# typed: strict
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'open-uri'
require 'faraday'
require 'faraday/multipart'
require 'faraday/net_http_persistent'
require 'jwt'
require 'time'
require 'sorbet-runtime'
require 'stream-chat/channel'
require 'stream-chat/errors'
require 'stream-chat/stream_response'
require 'stream-chat/version'
require 'stream-chat/util'
require 'stream-chat/types'
module StreamChat
DEFAULT_BLOCKLIST = 'profanity_en_2020_v1'
SOFT_DELETE = 'soft'
HARD_DELETE = 'hard'
class Client
extend T::Sig
# For now we disable runtime type checks.
# We will enable it with a major bump in the future,
# but for now, let's just run a static type check.
DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'https://chat.stream-io-api.com'
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(String) }
attr_reader :api_key
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(String) }
attr_reader :api_secret
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(Faraday::Connection) }
attr_reader :conn
# initializes a Stream Chat API Client
# @param [string] api_key your application api_key
# @param [string] api_secret your application secret
# @param [float] timeout the timeout for the http requests
# @param [Hash] options extra options such as base_url
# @example initialized the client with a timeout setting
# StreamChat::Client.new('my_key', 'my_secret', 3.0)
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(api_key: String, api_secret: String, timeout: T.nilable(T.any(Float, String)), options: T.untyped).void }
def initialize(api_key, api_secret, timeout = nil, **options)
raise ArgumentError, 'api_key and api_secret are required' if api_key.to_s.empty? || api_secret.to_s.empty?
@api_key = api_key
@api_secret = api_secret
@timeout = T.let(timeout&.to_f || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, Float)
@auth_token = T.let(JWT.encode({ server: true }, @api_secret, 'HS256'), String)
@base_url = T.let(options[:base_url] || DEFAULT_BASE_URL, String)
conn = Faraday.new(@base_url) do |faraday|
faraday.options[:open_timeout] = @timeout
faraday.options[:timeout] = @timeout
faraday.request :multipart
faraday.adapter :net_http_persistent, pool_size: 5 do |http|
# AWS load balancer idle timeout is 60 secs, so let's make it 59
http.idle_timeout = 59
@conn = T.let(conn, Faraday::Connection)
# initializes a Stream Chat API Client from STREAM_KEY and STREAM_SECRET
# environmental variables. STREAM_CHAT_TIMEOUT and STREAM_CHAT_URL
# variables are optional.
# @param [StringKeyHash] options extra options
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(options: T.untyped).returns(Client) }
def self.from_env(**options)
**{ base_url: ENV.fetch('STREAM_CHAT_URL', DEFAULT_BASE_URL) }.merge(options))
# Sets the underlying Faraday http client.
# @param [client] an instance of Faraday::Connection
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(client: Faraday::Connection).void }
def set_http_client(client)
@conn = client
# Creates a JWT for a user.
# Stream uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to authenticate chat users, enabling them to login.
# Knowing whether a user is authorized to perform certain actions is managed
# separately via a role based permissions system.
# You can set an `exp` (expires at) or `iat` (issued at) claim as well.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, exp: T.nilable(Integer), iat: T.nilable(Integer)).returns(String) }
def create_token(user_id, exp = nil, iat = nil)
payload = { user_id: user_id }
payload['exp'] = exp unless exp.nil?
payload['iat'] = iat unless iat.nil?
