## 0.11.13 * Include port in image host. ## 0.11.12 * Revamp Docker URL parsing - Docker URLs shouldn't have a scheme. ## 0.11.11 * Add support for a Docker registry running on localhost. - Correctly parse and handle URLs with specific ports. - Only perform a Docker login if a username is provided. ## 0.11.10 * Fix spelling in error message. ## 0.11.9 * Use correct Docker Hub registry URL (index.docker.io). ## 0.11.8 * Alias Rails `config_map` to `env`. ## 0.11.7 * Properly namespace constant lookup for `Kubernetes::MissingPluginError`. * Add missing `#storage` method for Postgres plugin. ## 0.11.6 * Fix Rails generator. - Causing `undefined method 'module_parent_name'`. Apparently `module_parent_name` wasn't introduced until Rails 6. ## 0.11.5 * Raise friendlier error when attempting to add Docker credentials in the development environment. * Raise friendlier error when attempting to set a username and password for SQLite databases. ## 0.11.4 * Fix bug causing crash when running CLI commands. - Turns out was caused by adding a Sorbet type annotation inside an anonymous singleton class and forgetting to extend `T::Sig`. Thanks @lazyatom! ## 0.11.3 * I've gone back and forth a few times on this, but I decided to put the initializer code back into the Rails generator. ## 0.11.2 * Attempt to auto-require the requested provider if it isn't registered. * Adjust error message when provider can't be found to include reminder to add a require statement. ## 0.11.1 * Use integers for ports instead of strings to appease Kubernetes. ## 0.11.0 * Defer evaluation of database config until after Kuby has been configured. - The issue that prompted this was that the `database` block was being evaluated before the Rails root had been set via `root`. Kuby couldn't find database.yml in a non-standard location and blew up with an error. * Fix tests broken in 0.10.1. * Set up Travis CI builds. * Add a few tests for custom build phases. * Add the `Environment#configured?` method that will return `true` if Kuby has been configured and `false` if configuration hasn't happened or is in progress. * Add sorbet typedefs for some classes. * Fix issue in Rails generator (hadn't been updated with new `environment` block). * Add kuby-core.rb so Bundler setup works for Kuby without having to add a Rails initializer. ## 0.10.1 * Fix bug causing some `rails` and `rake` commands to not be executed. * Fix issue restricting Docker CLI output. ## 0.10.0 * Set default database user and password in dev environment. * Add ability to run rake tasks in dev environment. * Disallow running rails and rake tasks in non-dev environments. * Don't run database config through ERB. - Rails env often isn't loaded, so ERB rendering can blow up with `NoMethodError`s, etc. - All we really need to know is what database engine to stand up. * Require database user/password to be added manually to Kuby config. ## 0.9.1 * Run dev setup when asked to. - Bug caused dev setup to be skipped even when requested. * Deployer should be tolerant of missing namespace. ## 0.9.0 * Add support for developing your app using a local Kubernetes cluster. - Includes a default `:development` Kuby environment. * Remove rake tasks in favor of a `kuby` executable powered by [GLI](https://github.com/davetron5000/gli). * Rename the `minikube` provider to `docker_desktop`, which is more accurate. * Add more tests. * Avoid running commands inside pods that aren't running or that are marked for deletion (#15). * Pass `RAILS_MASTER_KEY` to Docker build (#14). * Add `kuby remote restart` command for manually restarting Rails pods. * Automatically restart Rails pods if deploy doesn't change the Docker image URL (#11). ## 0.8.1 * Fix database config rewriter task. - Broke with refactoring of database config code. * More correctly parse Docker image URLs. - It can be challenging to identify the hostname in image URLs because 1) the host can be omitted, and 2) the scheme is often omitted. - The new strategy is to look for a "." in the first segment of the URL if there is no scheme. It's not bulletproof but is better than what we had before, which was to assume the first segment was the host. Eg. for an image URL like camertron/foo, we