require 'graphiti_spec_helpers' ::RSpec.shared_context 'resource testing', type: :resource do |parameter| let(:resource) { described_class } let(:params) { {} } around do |e| begin original = Graphiti::Resource.validate_endpoints Graphiti::Resource.validate_endpoints = false Graphiti.with_context graphiti_context do end ensure Graphiti::Resource.validate_endpoints = original end end def graphiti_context @graphiti_context ||= begin ctx = ctx.current_user = current_user if respond_to?(:current_user) ctx.params = params ctx end end # If you need to set context: # # Graphiti.with_context my_context, {} do # render # end def render(runtime_options = {}) json = proxy.to_jsonapi(runtime_options) response.body = json json end def proxy @proxy ||= begin args = [params] args << base_scope if defined?(base_scope) resource.all(*args) end end def records end def response @response ||= end end RSpec.shared_context 'remote api' do # Fake request headers around do |e| ctx = \ request: Graphiti.with_context(ctx) { } end def mock_api(url, json, call_count = 1) api_response = double(body: json.to_json) # page @params[:fields] = @fields if @fields.present? @params[:extra_fields] = @extra_fields if @extra_fields.present? @params[:stats] = @stats if @stats.present? expect(Faraday).to receive(:get) .with(url, anything, anything) .exactly(call_count).times .and_return(api_response) end end module GraphitiSpecHelpers module RSpec def self.included(klass) klass.send(:include, GraphitiSpecHelpers) ::RSpec.configure do |rspec| rspec.include_context "resource testing", type: :resource end end def self.schema!(resources = nil) ::RSpec.describe 'Graphiti Schema' do it 'generates a backwards-compatible schema' do message = <<-MSG Found backwards-incompatibilities in schema! Run with FORCE_SCHEMA=true to ignore. Incompatibilities: MSG errors = Graphiti::Schema.generate!(resources) errors.each do |e| message << "#{e}\n" end expect(errors.empty?).to eq(true), message end end end end end