JWT.encode(payload, @api_secret, 'HS256')
# Updates application settings.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(settings: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_app_settings(**settings)
patch('app', data: settings)
# Returns application settings.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_app_settings
# Flags a message.
# Any user is allowed to flag a message. This triggers the message.flagged
# webhook event and adds the message to the inbox of your
# Stream Dashboard Chat Moderation view.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def flag_message(id, **options)
payload = { target_message_id: id }.merge(options)
post('moderation/flag', data: payload)
# Unflags a message.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def unflag_message(id, **options)
payload = { target_message_id: id }.merge(options)
post('moderation/unflag', data: payload)
# Queries message flags.
# If you prefer to build your own in app moderation dashboard, rather than use the Stream
# dashboard, then the query message flags endpoint lets you get flagged messages. Similar
# to other queries in Stream Chat, you can filter the flags using query operators.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(filter_conditions: StringKeyHash, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def query_message_flags(filter_conditions, **options)
params = options.merge({
filter_conditions: filter_conditions
get('moderation/flags/message', params: { payload: params.to_json })
# Flags a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def flag_user(id, **options)
payload = { target_user_id: id }.merge(options)
post('moderation/flag', data: payload)
# Unflags a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def unflag_user(id, **options)
payload = { target_user_id: id }.merge(options)
post('moderation/unflag', data: payload)
# Queries flag reports.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def query_flag_reports(**options)
data = { filter_conditions: options }
post('moderation/reports', data: data)
# Sends a flag report review.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(report_id: String, review_result: String, user_id: String, details: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def review_flag_report(report_id, review_result, user_id, **details)
data = {
review_result: review_result,
user_id: user_id,
review_details: details
patch("moderation/reports/#{report_id}", data: data)
# Returns a message.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_message(id)
# Searches for messages.
# You can enable and/or disable the search indexing on a per channel basis
# type through the Stream Dashboard.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(filter_conditions: StringKeyHash, query: T.any(String, StringKeyHash), sort: T.nilable(T::Hash[String, Integer]), options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def search(filter_conditions, query, sort: nil, **options)
offset = T.cast(options[:offset], T.nilable(Integer))
next_value = options[:next]
raise ArgumentError, 'cannot use offset with next or sort parameters' if offset&.positive? && (next_value || (!sort.nil? && !sort.empty?))
to_merge = {
filter_conditions: filter_conditions,
sort: StreamChat.get_sort_fields(sort)
if query.is_a? String
to_merge[:query] = query
to_merge[:message_filter_conditions] = query
get('search', params: { payload: options.merge(to_merge).to_json })
# DEPRECATED: Please use upsert_users instead.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(users: T::Array[StringKeyHash]).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_users(users)
warn '[DEPRECATION] `update_users` is deprecated. Please use `upsert_users` instead.'
# DEPRECATED: Please use upsert_user instead.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_user(user)
warn '[DEPRECATION] `update_user` is deprecated. Please use `upsert_user` instead.'
# Creates or updates users.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(users: T::Array[StringKeyHash]).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def upsert_users(users)
payload = {}
users.each do |user|
id = user[:id] || user['id']
raise ArgumentError, 'user must have an id' unless id
payload[id] = user
post('users', data: { users: payload })
# Creates or updates a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def upsert_user(user)
# Updates multiple users partially.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(updates: T::Array[StringKeyHash]).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_users_partial(updates)
patch('users', data: { users: updates })
# Updates a single user partially.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(update: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_user_partial(update)
# Deletes a user synchronously.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_user(user_id, **options)
delete("users/#{user_id}", params: options)
# Deactivates a user.
# Deactivated users cannot connect to Stream Chat, and can't send or receive messages.
# To reactivate a user, use `reactivate_user` method.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def deactivate_user(user_id, **options)
post("users/#{user_id}/deactivate", params: options)
# Reactivates a deactivated user. Use deactivate_user to deactivate a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def reactivate_user(user_id, **options)
post("users/#{user_id}/reactivate", params: options)
# Exports a user. It exports a user and returns an object
# containing all of it's data.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def export_user(user_id, **options)
get("users/#{user_id}/export", params: options)
# Bans a user. Users can be banned from an app entirely or from a channel.
# When a user is banned, they will not be allowed to post messages until the
# ban is removed or expired but will be able to connect to Chat and to channels as before.
# To unban a user, use `unban_user` method.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(target_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def ban_user(target_id, **options)
payload = { target_user_id: target_id }.merge(options)
post('moderation/ban', data: payload)
