require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "finstyle" require "rubocop/rake_task" require "rspec/core/rake_task" task default: :test desc "Run specs" do |spec| spec.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" end desc "Run rubocop" do |task| task.options << "--display-cop-names" end desc "Run all tests" task test: [:rubocop, :spec, :unstable] desc "Run unstable channel tests" task "unstable" do if ENV["ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME"].nil? || ENV["ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD"].nil? abort <<-EOS.gsub(/^\s+/, "") Must set ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD environment variables to run unstable tests EOS end Rake::Task["rubocop"].invoke system("bundle exec rspec -t unstable") end desc "Run tests for Travis CI" task ci: [:rubocop, :spec] desc "Render product matrix documentation" task "matrix" do require "mixlib/install/product" doc_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "") puts "Updating doc file at: #{doc_file}", "w+") do |f| f.puts("| Product | Product Key |") f.puts("| ------- | ------------ |") PRODUCT_MATRIX.products.sort.each do |p_key| product = PRODUCT_MATRIX.lookup(p_key) f.puts("| #{product.product_name} | #{p_key} |") end f.puts("") f.puts("Do not modify this file manually. It is automatically rendered via a rake task.") end end