Feature: Rails integration Background: Given I generate a new rails application And I run a rails generator to generate a "User" scaffold with "name:string" And I run a paperclip generator to add a paperclip "attachment" to the "User" model And I run a migration And I update my new user view to include the file upload field And I update my user view to include the attachment And I allow the attachment to be submitted Scenario: Configure defaults for all attachments through Railtie Given I add this snippet to config/application.rb: """ config.paperclip_defaults = {:url => "/paperclip/custom/:attachment/:style/:filename"} """ And I attach :attachment And I start the rails application When I go to the new user page And I fill in "Name" with "something" And I attach the file "spec/support/fixtures/5k.png" to "Attachment" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Name: something" And I should see an image with a path of "/paperclip/custom/attachments/original/5k.png" And the file at "/paperclip/custom/attachments/original/5k.png" should be the same as "spec/support/fixtures/5k.png" Scenario: Filesystem integration test Given I attach :attachment with: """ :url => "/system/:attachment/:style/:filename" """ And I start the rails application When I go to the new user page And I fill in "Name" with "something" And I attach the file "spec/support/fixtures/5k.png" to "Attachment" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Name: something" And I should see an image with a path of "/system/attachments/original/5k.png" And the file at "/system/attachments/original/5k.png" should be the same as "spec/support/fixtures/5k.png" Scenario: S3 Integration test Given I attach :attachment with: """ :storage => :s3, :path => "/:attachment/:style/:filename", :s3_credentials => Rails.root.join("config/s3.yml"), :styles => { :square => "100x100#" } """ And I write to "config/s3.yml" with: """ bucket: paperclip access_key_id: access_key secret_access_key: secret_key """ And I start the rails application When I go to the new user page And I fill in "Name" with "something" And I attach the file "spec/support/fixtures/5k.png" to "Attachment" on S3 And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Name: something" And I should see an image with a path of "http://s3.amazonaws.com/paperclip/attachments/original/5k.png" And the file at "http://s3.amazonaws.com/paperclip/attachments/original/5k.png" should be uploaded to S3