# Unbans a user.
# To ban a user, use `ban_user` method.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(target_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def unban_user(target_id, **options)
params = { target_user_id: target_id }.merge(options)
delete('moderation/ban', params: params)
# Shadow ban a user.
# When a user is shadow banned, they will still be allowed to post messages,
# but any message sent during the will only be visible to the messages author
# and invisible to other users of the App.
# To remove a shadow ban, use `remove_shadow_ban` method.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(target_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def shadow_ban(target_id, **options)
payload = { target_user_id: target_id, shadow: true }.merge(options)
post('moderation/ban', data: payload)
# Removes a shadow ban of a user.
# To shadow ban a user, use `shadow_ban` method.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(target_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def remove_shadow_ban(target_id, **options)
params = { target_user_id: target_id, shadow: true }.merge(options)
delete('moderation/ban', params: params)
# Mutes a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(target_id: String, user_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def mute_user(target_id, user_id)
payload = { target_id: target_id, user_id: user_id }
post('moderation/mute', data: payload)
# Unmutes a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(target_id: String, user_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def unmute_user(target_id, user_id)
payload = { target_id: target_id, user_id: user_id }
post('moderation/unmute', data: payload)
# Marks all messages as read for a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def mark_all_read(user_id)
payload = { user: { id: user_id } }
post('channels/read', data: payload)
# Pins a message.
# Pinned messages allow users to highlight important messages, make announcements, or temporarily
# promote content. Pinning a message is, by default, restricted to certain user roles,
# but this is flexible. Each channel can have multiple pinned messages and these can be created
# or updated with or without an expiration.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message_id: String, user_id: String, expiration: T.nilable(String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def pin_message(message_id, user_id, expiration: nil)
updates = {
set: {
pinned: true,
pin_expires: expiration
update_message_partial(message_id, updates, user_id: user_id)
# Unpins a message.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message_id: String, user_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def unpin_message(message_id, user_id)
updates = {
set: {
pinned: false
update_message_partial(message_id, updates, user_id: user_id)
# Updates a message. Fully overwrites a message.
# For partial update, use `update_message_partial` method.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_message(message)
raise ArgumentError, 'message must have an id' unless message.key? 'id'
post("messages/#{message['id']}", data: { message: message })
# Updates a message partially.
# A partial update can be used to set and unset specific fields when
# it is necessary to retain additional data fields on the object. AKA a patch style update.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message_id: String, updates: StringKeyHash, user_id: T.nilable(String), options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_message_partial(message_id, updates, user_id: nil, **options)
params = updates.merge(options)
params['user'] = { id: user_id } if user_id
put("messages/#{message_id}", data: params)
# Deletes a message.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message_id: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_message(message_id, **options)
delete("messages/#{message_id}", params: options)
# Queries banned users.
# Banned users can be retrieved in different ways:
# 1) Using the dedicated query bans endpoint
# 2) User Search: you can add the banned:true condition to your search. Please note that
# this will only return users that were banned at the app-level and not the ones
# that were banned only on channels.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(filter_conditions: StringKeyHash, sort: T.nilable(T::Hash[String, Integer]), options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def query_banned_users(filter_conditions, sort: nil, **options)
params = options.merge({
filter_conditions: filter_conditions,
sort: StreamChat.get_sort_fields(sort)
get('query_banned_users', params: { payload: params.to_json })
# Allows you to search for users and see if they are online/offline.
# You can filter and sort on the custom fields you've set for your user, the user id, and when the user was last active.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(filter_conditions: StringKeyHash, sort: T.nilable(T::Hash[String, Integer]), options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def query_users(filter_conditions, sort: nil, **options)
params = options.merge({
filter_conditions: filter_conditions,
sort: StreamChat.get_sort_fields(sort)
get('users', params: { payload: params.to_json })
