describe 'WebSocketRails:', -> beforeEach -> @url = 'localhost:3000/websocket' WebSocketRails.WebSocketConnection = -> connection_type: 'websocket' flush_queue: -> true WebSocketRails.HttpConnection = -> connection_type: 'http' flush_queue: -> true @dispatcher = new WebSocketRails @url describe 'constructor', -> it 'should set the new_message method on connection to this.new_message', -> expect(@dispatcher._conn.new_message).toEqual @dispatcher.new_message it 'should set the initial state to connecting', -> expect(@dispatcher.state).toEqual 'connecting' describe 'when use_websockets is true', -> it 'should use the WebSocket Connection', -> dispatcher = new WebSocketRails @url, true expect(dispatcher._conn.connection_type).toEqual 'websocket' describe 'when use_webosckets is false', -> it 'should use the Http Connection', -> dispatcher = new WebSocketRails @url, false expect(dispatcher._conn.connection_type).toEqual 'http' describe 'when the browser does not support WebSockets', -> it 'should use the Http Connection', -> window.WebSocket = 'undefined' dispatcher = new WebSocketRails @url, true expect(dispatcher._conn.connection_type).toEqual 'http' describe '.new_message', -> describe 'when this.state is "connecting"', -> beforeEach -> @message = data: connection_id: 123 @data = [['client_connected', @message]] it 'should call this.connection_established on the "client_connected" event', -> mock_dispatcher = sinon.mock @dispatcher mock_dispatcher.expects('connection_established').once().withArgs @dispatcher.new_message @data mock_dispatcher.verify() it 'should set the state to connected', -> @dispatcher.new_message @data expect(@dispatcher.state).toEqual 'connected' it 'should flush any messages queued before the connection was established', -> mock_con = sinon.mock @dispatcher._conn mock_con.expects('flush_queue').once() @dispatcher.new_message @data mock_con.verify() it 'should set the correct connection_id', -> @dispatcher.new_message @data expect(@dispatcher.connection_id).toEqual 123 it 'should call the user defined on_open callback', -> spy = sinon.spy() @dispatcher.on_open = spy @dispatcher.new_message @data expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual true describe 'after the connection has been established', -> beforeEach -> @dispatcher.state = 'connected' @attributes = data: 'message' channel: 'channel' it 'should dispatch channel messages', -> data = [['event',@attributes]] mock_dispatcher = sinon.mock @dispatcher mock_dispatcher.expects('dispatch_channel').once() @dispatcher.new_message data mock_dispatcher.verify() it 'should dispatch standard events', -> data = [['event','message']] mock_dispatcher = sinon.mock @dispatcher mock_dispatcher.expects('dispatch').once() @dispatcher.new_message data mock_dispatcher.verify() describe 'result events', -> beforeEach -> @attributes['success'] = true @attributes['id'] = 1 @event = { run_callbacks: (data) -> } @event_mock = sinon.mock @event @dispatcher.queue[1] = @event it 'should run callbacks for result events', -> data = [['event',@attributes]] @event_mock.expects('run_callbacks').once() @dispatcher.new_message data @event_mock.verify() describe '.bind', -> it 'should store the callback on the correct event', -> callback = -> @dispatcher.bind 'event', callback expect(@dispatcher.callbacks['event']).toContain callback describe '.dispatch', -> it 'should execute the callback for the correct event', -> callback = sinon.spy() event = new WebSocketRails.Event(['event',{data: 'message'}]) @dispatcher.bind 'event', callback @dispatcher.dispatch event expect(callback.calledWith('message')).toEqual true describe 'triggering events with', -> beforeEach -> @dispatcher.connection_id = 123 @dispatcher._conn = trigger: -> trigger_channel: -> describe '.trigger', -> it 'should delegate to the connection object', -> con_trigger = sinon.spy @dispatcher._conn, 'trigger' @dispatcher.trigger 'event', 'message' event = new WebSocketRails.Event ['websocket_rails.subscribe', {channel: 'awesome'}, 123] expect(con_trigger.called).toEqual true describe '.connection_stale', -> describe 'when state is connected', -> it 'should return false', -> @dispatcher.state = 'connected' expect(@dispatcher.connection_stale()).toEqual false describe 'when state is disconnected', -> it 'should return true', -> @dispatcher.state = 'disconnected' expect(@dispatcher.connection_stale()).toEqual true describe 'working with channels', -> beforeEach -> WebSocketRails.Channel = (@name,@dispatcher,@is_private) -> describe '.subscribe', -> describe 'for new channels', -> it 'should create and store a new Channel object', -> channel = @dispatcher.subscribe 'test_channel' expect( 'test_channel' describe 'for existing channels', -> it 'should return the same Channel object', -> channel = @dispatcher.subscribe 'test_channel' expect(@dispatcher.subscribe('test_channel')).toEqual channel describe '.subscribe_private', -> it 'should create private channels', -> private_channel = @dispatcher.subscribe_private 'private_something' expect(private_channel.is_private).toBe true describe '.unsubscribe', -> describe 'for existing channels', -> it 'should remove the Channel object', -> @dispatcher.unsubscribe 'test_channel' expect(@dispatcher.channels['test_channel']).toBeUndefined describe '.dispatch_channel', -> it 'should delegate to the Channel object', -> channel = @dispatcher.subscribe 'test' channel.dispatch = -> spy = sinon.spy channel, 'dispatch' event = new WebSocketRails.Event(['event',{channel: 'test', data: 'awesome'}]) @dispatcher.dispatch_channel event expect(spy.calledWith('event', 'awesome')).toEqual true