would identify the host as "camertron." * Add a number of tests and a Rails dummy app in spec/. ## 0.8.0 * Upgrade to Krane >= 1.1.4, < 2.0. * Remove Krane monkeypatch in ext/. * Implement a Rails static asset server. * Move plugins from `Kuby::Kubernetes` namespace to `Kuby` namespace. - This is to eventually enable plugins to modify the Dockerfile and introduce additional Dockerfiles (i.e. to enable a development mode, etc). * Pass `Environment` instead of `Definition` instances around. - Providers, plugins, etc all take `Definition` instances. `Definition#kubernetes`, for example, returns the Kubernetes spec for the `Environment` specified by `KUBY_ENV` (or the first env defined if `KUBY_ENV` is not set). This is a problem for Kuby configs that specify multiple environments, and causes plugins to make changes to the default environment instead of the one they've been specifically added to. For example, if the `:production` env is defined first, the `:development` env still gets a cluster issuer from cert-manager even though `enable_tls` is set to `false`. ## 0.7.2 * Fix issue causing `Kuby.environment(...)` to raise an `UndefinedEnvironmentError` for existing environments. ## 0.7.1 * Fix timestamp tag parsing regression caused by adding anchor tags to the regex. - Instead, let's rely on `strptime` and return `nil` if it throws an `ArgumentError`. ## 0.7.0 * Automatically perform `docker login` if not already logged into the Docker registry. * Fix timestamp tag parsing issue causing deploy to fail with no available tags. - Issue turned out to be ignoring the month of October in the validation regex. ## 0.6.1 * Fix issue causing database.yml to not be rewritten to point at correct database host. ## 0.6.0 * Don't load the Rails environment when running Kuby's rake tasks. - Kuby's gems are still part of the bundle, but config has been moved out of the initializer and into kuby.rb in the Rails root directory. - Internal classes no longer retain a reference to `Rails.application`. - Kuby config now requires `environment` blocks: ```ruby Kuby.define('my-app') do environment(:production) do ... end environment(:staging) do ... end end ``` * Fix `MissingDistroError` caused by not setting a default distro. * Create a .dockerignore file when running the Rails generator. * Add ability to insert inline Docker layers without having to create a separate class, eg: ```ruby insert :hello, before: :bundler_phase do |dockerfile| dockerfile.run('echo "hello, world"') end ``` * Add Postgres database support. * Don't install sqlite libs by default. * Modify Rails generator - Require kuby and load config safely. - Provide manual access to credentials via `ActiveSupport::EncryptedConfiguration`, which is necessary now that our rake tasks don't load the Rails environment. * Add a convenience method for requesting the amount of block storage for the database. * Add the ability to entirely disable database management via `manage_database false`. * Avoid deploying nginx-ingress if it's already deployed. * Add rake task for running arbitrary `kubectl` commands. ## 0.5.0 * Fix Rails generators issue causing crash at startup. * Add rake task to run arbitrary kubectl commands. ## 0.4.0 * Introduce simple managed package. * Refactor deploy task into its own class. ## 0.3.0 * Fix Krane issue causing incorrect constant lookup and therefore deploy failures. - See: https://github.com/Shopify/krane/pull/720 - Fixed via monkeypatch in lib/ext/krane/kubernetes_resource.rb * Move Docker timestamp tag logic into the `Tags` class. * Refactor Docker timestamp tag logic. * Change deployment names so they're more descriptive of the role (i.e. web, worker, etc) - Rails app deployment changes from [app_name]-deployment to [app_name]-web. - Database deployment changes from [app_name]-[environment]-[adapter] to [app-name]-web-[adapter]. * Add shortcut for specifying number of Rails app replicas. * Move registry secret from the `rails_app` plugin to the Kubernetes spec. * Fix rollback functionality. ## 0.2.0 * Move Kubernetes CLI error classes into kubernetes-cli gem. * Update README to indicate Kuby supports Rails 5.1 and up. * Depend on railties >= 5.1. ## 0.1.0 * Birthday!