') then @collapse() else @expand() expand: -> @invade() if @options.invade @selector.slideDown 'fast', => @panel.addClass('expanded') @searchVal.focus() collapse: -> @selector.slideUp 'fast', => @panel.removeClass('expanded') @reset() if @options.resetOnCollapse @search('') if @options.resetOnCollapse @retreat() if @options.invade # Invade the nearest '.row' invade: -> target = @home.closest(@options.invade) return unless target.length && !@invading @panel.detach() target.children().hide() @away.append(@panel).show() target.append(@away) @invading = true # Reset to default position retreat: -> target = @away.closest(@options.invade) return unless target.length && @invading @panel.detach() target.children().show() @away.hide() hint = @home.children(':not(label)') if hint.length then @panel.insertBefore(hint) else @home.append(@panel) @invading = false title: (item) -> (item || @label).find('a').clone().children().remove().end().text() # Get / Set / Clear selection val: (args...) -> if args.length == 0 then @input.val() else @setVal(args[0]) # Sets the input value, and the selected value text setVal: (value) -> @input.val(value) if value == null || value == undefined || value == '' @label.html("#{@options.placeholder}") @reset() else $item = @tabContent.find("li[data-item-value='#{value}']").first() label = @title($item) @label.html("x #{label}") if @options.collapseOnSelect then @collapse() else @reset() @panel.trigger 'change' true search: (value) -> # Set html input value, incase this is called from api @searchVal.val(value) unless @searchVal.val() == value # Reset existing search @selector.find('.excluded').removeClass('excluded') value = "#{value}".toLowerCase() results = [] if value == '' @searchResults.html('') return results @tabContent.children(':not(.fetched)').each (_, tabPane) => $tabPane = $(tabPane) tabPaneExcluded = true $tabPane.find('li').each (_, item) => $item = $(item) if $item.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1 results.push($item.data('item-value')) tabPaneExcluded = false else $item.addClass('excluded') true if tabPaneExcluded @tabList.find("a[href='##{$tabPane.attr('id')}']").parent('li').addClass('excluded') if results.length > 0 && @options.showSearch @searchResults.html("#{results.length} result#{if results.length > 1 then 's' else ''} for '#{value}'") @activateTab(results[0]) if @tabList.find('li.active:not(.excluded)').length == 0 # activate first tab if no tab is displayed else @searchResults.html('') results activateTab: (value) -> $item = @tabContent.find("li[data-item-value='#{value}']").first() return false unless $item.length > 0 @selector.find('.active').removeClass('active') $tab_pane = $item.closest('.tab-pane') $tab = @tabList.find("a[href='##{$tab_pane.attr('id')}']").parent('li') $tab_pane.addClass('active') $tab.addClass('active') # Syncs the tabs to the current value reset: -> value = @val() @fetched.children(':not(.effective-panel-select-actions)').remove() if @fetched && @fetched.length && !@options.keepFetched @selector.find('li.selected').removeClass('selected') @selector.find('.active').removeClass('active') if (value == null || value == undefined || value == '') == false $item = @tabContent.find("li[data-item-value='#{value}']").first() $item.addClass('selected').addClass('active') $tab_pane = $item.closest('.tab-pane') if $tab_pane.length $tab = @tabList.find("a[href='##{$tab_pane.attr('id')}']").parent('li') $tab.addClass('selected').addClass('active') $tab_pane.addClass('active') clear: -> @val(null) @search('') @searchVal.focus() false # Ajax fetch and view page fetch: (value) -> return unless @options.ajax && @options.ajax.url.length fetched = @fetched.children("div[data-fetch='#{value}']") if fetched.length == 0 fetched = $("
") fetched = fetched.load(@url(value), (response, status, xhr) => fetched.append('

This item is unavailable (ajax error)

') if status == 'error' ) @fetched.append(fetched) @fetched.parent().find('.active').removeClass('active') @fetched.addClass('active').children(':not(.effective-panel-select-actions)').hide() fetched.show() @fetched.children('.effective-panel-select-actions').find('.fetched-select').data('item-value', value) url: (value) -> return unless @options.ajax && @options.ajax.url.length url = @options.ajax.url.replace(':id', value) # Add a data param url = url + (if url.indexOf('?') == -1 then '?' else '&') + $.param(effective_panel_select: true) # Add target url = url + " #{@options.ajax.target}" if @options.ajax.target # jQuery .load('/things/13 #thing') url $.fn.extend effectivePanelSelect: (option, args...) -> retval = @each @each -> $this = $(this) data = $this.data('effectivePanelSelect') $this.data('effectivePanelSelect', (data = new EffectivePanelSelect(this, option))) if !data retval = data[option].apply(data, args) if typeof option == 'string' $this retval ) window.jQuery, window $(document).on 'click', (event) -> if !$(event.target).closest('.effective-panel-select').length $('.effective-panel-select.initialized.expanded').effectivePanelSelect('collapse')