require 'r10k/module/forge' require 'spec_helper' describe R10K::Module::Forge do # TODO: make these *unit* tests not depend on a real module on the real Forge :( include_context 'fail on execution' let(:fixture_modulepath) { File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/module/forge', PROJECT_ROOT) } let(:empty_modulepath) { File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/empty', PROJECT_ROOT) } describe "statically determined version support" do it 'returns explicitly released forge versions' do static_version = described_class.statically_defined_version('branan/eight_hundred', { version: '8.0.0' }) expect(static_version).to eq('8.0.0') end it 'returns explicit pre-released forge versions' do static_version = described_class.statically_defined_version('branan/eight_hundred', { version: '8.0.0-pre1' }) expect(static_version).to eq('8.0.0-pre1') end it 'retuns nil for latest versions' do static_version = described_class.statically_defined_version('branan/eight_hundred', { version: :latest }) expect(static_version).to eq(nil) end it 'retuns nil for undefined versions' do static_version = described_class.statically_defined_version('branan/eight_hundred', { version: nil }) expect(static_version).to eq(nil) end end describe "implementing the Puppetfile spec" do it "should implement 'branan/eight_hundred', '8.0.0'" do expect(described_class).to be_implement('branan/eight_hundred', { type: 'forge', version: '8.0.0' }) end it "should implement 'branan-eight_hundred', '8.0.0'" do expect(described_class).to be_implement('branan-eight_hundred', { type: 'forge', version: '8.0.0' }) end end describe "implementing the standard options interface" do it "should implement {type: forge}" do expect(described_class).to be_implement('branan-eight_hundred', { type: 'forge', version: '8.0.0', source: 'not implemented' }) end end describe "setting attributes" do subject {'branan/eight_hundred', '/moduledir', { version: '8.0.0' }) } it "sets the name" do expect( eq 'eight_hundred' end it "sets the author" do expect( eq 'branan' end it "sets the dirname" do expect(subject.dirname).to eq '/moduledir' end it "sets the title" do expect(subject.title).to eq 'branan-eight_hundred' end end describe "invalid attributes" do it "errors on invalid versions" do expect {'branan/eight_hundred', '/moduledir', { version: '_8.0.0_' }) }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /version/ end end describe "properties" do subject {'branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) } it "sets the module type to :forge" do expect( include(:type => :forge) end it "sets the expected version" do expect( include(:expected => '8.0.0') end it "sets the actual version" do expect(subject).to receive(:current_version).and_return('0.8.0') expect( include(:actual => '0.8.0') end end context "when a module is deprecated" do subject {'puppetlabs/corosync', fixture_modulepath, { version: :latest }) } it "warns on sync if module is not already insync" do allow(subject).to receive(:status).and_return(:absent) allow(R10K::Forge::ModuleRelease).to receive(:new).and_return(double('mod_release', install: true)) logger_dbl = double(Log4r::Logger) allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger_dbl) allow(logger_dbl).to receive(:info).with(/Deploying module to.*/) allow(logger_dbl).to receive(:debug2).with(/No spec dir detected/) expect(logger_dbl).to receive(:warn).with(/puppet forge module.*puppetlabs-corosync.*has been deprecated/i) subject.sync end it "does not warn on sync if module is already insync" do allow(subject).to receive(:status).and_return(:insync) logger_dbl = double(Log4r::Logger) allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger_dbl) allow(logger_dbl).to receive(:info).with(/Deploying module to.*/) allow(logger_dbl).to receive(:debug2).with(/No spec dir detected/) expect(logger_dbl).to_not receive(:warn).with(/puppet forge module.*puppetlabs-corosync.*has been deprecated/i) subject.sync end end describe '#expected_version' do it "returns an explicitly given expected version" do subject ='branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) expect(subject.expected_version).to eq '8.0.0' end it "uses the latest version from the forge when the version is :latest" do subject ='branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: :latest }) release = double("Module Release", version: '8.8.8') expect(subject.v3_module).to receive(:current_release).and_return(release).twice expect(subject.expected_version).to eq '8.8.8' end it "throws when there are no available versions" do subject ='branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: :latest }) expect(subject.v3_module).to receive(:current_release).and_return(nil) expect { subject.expected_version }.to raise_error(PuppetForge::ReleaseNotFound) end end describe "determining the status" do subject {'branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) } it "is :absent if the module directory is absent" do allow(subject).to receive(:exist?).and_return false expect(subject.status).to eq :absent end it "is :mismatched if there is no module metadata" do allow(subject).to receive(:exist?).and_return true allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_return false expect(subject.status).to eq :mismatched end it "is :mismatched if module was previously a git checkout" do allow(File).to receive(:directory?).and_return true expect(subject.status).to eq :mismatched end it "is :mismatched if the metadata author doesn't match the expected author" do allow(subject).to receive(:exist?).and_return true allow(subject.instance_variable_get(:@metadata_file)).to receive(:read).and_return subject.metadata allow(subject.metadata).to receive(:full_module_name).and_return 'blargh-blargh' expect(subject.status).to eq :mismatched end it "is :outdated if the metadata version doesn't match the expected version" do allow(subject).to receive(:exist?).and_return true allow(subject.instance_variable_get(:@metadata_file)).to receive(:read).and_return subject.metadata allow(subject.metadata).to receive(:version).and_return '7.0.0' expect(subject.status).to eq :outdated end it "is :insync if the version and the author are in sync" do allow(subject).to receive(:exist?).and_return true expect(subject.status).to eq :insync end end describe "#sync" do subject {'branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) } context "syncing the repo" do let(:module_org) { "coolorg" } let(:module_name) { "coolmod" } let(:title) { "#{module_org}-#{module_name}" } let(:dirname) { } let(:spec_path) { dirname + module_name + 'spec' } subject {, dirname, {}) } it 'defaults to keeping the spec dir' do FileUtils.mkdir_p(spec_path) expect(subject).to receive(:status).and_return(:absent) expect(subject).to receive(:install) subject.sync expect(Dir.exist?(spec_path)).to eq true end end it 'does nothing when the module is in sync' do allow(subject).to receive(:status).and_return :insync expect(subject).to receive(:install).never expect(subject).to receive(:upgrade).never expect(subject).to receive(:reinstall).never expect(subject.sync).to be false end it 'reinstalls the module when it is mismatched' do allow(subject).to receive(:status).and_return :mismatched expect(subject).to receive(:reinstall) expect(subject.sync).to be true end it 'upgrades the module when it is outdated' do allow(subject).to receive(:status).and_return :outdated expect(subject).to receive(:upgrade) expect(subject.sync).to be true end it 'installs the module when it is absent' do allow(subject).to receive(:status).and_return :absent expect(subject).to receive(:install) expect(subject.sync).to be true end it 'returns false if `should_sync?` is false' do # modules do not sync if they are not requested mod ='my_org/my_mod', '/path/to/mod', { overrides: { modules: { requested_modules: ['other_mod'] } } }) expect(mod.sync).to be false end end describe '#install' do it 'installs the module from the forge' do subject ='branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) release = instance_double('R10K::Forge::ModuleRelease') expect(R10K::Forge::ModuleRelease).to receive(:new).with('branan-eight_hundred', '8.0.0').and_return(release) expect(release).to receive(:install).with(subject.path) subject.install end end describe '#uninstall' do it 'removes the module path' do subject ='branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with(subject.path.to_s) subject.uninstall end end describe '#reinstall' do it 'uninstalls and then installs the module' do subject ='branan/eight_hundred', fixture_modulepath, { version: '8.0.0' }) expect(subject).to receive(:uninstall) expect(subject).to receive(:install) subject.reinstall end end end