# Queries channels.
# You can query channels based on built-in fields as well as any custom field you add to channels.
# Multiple filters can be combined using AND, OR logical operators, each filter can use its
# comparison (equality, inequality, greater than, greater or equal, etc.).
# You can find the complete list of supported operators in the query syntax section of the docs.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(filter_conditions: StringKeyHash, sort: T.nilable(T::Hash[String, Integer]), options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def query_channels(filter_conditions, sort: nil, **options)
data = { state: true, watch: false, presence: false }
data = data.merge(options).merge({
filter_conditions: filter_conditions,
sort: StreamChat.get_sort_fields(sort)
post('channels', data: data)
# Creates a new channel type.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(data: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def create_channel_type(data)
data['commands'] = ['all'] unless data.key?('commands') || data['commands'].nil? || data['commands'].empty?
post('channeltypes', data: data)
# Returns a channel types.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(channel_type: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_channel_type(channel_type)
# Returns a list of channel types.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def list_channel_types
# Updates a channel type.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(channel_type: String, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_channel_type(channel_type, **options)
put("channeltypes/#{channel_type}", data: options)
# Deletes a channel type.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(channel_type: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_channel_type(channel_type)
# Creates a channel instance
# @param [string] channel_type the channel type
# @param [string] channel_id the channel identifier
# @param [StringKeyHash] data additional channel data
# @return [StreamChat::Channel]
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(channel_type: String, channel_id: T.nilable(String), data: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::Channel) }
def channel(channel_type, channel_id: nil, data: nil)
StreamChat::Channel.new(self, channel_type, channel_id, data)
# Adds a device to a user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(device_id: String, push_provider: String, user_id: String, push_provider_name: T.nilable(String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def add_device(device_id, push_provider, user_id, push_provider_name = nil)
post('devices', data: {
id: device_id,
push_provider: push_provider,
push_provider_name: push_provider_name,
user_id: user_id
# Delete a device.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(device_id: String, user_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_device(device_id, user_id)
delete('devices', params: { id: device_id, user_id: user_id })
# Returns a list of devices.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_devices(user_id)
get('devices', params: { user_id: user_id })
# Get rate limit quotas and usage.
# If no params are toggled, all limits for all endpoints are returned.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(server_side: T::Boolean, android: T::Boolean, ios: T::Boolean, web: T::Boolean, endpoints: T::Array[String]).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_rate_limits(server_side: false, android: false, ios: false, web: false, endpoints: [])
params = {}
params['server_side'] = server_side if server_side
params['android'] = android if android
params['ios'] = ios if ios
params['web'] = web if web
params['endpoints'] = endpoints.join(',') unless endpoints.empty?
get('rate_limits', params: params)
# Verify the signature added to a webhook event.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(request_body: String, x_signature: String).returns(T::Boolean) }
def verify_webhook(request_body, x_signature)
signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('SHA256', @api_secret, request_body)
signature == x_signature
# Allows you to send custom events to a connected user.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, event: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def send_user_event(user_id, event)
post("users/#{user_id}/event", data: event)
# Translates an existing message to another language. The source language
# is inferred from the user language or detected automatically by analyzing its text.
# If possible it is recommended to store the user language. See the documentation.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message_id: String, language: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def translate_message(message_id, language)
post("messages/#{message_id}/translate", data: { language: language })
# Runs a message command action.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(message_id: String, data: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def run_message_action(message_id, data)
post("messages/#{message_id}/action", data: data)
# Creates a guest user.
# Guest sessions can be created client-side and do not require any server-side authentication.
# Support and livestreams are common use cases for guests users because really
# often you want a visitor to be able to use chat on your application without (or before)
# they have a regular user account.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def create_guest(user)
post('guests', data: user)
