require 'airborne' require 'spaceborne/version' require 'rest-client' require 'byebug' require 'json' # module for apitesting with spaceborne module Spaceborne def json?(headers) headers.key?('Content-Type') && headers['Content-Type'].include?('application/json') end def add_time "TIME: #{'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')}\n" end def add_request if @request_body "REQUEST: #{response.request.method.upcase} #{response.request.url}\n"\ " HEADERS:\n#{JSON.pretty_generate(response.request.headers)}\n"\ " PAYLOAD:\n#{@request_body}\n" else '' end end def add_response "RESPONSE: #{response.code}\n"\ " HEADERS:\n#{JSON.pretty_generate(response.headers)}\n"\ << response_body end def response_body return '' if response.request.method.casecmp('head').zero? str = if json?(response.headers) " JSON_BODY\n#{JSON.pretty_generate(json_body)}\n" else " BODY\n#{response.body}\n" end str end def request_info(str = "\n") str << add_time << add_request << add_response str end def wrap_request yield rescue Exception => e raise e unless response e.message << request_info raise e end end # monkeypatch Airborne module Airborne def json_body @json_body ||= JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError raise InvalidJsonError, 'Api request returned invalid json' end # spaceborne enhancements module RestClientRequester def body?(method) case method when :post, :patch, :put true else false end end def split_options(options) local = {} local[:nonjson_data] = options.dig(:headers, :nonjson_data) options[:headers].delete(:nonjson_data) if local[:nonjson_data] local[:is_hash] = options[:body].is_a?(Hash) local[:proxy] = options.dig(:headers, :use_proxy) local end def calc_headers(options, local) headers = base_headers.merge(options[:headers] || {}) headers[:no_restclient_headers] = true return headers unless local[:is_hash] headers.delete('Content-Type') if options[:nonjson_data] headers end def handle_proxy(_options, local) return unless local[:proxy] RestClient.proxy = local[:proxy] end def calc_body(options, local) return '' unless options[:body] if local[:nonjson_data] || !local[:is_hash] options[:body] else options[:body].to_json end end def send_restclient(method, url, body, headers) if body?(method) RestClient.send(method, url, body, headers) else RestClient.send(method, url, headers) end end def pre_request(options) @json_body = nil local_options = split_options(options) handle_proxy(options, local_options) hdrs = calc_headers(options, local_options) @request_body = calc_body(options, local_options) [hdrs, @request_body] end def make_request(method, url, options = {}) hdrs, body = pre_request(options) send_restclient(method, get_url(url), body, hdrs) rescue RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection => e raise e rescue RestClient::Exception => e if [301, 302].include?(e.response.code) e.response.follow_redirection else e.response end end private def base_headers { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } .merge(Airborne.configuration.headers || {}) end end # Extend airborne's expectations module RequestExpectations def call_with_relative_path(data, args) if args.length == 2 get_by_path(args[0], data) do |json_chunk| yield(args[1], json_chunk) end else yield(args[0], data) end end def exception_path_adder(args) yield rescue Airborne::ExpectationError => e e.message << "expect arguments: #{args}" raise e end def expect_json_types(*args) call_with_relative_path(json_body, args) do |param, body| exception_path_adder(args) do expect_json_types_impl(param, body) end end end def expect_json(*args) call_with_relative_path(json_body, args) do |param, body| exception_path_adder(args) do expect_json_impl(param, body) end end end def expect_header_types(*args) call_with_relative_path(response.headers, args) do |param, body| exception_path_adder(args) do expect_json_types_impl(param, body) end end end def expect_header(*args) call_with_relative_path(response.headers, args) do |param, body| exception_path_adder(args) do expect_json_impl(param, body) end end end end # extension to handle hash value checking module PathMatcher def do_process_json(part, json) json = process_json(part, json) rescue StandardError raise PathError, "Expected #{json.class}\nto be an object with property #{part}" end def handle_container(json, &block) case when 'Array' expect_all(json, &block) when 'Hash' json.each do |k, _v| yield json[k] end end end def handle_type(type, path, json, &block) if type == '*' handle_container(json, &block) elsif type == '?' expect_one(path, json, &block) else yield json end end def iterate_path(path) raise PathError, "Invalid Path, contains '..'" if /\.\./ =~ path parts = path.to_s.split('.') parts.each_with_index do |part, index| yield(parts, part, index) end end def get_by_path(path, json, type = false, &block) iterate_path(path) do |parts, part, index| if %w[* ?].include?(part) ensure_array_or_hash(path, json) type = part walk_with_path(type, index, path, parts, json, &block) && return if index < parts.length.pred next end json = do_process_json(part, json) end handle_type(type, path, json, &block) end def ensure_array_or_hash(path, json) return if json.class == Array || json.class == Hash raise RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, "Expected #{path} to be array or hash, got #{json.class}"\ ' from JSON response' end end end