# Returns all blocklists.
# A Block List is a list of words that you can use to moderate chat messages. Stream Chat
# comes with a built-in Block List called profanity_en_2020_v1 which contains over a thousand
# of the most common profane words.
# You can manage your own block lists via the Stream dashboard or APIs to a manage
# blocklists and configure your channel types to use them.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def list_blocklists
# Returns a blocklist.
# A Block List is a list of words that you can use to moderate chat messages. Stream Chat
# comes with a built-in Block List called profanity_en_2020_v1 which contains over a thousand
# of the most common profane words.
# You can manage your own block lists via the Stream dashboard or APIs to a manage
# blocklists and configure your channel types to use them.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_blocklist(name)
# Creates a blocklist.
# A Block List is a list of words that you can use to moderate chat messages. Stream Chat
# comes with a built-in Block List called profanity_en_2020_v1 which contains over a thousand
# of the most common profane words.
# You can manage your own block lists via the Stream dashboard or APIs to a manage
# blocklists and configure your channel types to use them.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String, words: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def create_blocklist(name, words)
post('blocklists', data: { name: name, words: words })
# Updates a blocklist.
# A Block List is a list of words that you can use to moderate chat messages. Stream Chat
# comes with a built-in Block List called profanity_en_2020_v1 which contains over a thousand
# of the most common profane words.
# You can manage your own block lists via the Stream dashboard or APIs to a manage
# blocklists and configure your channel types to use them.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String, words: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_blocklist(name, words)
put("blocklists/#{name}", data: { words: words })
# Deletes a blocklist.
# A Block List is a list of words that you can use to moderate chat messages. Stream Chat
# comes with a built-in Block List called profanity_en_2020_v1 which contains over a thousand
# of the most common profane words.
# You can manage your own block lists via the Stream dashboard or APIs to a manage
# blocklists and configure your channel types to use them.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_blocklist(name)
# Requests a channel export.
# Channel exports are created asynchronously, you can use the Task ID returned by
# the APIs to keep track of the status and to download the final result when it is ready.
# Use `get_task` to check the status of the export.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(channels: StringKeyHash, options: T.untyped).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def export_channels(*channels, **options)
post('export_channels', data: { channels: channels, **options })
# Returns the status of a channel export. It contains the URL to the JSON file.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(task_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_export_channel_status(task_id)
# Returns the status of a task.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(task_id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_task(task_id)
# Delete users asynchronously. Use `get_task` to check the status of the task.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_ids: T::Array[String], user: String, messages: T.nilable(StringKeyHash), conversations: T.nilable(String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_users(user_ids, user: SOFT_DELETE, messages: nil, conversations: nil)
post('users/delete', data: { user_ids: user_ids, user: user, messages: messages, conversations: conversations })
# Deletes multiple channels. This is an asynchronous operation and the returned value is a task Id.
# You can use `get_task` method to check the status of the task.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(cids: T::Array[String], hard_delete: T::Boolean).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_channels(cids, hard_delete: false)
post('channels/delete', data: { cids: cids, hard_delete: hard_delete })
# Revoke tokens for an application issued since the given date.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(before: T.any(DateTime, String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def revoke_tokens(before)
before = T.cast(before, DateTime).rfc3339 if before.instance_of?(DateTime)
update_app_settings({ 'revoke_tokens_issued_before' => before })
# Revoke tokens for a user issued since the given date.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_id: String, before: T.any(DateTime, String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def revoke_user_token(user_id, before)
revoke_users_token([user_id], before)
# Revoke tokens for users issued since.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(user_ids: T::Array[String], before: T.any(DateTime, String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def revoke_users_token(user_ids, before)
before = T.cast(before, DateTime).rfc3339 if before.instance_of?(DateTime)
updates = []
user_ids.each do |user_id|
'id' => user_id,
'set' => {
'revoke_tokens_issued_before' => before
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(relative_url: String, params: T.nilable(StringKeyHash), data: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def put(relative_url, params: nil, data: nil)
make_http_request(:put, relative_url, params: params, data: data)
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(relative_url: String, params: T.nilable(StringKeyHash), data: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def post(relative_url, params: nil, data: nil)
make_http_request(:post, relative_url, params: params, data: data)
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(relative_url: String, params: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get(relative_url, params: nil)
make_http_request(:get, relative_url, params: params)
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(relative_url: String, params: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete(relative_url, params: nil)
make_http_request(:delete, relative_url, params: params)
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(relative_url: String, params: T.nilable(StringKeyHash), data: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def patch(relative_url, params: nil, data: nil)
make_http_request(:patch, relative_url, params: params, data: data)
# Uploads a file.
# This functionality defaults to using the Stream CDN. If you would like, you can
# easily change the logic to upload to your own CDN of choice.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(relative_url: String, file_url: String, user: StringKeyHash, content_type: T.nilable(String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def send_file(relative_url, file_url, user, content_type = nil)
url = [@base_url, relative_url].join('/')
body = { user: user.to_json }
body[:file] = Faraday::UploadIO.new(file_url, content_type || 'application/octet-stream')
response = @conn.post url do |req|
req.headers['X-Stream-Client'] = get_user_agent
req.headers['Authorization'] = @auth_token
req.headers['stream-auth-type'] = 'jwt'
req.params = get_default_params
req.body = body
# Check push notification settings.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(push_data: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def check_push(push_data)
post('check_push', data: push_data)
# Check SQS Push settings
# When no parameters are given, the current SQS app settings are used.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(sqs_key: T.nilable(String), sqs_secret: T.nilable(String), sqs_url: T.nilable(String)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def check_sqs(sqs_key = nil, sqs_secret = nil, sqs_url = nil)
post('check_sqs', data: { sqs_key: sqs_key, sqs_secret: sqs_secret, sqs_url: sqs_url })
# Creates a new command.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(command: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def create_command(command)
post('commands', data: command)
# Gets a comamnd.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_command(name)
# Updates a command.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String, command: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_command(name, command)
put("commands/#{name}", data: command)
# Deletes a command.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_command(name)
# Lists all commands.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def list_commands
# Lists all permissions.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def list_permissions
# Gets a permission.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def get_permission(id)
# Creates a new permission.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(permission: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def create_permission(permission)
post('permissions', data: permission)
# Updates a permission.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String, permission: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def update_permission(id, permission)
put("permissions/#{id}", data: permission)
# Deletes a permission by id.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(id: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_permission(id)
# Create a new role.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def create_role(name)
post('roles', data: { name: name })
# Delete a role by name.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_role(name)
# List all roles.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def list_roles
# Create or update a push provider.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(push_provider: StringKeyHash).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def upsert_push_provider(push_provider)
post('push_providers', data: { push_provider: push_provider })
# Delete a push provider by type and name.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(type: String, name: String).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def delete_push_provider(type, name)
# Lists all push providers.
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def list_push_providers
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) }
def get_default_params
{ api_key: @api_key }
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(String) }
def get_user_agent
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) }
def get_default_headers
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Stream-Client': get_user_agent
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(response: Faraday::Response).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def parse_response(response)
parsed_result = JSON.parse(response.body)
rescue JSON::ParserError
raise StreamAPIException, response
raise StreamAPIException, response if response.status >= 399
StreamResponse.new(parsed_result, response)
T::Sig::WithoutRuntime.sig { params(method: Symbol, relative_url: String, params: T.nilable(StringKeyHash), data: T.nilable(StringKeyHash)).returns(StreamChat::StreamResponse) }
def make_http_request(method, relative_url, params: nil, data: nil)
headers = get_default_headers
headers['Authorization'] = @auth_token
headers['stream-auth-type'] = 'jwt'
params = {} if params.nil?
params = (get_default_params.merge(params).sort_by { |k, _v| k.to_s }).to_h
url = "#{relative_url}?#{URI.encode_www_form(params)}"
body = data.to_json if %w[patch post put].include? method.to_s
response = @conn.run_request(